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Date: 25.09.2012
From: Dandelion

Subject: Avascular Necrosis


I have experienced right hip pain for about a year now. Following physiotherapy, which did not work, I was referred for an MRI scan. I received a phone call from the MRI clinic Dr to inform me that I have a condition called Avascular Necrosis in both hips.

Having searched the internet, and scared myself silly in the process, I am now here.

Apparently I have been referred to an orthopaedic surgeon.

Now all has gone quiet, and I feel a little isolated.

I am a 39 year old Male. I work as a registered Mental Health Nurse on a Hospital ward. I have signed myself off sick until I receive further information from my GP. The only advice that the MRI Dr gave me was to avoid anything "High Impact" and to contact my GP if I require any pain relief.

What happens now?
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Date: 25.09.2012
From: Two hip replacements and still going!

Subject: Re: Avascular Necrosis

Hi Dandelion, I was diagnosed with an avascular necrosis in my right hip at the end of 2005. I was referred to the orthopedic surgeon by my rheumatologist who explained what would happen, but after my initial appointment I had a very long wait for my operation. I had my right hip replaced in august 2006. I had a total hip replacement with an Exeter hip made from titanium and porcelain. I had read on the internet about having to have them re-replaced after 10 years, but my surgeon said it would out live me! After having had my right hip replaced we discovered my left one needed doing as well. I had my second operation in September 2007. I ended up having 2 years off work. My gp started me off on co-codamol for pain and I continued to work full time as a teacher, when the pain became got worse I was put on tramadol (it made me ill) and I was finally given fentanyl. I managed to work until the easter holiday in 06 before finally being signed off.

I'm so glad I had them both done because my new hips are fantastic and the scars are really neat and look quite cool. I recommend physio after you have recovered because my whole posture was out afterward.

Once you have the op they get you out of bed the following day and usually you go home after about 5 days, if you're not me, I was in 9 days both times. I don't react well to general anaesthetic.

I now work full time and have done since 2008. I teach reception. I'm 31.

I hope this information helps. If you want to know anything else let me know. Ruth
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Date: 26.09.2012
From: Dandelion

Subject: Re: Avascular Necrosis

Aww..Thank you Ruth!

Titanium and Porcelain? Very nice..That`s got to be better than boring old bone any day. I am really bored sat at home but I have an appointment with my GP on Friday who may hopefully advise me on what I can and can`t do. I don`t think that I will be able to remain on the ward as it is a bit of a bear pit (The joys of forensic psychiatry) but hopefully they can temporarily redeploy me in an office or something pushing a pen about. But will I be able to return to the ward with two metal hips? I am not sure that I will. I have been referred to occupational health too, which will hopefully clear a few things up.

Is it possible to have AVN (See, I am learning) and not require two new shiny hips?

I am currently on Naproxen 500mg twice a day and Co-Codamol 30/500 as and when required.

All the best!
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Date: 27.09.2012
From: Two hip replacements and still going!

Subject: Re: Avascular Necrosis

I dont see any reason you wouldnt be able to return to your current job once you have had the replacement. I teach a class of 30 4 to 5 year olds full time, this involves being on my feet most of the day, as well as joining in with pe, building houses with big wooden blocks, crawling on the floor etc. The only thing I cant do is cross my legs. I also do the cross trainer and cycle, I did a 50 mile cycle in May this year. I was told by the surgeon I could lead a completely normal life (as normal as you can with RA) after the replacements. I did yoga for about a year until I had a flare and couldnt put weight on my elbows or knees.

In regards to whether an AVN automatically leads to a hip replacement, the answer is yes. It basically means the blood supply to your hip bone has been stopped and bones need blood. Once this happens the bone dies. The ball part of my right hip had collapsed in by the time I had the operation. I dont think having an AVN in one hip means you get one in the other. Do they know what caused yours? Mine was because of 12 years on a very high dose of steroids.

I hope you get the support you need from your employer, I was unlucky I was only on a year contract at my job so they didnt renew it. I ended up on incapacity benefit and then had to prove to prospective employers I was fit to work after explaining the reason for not working for two years.

Good luck.
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Date: 27.09.2012
From: Dandelion

Subject: Re: Avascular Necrosis

I have absolutely no idea why I have AVN in both hips..

I have never taken steroids, apart from hydro-cortisone cream for a mozzy bite.

I have never engaged in deep sea diving, nor am I an alcoholic. I don`t have lupus or any other risk factors.

I must be one of those idiopathic individuals.

Mind you I used to use the treadmill in the gym, and my problems began when I switched to using the rowing machine.

Not sure if that is relevant or not.
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Date: 04.10.2012
From: Dandelion

Subject: Re: Avascular Necrosis

Right! I today I have received a copy of the referral letter to the orthopaedic surgeon.

Apparently I have Avascular Necrosis in both hips.

Severe OA in the right hip with collapse of the femoral head and a large joint effusion.


No wonder it is chuffin` painful.
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Date: 04.10.2012
From: Two hip replacements and still going!

Subject: Re: Avascular Necrosis

At least now you know what you're facing. My femoral head collapsed in my right hip, luckily my left wasn't as bad. Have you managed to speak to your work about getting a less active role for the time being?
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Date: 04.10.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Avascular Necrosis

Hi Dandelion, I've got no idea about your condition but it does sound very painful. Hope you get some treatment very soon.
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