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Date: 12.09.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

The reason i ask is that when i took the above drugs along with anti-inflammatorys my feet got badly swollen, i thought it was some interaction with the anti-inflammatorys that caused it but i was looking at DRUGS.COM and drugs that interacted with each other and it showed MTX and Omperazole did. I am just wondering if anyone else had any problems taking these drugs together.
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

I took these together with no problem Rhona (apart from Mtx giving me ferocious chest infections lol!) I don't take anti inflammatory drugs any longer as I got a blood clot in my throat a few years ago and now I can't as they interact with another med I am on.

I had a look at I understood that Omeprazole increases the toxicity of mtx but side effects unknown in lower doses mtx for RA. As I understand it,that would effect liver and other bloods but whether that would result in swollen ankles is a step too far for me to speculate on!! Worth asking your gp.
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

hi Rhona

been on both for long time , sort of pretty standard because what the drugs do to our stomachs , got loads problem with my feet/ankles but never thought it was linked to them , just RA & problems from it like bad circulation

think you should go back to your GP , you want to know whats causing it , if its edema caused by RA or maybe bad circalation causing the swelling , if its that I would recomend trying a circulation booster (tens for feet & legs )

one way to tell edema is to pressing to swelling with finger & if leaves indentation chances are its that but still see GP

hope you fell better soon
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

Hi Colin, I had omperazole years ago for a suspected ulcer and it didn't cause a problem but last year i was prescribed Lodine (anti-inflammatory) and omperazole and one of my feet got badly swollen, i thought it was the lodine and stopped both and my feet were back to normal within few days.

I was then given naproxen and the same thing happened although it was both feet that time, they were heavy and swollen and very red, i stopped the naproxen thinking it was them and my feet were back to normal again after a few days.

I stayed off the anti-inflammatorys and didn't need the omperazole so all was fine until i was given steroids and again omperazole and the same thing happened to my feet so again i stopped the omperazole and realised it was then that were causing the problem, i continued with the coated steroids and feet were fine.

I felt something i was taking must be interacting with omperazole and on checking the web discovered that mtx and omperazole on the "" site showed them both to interact and it was under "Major Interaction". After further reading it states if you are on high dose of mtx not to take omperazole they are not sure if people with r/a are affected. I suppose we are all different but i think after this happening 3 times it is more than a coincidence.

I have read there is other drugs that you can take other than omperazole that don't interfere with mtx (Ranitidine) was one although don't know what other side effects this one has. If i have to take anti-inflammatorys again i will go for another stomach protector. My feet have recently got sore and i know it is the arthritis this time but before they were red, puffy with purple marks but within days after stopping the omperazole they were back to normal, even though my feet are painful now they dont look the same way.

It may just be me this has happened to and you may well be fine on them, i just wondered if anyone else had this problem but as the sister at the hospital said I've got to be different.

Take care x
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

Thanks bsk for your reply, as i said it is maybe just me that has had a problem with them, we all respond to different medicines in different ways, it could even be the Plaquenil or sulphasalazine although i couldn't see anything about them interacting. I will just avoid them. xx
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

Hi Rhona

never came across that myself , can't take any anti-inflammatorys because they all cause myself asthma attack

having a lovey time with RA myself at moment , was on steriods for two months because of my eye & having a realy nice flare with pretty much every joint playing up now off the steriods, had blood test monday & had phone call today from GP asking me to see them tomorrow , CRP gone up realy high

as for my feet/ankles in 1997 was in hopsital having both ankles injected & after 24 hours bed rest they were both hot , they were injecting the wrong place which they did not tell me so have endded up need fusing in three places of both keels & think now if only they did the right injections could they have saved my joints ,
with this flare my little toes are glowing red & cant put any foot ware on , at least got to see rheumatologist next week & hope he will at last give another anti-tnt

have you tried Cimetidine instead of Omeprazole , it works well , worth taking to your GP & trying something else
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

Sorry to hear that Colin, you have had your time of it. I hope you get on an anti tnf soon. Probably coming off the steroids has caused the flare. I was in hospital back in February my ESR was 95 and CRP over 200, they thought i had an infection but it was just the R/A.

I'm not doing so well either, i think i will get
changed to another biologic as the rituximab hasn't worked too well, I can't bend a couple of my fingers and the middle one on my left had seems to drift to the left then it clicks before it goes back in place and my feet are really sore.

I haven't tried Cimetidine, i was trying not to take anti inflammatorys but think i am going to have to get something else. I have hospital in 2 weeks so hope i get something sorted then.

Really hope things improve soon for you, it's no fun being in pain.

Take care x
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

Well you might well be one of the people who can't take those two drugs together Rhona. You know from your own experience! I take lansoprazole (spelling?). I found it to be more effective than Omep.
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

Looks like it bsk, i will take note of that and the one Colin mentioned, thanks. x
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Date: 12.09.2012
From: Lynne

Subject: Re: Does anyone take methotroxate and omperazole

I take both meds with no problems well only problems with my bloods from mxt
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