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Date: 08.12.2012
From: Toni

Subject: any opinions please? :) PsA

After reading through a few posts and seeing how lovely you all are I've decided to brave it and post!

I would be really greatful for some opinions on symptoms etc as I'm not convinced by googling so far :)

Here is my story/bit of back ground-

I'm 24, have had psoriasis since I was 14 and stiff joints since I suppose the same time as my psoriasis started. Never really bothered me apart from the stiffness in my knees when standing up from sitting until earlier this year.

Nearly a year ago to the day I gave birth to my youngest son, a natural home birth with no pain relief (reason I'm giving this is to show I do know what pain is lol!) after that I breast fed him for 5 months. Within a couple of weeks of stopping breatfeeding I got a really bad strep throat infection which brough on my worst ever flare of psoriasis and it also happened to be my first flare up in 4 years. This was around May. I also noticed around this time that the stiffness was back in my knees but this time my wrists, fingers and ankles were stiff too. It got worse as the weeks went on until the point where I couldn't even lift up my baby or chase my 3 year old around.

One Saturday in June I woke up with pain and burning in my left knee. When I looked it was swollen 3 times its normal size and had locked into place so I couldn't straighten it or put any weight on it. Not only did it feel burning hot to me but my OH could feel the heat from it too. I honestly didn't think anything of it at the time, thought I must have banged it without realising. I gave in that night and got an appiontment with the out of hours GP. Much to my confustion she was more interested in checking out the rest of my body and pointed out swelling, that to be honest, I had never really paid attention to (had stiffness and discomfort in these joints before but not what I would class as pain). She was really concerned about the swelling and the psoriasis so told me to go to my own GP and said she would note it all for him.
Usually an appointment with a GP in my practice lasts 5 minutes, 10 if you're lucky or half dead! But he had me and the OH in the room for 50 minutes checking me over, asking questions and explaining about arthritis. He said he was 99% sure that I have PsA but some of my joint swelling and family history points to RA. Of course this scared the hell out of me and I still refuse to believe it. He has refered me to the Rhuemy and asked me to make an appointment for bloods (silly I know but I was too scared to find out so I didn't go) still waiting on a letter from the Rhuemy although the GP said it would take months but seriously 6 months? That's a bit long??

The past 3 weeks have been torture. I've been taking dicolfenac and cocodimal but they are helping and more.

I have been near to falling asleep in meeting as I keep getting waves of total exhastion coming over me. I am tired all of the time. I didn't even realise until now that it was possible to wake up more tired than I was when i went to bed the noight before.

I have to set my alarm to wake me 2 hours before my sons usually wake up as it take around that amount of time for me to get out of bed and get the strength to open the milk, lift the kettle etc.

Both my knees have been swollen for over a week now, same size as my thighs. You wouldn't be able to tell them apart. My knukles and wrists feel stiffer than usual and just about everything (or so it seems) hurts.

this is what is hurting right now

Both ankles, right one worse
Both knees (can't straighten the right one at all)
My tail bone
Bottom of my spine
My neck (I can't turn to the left)

I also has weakness and stiffnes in my wrists and fingers/hands.

I tried to cook tonight. What a diaster. I stuggled up, shuffled into the kitchen. I couldn't lift the kettle to make the pasta, couldn't cut the butternut squash and couldn't open the jar of pesto. I finally gave up and had a bit of a tantrum whan I tried to lift a plate of cooked chicken breasts from the fridge and dropped them because of my stupid wrists! i am now in my bedroom writing this because not only did I scare my OH with my outburst but I feel so bad that he doesn't know what to do with me.

Sorry for the long post and thank you so much if you have managed to read this far without giving up.

I suppose I'm just looking for someone to either tell me that my GP is probably wrong and that my symptoms don't add up to either of these things or tell me that it doesn't get much worse than this. I know there are people much younger than me but at only 24 with 2 beautiful young children to look after and the rest of my life to be getting on with the thought of having things not only get worse but there for ever scares me.

I thought it would be better to ask people that know what they are talking about than just trying to find answers from google
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Date: 08.12.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: any opinions please? :) PsA

Hi Toni,

Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear that you are suffering so much and worrying that it may be arthritis that you have. It must be especially hard for you when you are so young and have a young family to look after.

I have had rheumatoid arthritis for around 12 years ago although i believe i have had it a lot longer and i was devasted when i knew i had it.

If it is p/a that you have then you would probably be better finding out sooner rather than later as there are many drugs now that can lesson the side effects of the disease and possibly put it into remission. I know it's very hard to accept but if it is then it's better getting treated, but then again it might not be so i do think that you should get the blood checks to find out what is going on.

I hope you don't have it Toni but if you do then remember it can be treated and then you will feel much better.

Feel free to come on here anytime, i am sure others with experience of p/a will come on and give you some advice.

Take care and let us know how you get on x
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Date: 09.12.2012
From: Linda

Subject: Re: any opinions please? :) PsA

My daughter would be plagued with strep throats and tonsilitis. One particular year she had one sore throat after another plus Guttate Psoriasis. She has since had her tonsils out and has fewer sore throats and no return of the Psoriasis. I have noticed though my little grandaughter has developed Psoriasis, the plaque kind.

I have Lupus/RA, and i have read that Lupus, RA and Psoriasis have a genetic link.

I would try not to worry as Rhona says, once they find the right drugs that suits you, i am sure you will feel a lot better. Take care.
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Date: 09.12.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: any opinions please? :) PsA

Hi Toni,

I had a three month wait for an 'urgent' appt to rheumy but my very good GP got it bought forward to just three weeks so it can be done. But they will need your blood results to do that. Also, any xrays. I was like you, swollen knees, shoulder, hands etc. and couldn't do anything for myself, including getting in an out of bed without terrible pain, couldn't cook or get dressed - your saying you had to get up 2 hours earlier in the morning really resonated with me as I was like that. In retrospect, I wish I had taken myself to A&E now but, like you, wasn't sure what was wrong and kept hoping I would feel better the next day. IF your rheumy apt takes that long, I seriously suggest you think about doing that.

I know how scary and worrying this time can be, it is devastating to think you might have this illness but there is a lot they can do and forums like these are a great support. Lots of young people with children on here and I expect they will post soon and help you.
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Date: 10.12.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: any opinions please? :) PsA

Hi Tony, welcome to the forum I have OA and have had since my middle thirties.
It is hard when you are so young but get your bloods done sweetheart and then the GP can help you sooner whatever the outcome. As the ladies are saying there is lots of help for you.
I wish you luck and hope you feel better soon.
Take Care xx
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Date: 13.12.2012
From: Jan May

Subject: Re: any opinions please? :) PsA

Hi Tony - you should get a letter back from the specialist sooner than 6 months (sure they have to reply within 3).

I have had similar symptoms this year, and it has taken a lot of toing and froing the doctors/hospital to get it sorted - but I am finally starting to recieve treatment. There have been lots of blood tests, taken at intervals to check on inflammation. X-rays too. I'm 45 and it's hit me hard, so I can only imagine how you're feeling when you're so young. You need to get the tests done, as it is those that help to indicate the type of arthritis it is. I have PsA, with OA in my toe. - not the RA that was terrifying me.

The blood tests only take a moment - and as said above, there is now a lot of help available. (Perhaps you are like me - it runs in the family, and I have memories of my grandfather which have instilled a real fear).
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