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Date: 30.12.2008
From: jonathan

Subject: Wish I knew what to do for the best

I've had RA for 6 years. For the first 5 years the symptoms were pretty much under control through using sulfasalazine. The last year I've had a lot worse pains in shoulders, wrists, hands, knees and feet.

I had 3 depo medrone injections between March and July and since May I have been taking cider vinegar and honey and some dietary supplements as I was reluctant to start on methotrexate which is I was offered at the hospital.

I read some stuff about how RA was linked to diet and so I went down this alternative route. The problem is I like chocolate and pies and bakewell tart and lots of cups of tea. I've no idea if there is any truth in this dietary link to RA but I clearly don't have the will to restrict my eating so it seems futile to pay for expensive supplements if I am not prepared to go the whole hog.

Anyway, my rheumatology department are very supportive and are willing to try me on methotrexate so I will prob give this a try in January.

I am a keen cyclist and the last few months it's been difficult and uncomfortable to ride. That's what I want to be able to do the most and I'd really like to go cycle touring in Scotland in May.

It's just hard to know who to believe when it comes to conventional treatment or otherwise. If dietary solutions exist why aren't they embraced by the NHS and if they don't why are there so many people advocating them. I just want to be well and find the mixed messages confusing.
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Date: 31.12.2008
From: phil

Subject: Re: Wish I knew what to do for the best

i dont think it has anything to do with diets jonathan.when i was first told i had it they said it could be down to things like stress/an old injury or it runs in the one in my family has it so its just one of them things and its quite rare in men under 30.i find if i go on the bike it hurts like hell the day after.just trust the docs as they know what there doing and good luck mate.
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Date: 11.01.2009
From: Kylee

Subject: Re: Wish I knew what to do for the best

I can agree with the comment on drugs or diet.
However i can say if you put the to together it helps i find acid drink like orange make me worse i dont no why it just does. I have a 6moth old baby and i put 3stone on while pregnant i have lost 1 but cant move the other 2 as the strain on my joints is stopping me from exercising i eat heathy so the heavier you are worse it gets. So off corse people think its todo with certain foods as most over weight ppl eat the wrong stuff.
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