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Date: 30.12.2012
From: Sean

Subject: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

Colin posted a really interesting link about this chap that worked over 60 years ago - I see that at recent charity (Arthritis Association 2009) has been set up in the UK using his name.

De-Coti Marsh was citing diet changes for Health as early as 1948 and published a fantastic paper in 1952 - called Prescription for Energy -

This paper says (in 1952!)

"During the next 288 days on this new way of feeding I teach you to gradually discard Bread and to replace it with grated carrots, apples and other carbohydrates."

"The distracted doctors have no time to think of preventing disease; they are worked to death trying to cure it. Fifty years of medical and social progress have quadrupled the number of patients treated by our hospitals and doubled the population of our asylums. Oh lucky citizens of this Welfare State!"

and damningly wrote -

"Will the Ministry of Health never stir himself from its old-fashioned rut and throw even one-tenth of its resources into finding out why more people do not enjoy positive health?
Then it might be worthy of its name.
At present its defeatist outlook would qualify it better for the title Ministry of Disease.

De-Coti Marsh was awarded a Cross of Chevalier for helping 1000's of arthritis sufferers. I think that the fact that a similar practice is bobbling along in the corner of the NHS (see Gail Darlington - Ashtead NHS) shows that this man was a true pioneer but the same battles for alternative practitioners remain.

The Arthritic Association charity now has funds of 6 plus million pounds but do not publish material that freely. Does anyone know of anyone that has used them?

Although this charity has become fairly buoyant off the back of arthritis - no one will surpass the fortunes made by drugs companies by trying to promote diet changes and mineral supplements!
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Date: 30.12.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

hi Sean, had a look at the website of this organisation and find they are suspiciously quiet about what their programme actually is and what they are offering.

Confused about the reason for your post.
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Date: 30.12.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

Hi Sean, I have also looked at the website and there is no written evidence of De-Coti Marsh's work, so this is all circumstantial evidence.
I also do not understand why you have posted this.
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

Hi Bsk
The reason I posted was that Charles De Roti Marsh was mentioned in another thread by Colin and was a response to that post.
Aspects of what he said all these 50 to 60 years ago align really well with the treatment that was given to me in Bansted - 20+ years ago. Colin was right it had been around for ages.
I am also not sure about the Arthritic Association - perhaps I should have used the same thread.
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: Colin

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

Sean , was not going to post here any more , some people with arthritis dont look after themselfs & wont take the drugs , myself used to look into the daily papers medical section every week to see if there is a cure/treatment but after 17 years with RA know not to beleive every thing you read .

looked at the Arthritic Association , all can see on there is how to donate & the healthy eating shows fruit like grapes/oranges & tomatoes that I know make my RA worse & have to avoid them , just compare it to the charities on the link section of the forums which do a lot of work for people suffering from arthritis

found a link online about treatment for arthritis from 1920 to 1960 , its realy interesting & realy gratful to what the doctors have done to improve the quality of life for all arthritis suffers , its about the Mayo Clinic & the Drs Hench and Kendall were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

Hi Sean, please elaborate! What treatment were you given 20 years ago and how did it work, please?

Hi Colin, why weren't you going to post any longer? You are right, there has been a massive improvement for RA sufferers and thank god for that. I'll check your link out.

Happy new year!
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

Hi all, don't let this post turn into another if people don't agree with me I am not posting any more. Colin how peple choose to deal with the Arthritis they have is choice and it must always be what helps them.
We are all in agreement what works for one doesn't work for others. As I have said many times if something works for you good luck!! Sincerely.
Colin please keep posting we love having everyone on this site!!!!!
Take Care

Taake care
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: Linda

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

I suppose i have a different perspective. My late sister had Lupus. A well known drug was implicated in her death. Her docter did not know she had Lupus. She was being treated for something else, otherwise, he perhaps, would not have prescribed it.

It has made me quite wary of pharmaceuticul drugs and their side effects.

As Marlene says, whatever works for you. We are all different.

"One mans poison is another mans medicine".

Happy New Year and may 2013 be pain free.
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

Hi Bsk - you wanted me to's quite complicated

The treatment I was given when I was about 21 - I am now 46 was run by medical doctor J. Mansfield from a clinic in Banstead, Surrey. I do not remember all the details and my pain at the time I started this treatment was only a fraction of what it became a number of years later.

He started with a detox (I think Epsom salts) - then fluids for a period of time to cleanse.

I was then asked to only eat a very limited diet for 1 week - foods that were less likely to cause a reaction -

- Cod
- Sweet Potatoes
- Pears
- Bananas
- Rice ( I think this was allowed)
- A number of other vegetables but not many

After the first week I did not feel much better - then we stuck with it for another week and I did begin to feel a lot less soreness in my joints. Unfortunately I let the irrepairable residual stiffness / damage that I had since 17/18 over rule my judgement of what "better" really is and gave up initiallly - the continuance of the treatment would have taken months of gradual reintroduction of different foods.

I always felt guilty with not sticking with it for longer but I was addicted to my diet - my joke nickname was Mr Stay Puff because of my love of Danish pastries - my social drink was Guinness. I went down hill and developed more damage and long periods of intense soreness in my hips, ribs and back. i also had terrible tiredness until I revisited the idea of food "issues" at about age 26. An alternative therapist in Canterbury "diagnosed" wheat, corn and milk as my issue foods. I was strict with the advice given - switched to pure Rye bread (i think i have since developed an allergy to this too) and had muesli with lots of seeds.

More importantly - I was also given supplements to repair and have been taking them off but mostly on for 20 years -

- Magnesium / Calcium
- Selenium / Zinc (detox for lead and mercury)

It was not much of a surprise that 2 weeks later I was looser in my shoulders, neck and my hip and rib soreness eased. An osteopath that I had only seen a matter of weeks before could not believe my back improvements.

I spent a whole year without wheat, corn, dairy, milk chocolate, refined sugar, coffee - I felt amazing with good health and lots of energy (ran two half marathons at 30). There was always a niggly background inflammation - and this becomes slightly worse from time to time which I have learned from the Internet is caused by my own bacteria in my gut. I could bore you with how I try and tackle this but I think I have rattled on too much.

I am not here to tell anyone what to do - I truly care and would like to help anyone else that is in pain - and call me paranoid but I fear that there are forces at work to maintain drug company profits and demonise this as a quack therapy - living like this can be tough but has become normal for me a bit like people with Celiac - plus I am in control.

Here is a link to the New Scientist article from 1989 (it might have been me as one of the trial patients) - 3 out 4 improved in the controlled clinical trial of the same treatment given to me - knowing what I know makes me passionate to get this information out there - especially to newly diagnosed young people!

On a lighter note three quotes from Thomas Edison that I saw earlier -

Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.

Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!😃
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Charles de-Coti Marsh - Arthritic Association

Sorry New Scientist link does not work...
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