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Date: 23.12.2012
From: marie

Subject: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Hi everyone
I have just been diagnosed with RA i am really scared. I have had to have a chest and foot xray once the results come back i will be started on methotrexate i am worried how i feel with the treatment.I was given a steriod shot in my bum but ive not felt any relieve from it yet.Any advice would be great.
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Date: 23.12.2012
From: Colin

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Hi Marie

sorry about the RA , not nice but aleast your doctors sounds good , the chest xray is to check your ok for the drugs , been on Methotrexate since 1998 myself , its a very good drug for RA if you get on with it , takes a bit of time to kick in so the steriod should help

hope you feel better soon
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Date: 26.12.2012
From: marie

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Thank you for your reply Colin. Did you also have to have a foot xray ?
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Date: 26.12.2012
From: Colin

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

hi Maria

they tend to do xray of feet & hands so they have something to refer to in the future , if you have problems with your ankles they can put an steriod injection into it , dont hurt at all
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Date: 27.12.2012
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Hi Marie

I do not have RA - I have AS. I have posted before on here regarding controlling my AS with diet - 20 years now.

You might find this link interesting -

There are moves afoot by open minded doctors that are trying to slowly change the approach to 'initial advice and treatment'. 'Dr. Gail Darlington' mentioned in the minutes to a government comittee is a specialist Rheumatologist at Epsom Hospital in Surrey.

I see that she has also produced a book - which I will be buying today...

I came across her name when googling for stories from those have eliminated or reduced their arthritis after finding out they are celaic or gluten intolerent (there are lots).

Dont be scared - one way or another things will get under control again!

Best wishes!
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Date: 27.12.2012
From: Matt

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Hi Marie, firstly sorry to hear about your RA! I'm 31 also but was diagnosed nearly 10 years ago. I think it's best to be honest with you; I struggled at the start, both finding the right medication of DMARDs and symptom control, I also found it hard to come to terms with the disease. I'm feeling great now but feel those first few months & years were crucial.

Advice I would give you is: don't "wait to see how things go" if you think something isn't working tell your Rheumy ASAP, push your Rheumy to try something new if you're feeling something isn't responding (DMARDs usually take 10-12 weeks to kick in fully).

You're doing the right thing by talking to people on forums like this to pick up as much info on RA & meds details, do as much reading as poss on different medication so when you talk to your doc you'll have a good start on what's being discussed! Grab as many leaflets as necessary from you clinic, they may make for tough reading at the start but the information could be important in your future.

All the best & enjoy the rest of the Christmas break!

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Date: 28.12.2012
From: Linda

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Very interesting Sean. I have Lupus/Ra and eliminated gluten from diet a few years ago. It has helped my IBS, but i still have pain.

Will check out the book. I really wish i could meet an open minded Doctor!
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Date: 28.12.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

hi marie, i have ra and not had a great time of it, in 3 years i have been on 5 meds and none have helped that good!!! not everyone had bad experiences on treatment so i hope your one of them.

i find it difficult due to having a 3 yr old son and now trying for another baby due to medications not working for a while.

i have add xrays and ultra scan of hands and feet to watch for inflammatory.
i agree with matt don't wait to see what happens as this can cause it to get worse and effect your bones.

thank you sean for your information as linda said it helpd me with my ibs but not with my ra, for 1 it didn't stop the pain and 2, didn't stop inflammation which is what causes the problems, so i would not advice just the gluten free diet as stated above, but everyone as their own choices and do what feels right for you.

good luck x
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Date: 29.12.2012
From: Sean

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Hi Linda / Davina

It's not just gluten - it can be any food at all and can be different for each sufferer. I follow the progress of many arthritis sufferers around the world that are using diet on different forums and although wheat / gluten are top offenders, it can often be eggs, soy, dairy, corn or even sometimes fruit! Or a combinations or food.

I've spent Christmas Eve cooking homemade mince pies made with rice flour and ground almonds - and couldn't use shop bought mincemeat because of the ever present "glucose syrup" from corn and wheat. It's not just bread and gluten - it is watching everything you buy and eat.

The consultant that first treated me over 20 years ago recommended an elimination diet followed by gradual reintroduction of foods - which is tough. So the general advice is cut out the common allergens first then get radical if you need to. (The lady that wrote this book worked with my consultant in the 1980's)

Type "fasting rheumatoid" in to a search and there are hundreds of success stories.

