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Date: 20.11.2012
From: Lee

Subject: Newbie - Arthritis Advice

Hi All,

I have been suffering with low back pain since I was 16 years old due to a cycling accident over the years the pain has grdually got worse but these past few months have been awful especially this week, I wake up with a stiff back every morning but this week its been really bad I cant walk much and pain is shooting from my shoulder blades into my hip where the pain is now constant, the worse the pain gets I have a mettallic taste in my mouth which I have never had before, I have also developed a rash on my back, chest and bit of my arms ive mentioned to doctor before about my low back pain but get shrugged off due to my age I am 28 years old, any advice would be appreciated, is any of this linked to a specific type of arthritis?

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Date: 20.11.2012
From: nicola benbow

Subject: Re: Newbie - Arthritis Advice

Im no expert - but i had a car accident when i was around 18 and have had neck problems ever since - it may be that your body is out of line due to your accident and the colder weather is not going to help. We have a memory foam mattress (which takes some getting used to - but i wouldnt be without it) Try hand reflexology (it has been more effective to me than different treatments - and you can teach yourself!!!
As for the rash - my son has developed a rash and has recently been to the doctors and there is a condition that can come and go (he has) and its not catching called rosa ......(not sure on the other word) it happens in young adults - otherwise it could be stress related as skin conditions occur more when under stress or strain.
Back to your back - it is the core of your body so you need to try and do gentle exercise to keep it in as good condition as you can - you are only young. Hope this helps (I am a RA sufferer - this type of athritis is symetrical so can happen on both sides)
Good Luck
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Date: 20.11.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Newbie - Arthritis Advice

Hi Lee,

It would be very difficult to guess what is wrong with you. It is possible it could be some sort of arthritis or it could be related to your old injury or something else. I think you will have to be firm and go back to the doctor and insist that they do some tests on you to find out what is causing your symtoms. Young people do get arthritis so he shouldn't shrug you off. If you still have the rash it would be good to show him although it may not be connected. I hope you get some answers soon.
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