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Date: 08.11.2012
From: MadisonRose

Subject: Arthritis? Please help?

Hi all,

I was just wondering if you think this is arthritis pls. My blood results keeping coming back positive for anas which I'm due to have investigated soon by a rheumatologist but I've been told it is a sign of arthritis. Also my knees crack so loudly when I bend down they are sore every day, they lock up about 5-6 times a day and when I straighten my legs to release it they crack really loud. I also have a lump now in one of my knees which my mum think may be a bone spur, I'm only 22 but are these all symptoms of arthritis please help?? Thanks xx
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Date: 09.11.2012
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Arthritis? Please help?

hi , not sure whats going on , the blood test are bit strange but for Rheumatiod Arthritis would expect it to show rhumatiod factor

as for your'e knee , you could get a physiotherapist to look at it , could be a lot quicker than waiting for an appointment at a hospital , some GP can arrange session with private physio .
if it was arthritis would expect your'e knee to swell + grating/cluncking when using it , the cracking dont always mean there is something wrong unless you get pain with it

the locking could be a number of things , one thing that could help is a Patella knee Support like this one , but a physio to look first
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Date: 10.11.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Arthritis? Please help?

Colin, it's not the case you would have positive RF for RA. I'm sero negative so neither of those things show up in my bloods. Though it can change over time.

There are over 200 types of arthritis so it is impossible to guess which sort you may or may not have Madison. I'm afraid diagnosis is often a bit of a waiting game. As for the knees, that is called Crepitus. Sometimes it's an indication of arthritis sometimes it isn't. I had it from a very young age but have only recently been diagnosed with RA (I'm in my 50s.) Again, it could be different for you so talk to your rheumy about it.

I would be somewhat careful about going to a physio to get any kind of diagnosis. They completely missed my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms over a period of 6 weeks, giving me exercises to do which couldn't possibly help given I had an inflammatory disease. I was so ill I was taken into hospital for 2 weeks but they didn't seem to notice! I had to make a formal complaint. So go to your rheumatologist appointment and get your info from them. Best of luck! Let us know how you get on.
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Date: 10.11.2012
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Arthritis? Please help?

bsk - the physio we use is a private one but our GP does pay for 6 appointments with him , there are good & bad ones, he wont touch any joint with heat in it , know not all are the same

the blood results is sometimes linked to juvenile arthritis but could be other reason for it & to get a referal to rheumatologist can take months ,which is why if it was me would try GP or someone else to help , there is loads they could do like NSAIDs , steriod injection , xray & physiotherapy ,
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Date: 10.11.2012
From: Linda

Subject: Re: Arthritis? Please help?

I have lupus and have positive ANAs. I think positive ANAs are an indication of autoimmune disease, not just lupus. I,m not sure but i think you can also have positive ANAs and be healthy. Try not to worry and take care.
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Date: 10.11.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Arthritis? Please help?

I agree physio is good to teach you to keep muscle tone in affected joints however, I wouldn't rely on them in any diagnositic capacity.

My physio department is very good actually but the physios can't possibly know whether your joint problem is a one off or part of a more systemic illness (even supposedly top shoulder consultant didn't pick up I had inflammatory arthritis!) Much more useful to get your GP to push the hospital for earlier appt. I was quite ill so got one in 3 weeks and even that seemed too long. Physio was useless to me at that point.

I didn't have 'heat' in my joints but I couldn't walk or raise my arm. You need to get a proper diagnosis before you can get proper treatment. How can a physio treat you if they don't know what kind of a problem you have? My problem exactly.

But I do agree with going back to gp for interim support.
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