I have been using a form of fasting when I flare - I now switch to a low or no starch diet (no rice, potatoes etc.) - within 3 days I can stop / calm my inflammation - as it's not just food allergy - my autoimmune bit is caused by klebsiella bacteria in the gut and gut damage( from food allergy). In RA the bacteria is purported to be Proteus Mirabilis for PSa it is Steptococus.

My belief is that if the gut is not in good order then for many people a diet approach will not work - as the bacteria will still do their worst.

There are tough choices to make for people that are ijust diagnosed - and the path they choose to take will depend on many things but usually starts with whatever the doc or rheumi tells them to do, and the need for immediate relief.
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Date: 29.12.2012
From: Colin

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

guys , this is over 40 years old with people claiming magic cures for RA , & if any of them worked they would be very rich , they have no understanding at all about how bad RA can be , just because something helped one person it dont mean its a cure for RA

we all know some foods make our RA worst , ie red meat & citrus fruit but for people how dont have RA & no understanding what its like living with RA , it just shows them up

this is the book published in 1971 that first claimed magic cures for arthritis
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Date: 29.12.2012
From: Linda

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

I don't think anyone is talking about a cure Colin. It's about relieving your symptoms and pain and eliminatating foods that can cause problems.

I would actually agree with everything Sean says. I've read this stuff before. It just i think that a strict diet is very hard for most people to follow.

Doctors don't do diets for arthritis, and i don't think they are allowed to recommend supplements. Even so one Hostpital Doctor suggested i try an elimmination diet when i was first diagnosed.
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Date: 29.12.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Of course elimmination is a way to go. The Drs wouldn't suggest diets because nothing is actually proven as Colin said. The problem is people do tend to advertise diets in a cast iron attitude and it is very confusing for new people to inundated with all these different diets.
Colin like myself checks all the potions and lotions and it is all one big market to prey on the vunerable and sick.
Albeit if it makes people feel better then good for them and I mean that most sincerely.
Take Care
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Date: 29.12.2012
From: Victoria

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Hi marie, i am in the same boat as you. Just been diagnosed with RA, and also terrified. I am 39, so a bit older than you ( but still feel so young!). I have been in pain for nearly 6 weeks now. Steroids did nothing for me. I was refered to a rheumatologist, who i saw just before xmas. She sent me for further blood tests and xrays of chest, hands, feet etc. and prescribed me anti inflamms and pain killers until the results of the blood tests come back. By day i am ok, but by the evening i am in agony, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, jaw, elbows, shoulders. Diff parts each night.
My rheumatologist is not back to work till 3 jan, so i am not even close to starting on any dmard meds yet! Very scary. What are your symptoms like?
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Date: 29.12.2012
From: Victoria

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Hi marie, me again. Just saw that you replied to my thread too!
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: henry88

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) usually strikes women between the ages of 30 to 60 and can also occur in children. It's chronic disease it can't be cured.
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Most diseases can't be cured but they can be managed.
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Date: 31.12.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

I have read all of this post with interest, I must admit I got a bit lost with Sean's post but as I said before whatever your believe if it helps you then good. I suffer with chronic OA and have tried so many diets supplements and have now decided nothing ever was achived apart from handing over my money, my purse becoming lighter. The best purchase I made was two hot water bottles from amazon costing £6.00.
I manage with pain killers and the occasional steroid shots. Oh and of course the corrective surgery.Plus just getting on with life the best I can
Take care all and a happy new year
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Date: 07.01.2013
From: robbie

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years old

Hi Marie,
A lot of people on this page are right: you have arthritis because your body can't manage the dirt in our food. It can be any kind of dirt but it sure are chemicals. I got cured from my arthritis by a book of Dr. Giraud Campbell title: Arthritis.
And I do understand people when they are backing off when the doctor telling them: you can't eat any kind of food that is made in a factory.
No coffee, no softdrinks, no alcohol, no smoking, no pastry, no cookies, no prepaired food, no saucises, no hamburgers, no chips, no canned meat, no canned fruit, no canned vegeatables... nothing out of a box, can, bottle... etc. etc.
Dr. Campbell write in his book: expect a miracle. Well my two swollen and very painful joints (finger and toe) were cured after SEVEN days.
I thank the Good Lord that I found this book otherwise I would still suffering from this unbarable pain.
I wish all the people suffering from arthritis a lot of succes.
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