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Date: 29.12.2012
From: Rachel

Subject: Finally Getting Somewhere with the NHS

Hi All,

Just stumbled across this forum, for the past 3 years since sustaining whiplash on an amusement park ride I have suffered with increasing pain, stiffness and loss of movement in my upper body parts.

RA is within my family history and my grandmother also suffered from severe curvature of the spine.

It has taken me 3 years to get anywhere with the NHS, I have seen GP's numerous times who sent me for 1 xray and prescribed ibubroufen and paractemaol (dont work whatsoever!) and basically told me to deal with it.

Being 22 I dont think I should have to put up with the constant sharp pain that radiates down my neck and into my collar bones and shoulder blades, that makes my posture hunched and causes my hands to go numb when I sleep.
I have also started to experience problems with my elbows in the last year which causes them to seize up so that I cannot straighten my arms without feeling physically sick (plus the excruciating pain) for weeks on end!.

Along with all of this my hands are becoming more and more stiff to the point I find it hard to open any bottles/jars etc or to squeeze my shampoo or toothpaste tubes!

I also have to get my partner to help me undress, get out of the bath, reach for things, carry things aswell as wash and tie up my hair for me (when my mobility is really bad).

Its quite scary as I am only 22, finally recently my new GP listened to my plea for further investigation and referred me for blood tests and to attend the local MusculoSkeletal Assessment Service that is near to me.

My bloods came back indicating elevated Rheumatoid Factor.
Since my musculoskeletal appointment with an advanced physiotherapist practitioner I have had multiple shoulder and neck xrays as well as an xray on my elbow (which was "unstraightenable" at the time of appt),
I am also waiting on an MRI scan.

I am due to see a rheumatologist on 8th January, extremely glad that I am finally getting somewhere, annoyed it has taken so long to get even this far, but just hoping that this rheumy appt doesnt dissapoint me!.

I may not even have RA but I sure do want some kind of answer to why I have so many problems!.

Does anyone have any advice for my first rheumy appt? or any advice for what to do for my symptoms? (tried most over the counter things as well as yoga) but open to suggestions :)

Many thanks for reading, feels good to have written this down somewhere, secretly pretty scared about the possibility of having RA!

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Date: 29.12.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Finally Getting Somewhere with the NHS

Hi Rachel, Just tell it like it is. Your bloods will give them some clue as to what is going on and they will examine you and ask about when you have difficulty with your joints - morning stiffness etc. You might get an xray or referral for an ultrasound scan but nothing you need to prepare yourself for at all. Diagnosis is made on bloods and other results plus patient's symptoms.

Not much advice I can offer you re: relief of symptoms. If you do have RA they should get you on a Dmard within three months (that's a disease modifying drug.) They might give you a steroid jab or oral steroids to help you in the short term. Yoga was a disaster for me, made things worse as did other exercise until I got on some drugs.

It is a very scary going through this. I was devastated when I realised I probably had RA but the treatments are good these days and there is a lot of support out there - esp these forums! Some good people out there and lots your age.

Keep on posting and will wait to hear what happens on the 8th.
take care xx
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Date: 29.12.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Finally Getting Somewhere with the NHS

Hi Rachel, just want to say hello and welcome. This forum has been great for me and hope you find this is the same for you. As bsk said please let us know how you get on.

Take Care xx
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Date: 29.12.2012
From: Rachel

Subject: Re: Finally Getting Somewhere with the NHS

Thank you both, certainly will do!
Going to make sure I leave nothing out when I go to my rheumy appointment and make sure I'm listened to fully. Have felt that some GPs before dont do this enough.

Thanks for the luck :)

Rachel x
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