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Date: 24.09.2012
From: Nicola

Subject: Struggling

I am really struggling with what's happening to my body at the moment. I'm being treated for RA with etoricoxib, prednisolone & a DMARD's called Hydroxychloriquine, but haven't had a final diagnosis, as my Rheumy thinks it was caused by a virus (Parvo virus) and it will get better soon!! Has anyone else had this experience? I just feel the Docter might be putting off a diagnosis, as everytime I see home he is surprised I'm still suffering. I'm struggling with trying to hold down a job and look after the house & my two children. I am sero negative. How long did it take you guys to get a diagnosis if you were sero?
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Date: 24.09.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Struggling

Hi Nicola,

for about six months my rheumy hoped it was virus related and then had to start me on the dmards. I was then told it was sero negative inflammatory arthritis and one day noticed it was changed to RA for the diagnosis. So about 1 1/2 years to get RA diagnosis though the treatment is the same as RA.

Perhaps discuss with him about switching to another dmard if the one you are on isn't working. I've been on methotrexate, hydroxy, cimzia and now enbrel - which is the best so far.
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Date: 25.09.2012
From: willis

Subject: Re: Struggling

hi nicola,
I was seen quite quickly after being sent to consultant from doctors. i was put on methotrexate tablets, hydroxychloriquine and was put on prednisolone (steroid)- each week the steroid level came down as the methotrexate went up , then stopped steroids altogether. it wasn't too bad as the steroid had helped but once off that after 3 months had a flare up and terrible pain. they tried me on sulfulsazine but didn't work as allergic and it goes on. I am two years down the line and now on methotrexate injections once a week -6 weeks later - no improvement and signs of active disease - so more steroid injections - feeling bit better but i know once steroid wears off i'll be agony again so they monitoring for TNF's now, have to wait another 6 weeks i would imagine - catch 22 as if no steroid given i can barely walk then given steroid and all tests then are fine! I am sero positive RA. some days i feel i can't cope and i have no small children and work part time now as can't manage a full day.
I can only suggest what bsk has said- go back and speak to doctor to change or add meds
hope you get some result soon and feel better xxx
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Date: 25.09.2012
From: Nicola

Subject: Re: Struggling

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, that was my first post and it's so helpful to know there are other people going through similar battles. It's the bakers cysts at the back of both knees that I'm struggling with at the moment, I think the drugs have really helped the pain & stiffness in hands & feet and can almost bare that just being in the morning, but not being able to walk properly - I'm finding hard. Thanks for the advice, I'm going to email my Rheumatologist.
Nicola :-) x
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