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Date: 07.11.2012
From: Saya

Subject: Psoriatic Arthritis, Medication & Pregnancy

Hi Everyone,

My name is Saya. I'm 33 and was diagnosed with PsA 2yrs ago, having suffered from Psoriasis since I was 17. Ive been reading posts on this forum for about 6 months. Everyone seems really nice and genuine so Im hoping some of you lovely people will be able to help me with some advice too.

My Story:
Initially I was put on oral Prednisolone. After a few months I was also put on Arcoxia. I stayed on this combination for just over a year after which I weaned myself of the Prednisolone. Id gained 1.5 stone in weight, which was making me depressed plus I started to feel that the Prednisolone wasnt working as well as it used to. Since coming of the steroids, the weight fell off thank goodness :o) and I dont feel that the PsA has gotten any worse as a result of just being on the Arcoxia alone.

In May this year my Rheumy put me on Sulfasalazine as more and more of my joints keep getting affected and it seems that the PsA is still very active. Needless to say, I suffered from so many of the side effects from the Sulfasalazine that I felt more ill on that than I did with the PsA. After a nightmarish 3 months I decided to just stick with my Arcoxia and look at some complimentary therapies. I started to exercise almost daily and cleaned up my diet so I mainly eat natural foods that grow on the Earth rather than anything man-made / processed. I also had to give up work as the PsA has spread to a lot of joints and I suffer from fatigue a lot. I now also have weekly Thai massages which help. I find that the massages and exercise help with the morning stiffness. I probably feel the best that I have in the last 2 years.

However, the PsA keeps spreading to more and more joints. I now have PsA in fingers and toes of both hands and feet, one knee, both hips, both shoulder joints and collar bones, as well as the top half of my spine. I cant wear high heels, I cant run, I have problems with holding / gripping things or lifting anything with the slightest weight. I cant bend and lift things of the floor or sit for too long without the pain getting unbearable etc etc.

My Rehumy keeps telling me that I need to go onto a Biologic like Humira or Enbrel as they can help to slow the progression of the disease, rather than just treating the symptoms of pain like the Arcoxia, or at the very least try Methotrexate.

However, my husband and I are thinking of trying for a baby soon, before my PsA progresses to anymore joints. From what I can tell, you cant take Methotraxate when pregnant / trying for a baby, nor can I take my Arcoxia and the Biologics arenāt recommended either. I know you can take Sulfasalazine for the first 6 months of pregnancy but I cant seem to tolerate it.

So Id like to reach out to others out there who suffer from PsA and have been or are pregnant to see how youve coped, what drugs youve been able to take and what advice you can offer. I actually tried reducing my Arcoxia dose by a third to see how I would get on and I was in so much pain that after a week I had to go back up to my usual dose, which doesnt make me pain free but makes the pain more bearable.

I look forward to hearing from anyone thats been in a similar position or can offer any insights or advice.
Sending you all lots of warmth and positivity.
Saya xxx
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Date: 07.11.2012
From: davina

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis, Medication & Pregnancy

Hi saya i have ra and trying for a baby now. i was on methatrexate, plaqueneil, diclafenic, (enbrel) and cimzia.
i have been of meds since begining of march and finding it very difficult.
i am taking co-codamol, zomorph for the night and morphine for the day, plus prednisolone steroids.

if i was you i would try for a baby before the harsh meds because coming of them was harder than if i had never felt the little relieve i had from them. this is only from my experience and this is why i am trying for a baby now before i start differnt meds

take care and you will make the best dicision for you x
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Date: 07.11.2012
From: Kim

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis, Medication & Pregnancy

Hi Saya
I agree totally with Davina and would try for a baby before starting the harsh medication. I have ra and it went into remission both times when I was pregnant though did come back really bad afterwards sos I was not able to breastfeed as had to go back on methotrexate immediately after giving birth.
Good luck xx
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