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Date: 12.11.2012
From: Polly

Subject: Newbie with OA who needs help!

Hi, I have just been diagnosed with OA in my knees which is severe and in my hips which is not so severe. I am 54 and the consultant really wants to replace my knees sooner rather than later. I must admit I am doing a lot of crying and feel overwhelmed. I would love some advice from people who may have had knee replacement surgery (good/bad?)and any tips other than painkillers to help with controlling the pain. Is swimming/ aqua-aerobics good?...Loosing weight important?...I know that consultants see people like me and worse all day, every day, but feel they just give you this information and then leave you to sweat over it! So, any help and advice would be much appreciated. Thank-you
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Date: 12.11.2012
From: Two hip replacements and still going!

Subject: Re: Newbie with OA who needs help!

Hi Polly, I haven't had my knees replaced, but I have had both my hips done. My new hips are really good and allow me to live a relatively normal life (arthritis allowing). I work as a reception teacher. I have ra however and am able to cross train and cycle. I understand that swimming is very good exercise for people with oa, the water helps support your weight and takes the pressure off your joints. Studies show that losing weight helps with arthritis as the more you weigh the more pressure is put on your joints. Some people will say it doesn't help but I feel much better for losing 2 stone. Good luck.
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