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Date: 10.09.2012
From: Joseph

Subject: Does it get easier to cope?

Hello, first of all I should introduce myself, my name is Joseph and I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 11, though I'd had joint pain since I can remember. I'm 24 years old now, and have a simple question for those who've dealt with arthritis and chronic pain for longer then I, does it get any easier?

I ask this question because its been on my mind a lot recently, I've found myself struggling to cope with chronic pain and the idea of even another ten years of coping scares me. Now I've struggled with depression at points in my life, and I'll admit I don't cope all that well (I do my best) but I need to know that with experience, comes better coping skills to handle all the mess arthritis throws at you.

That's all really, thank you for listening. Much appreciated. :)
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Date: 10.09.2012
From: Lynnr

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

Hi Joseph first of all I would like to say I'm so sorry you are struggling to cope I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis just over 2 years ago when I was 33 I like you struggled with the pain and tried drug after drug after drug I could say at the moment pain wise I am feeling a little better after failing the dmards and enbrel anti tnf I am now on humira and it's working the best I've had yet!!! You don't mention what drugs if any you are on? Hopefully with the right drugs and rhumy team they can help to control things a little don't give up!!!

Take care
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Date: 10.09.2012
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

hi Joseph

how has it affected your joints & have you needed any operations because of the RA

the answer is to get the condition under control & having the right treatment like some of the new drugs out

as for depression , it goes with chronic pain , there is several threads on here + National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society has printed something about it , check thier website
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Date: 10.09.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

Hi Joseph, just want to say hello. Of course we all get fed up and scared and worried it is all quite normal. The pain needs good management I hope you have good pain meds.
You sound like a tough cookie to me coping from the young age of 11yrs.
The future can be worrying even if you don't have arthritis. I hope you get some advice and support from the forum. We are here to listen and help when we can.
You take care I am sending you best wishes.
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Date: 11.09.2012
From: Joseph

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

First of all, thank you for the replies.

Right now I'm on Celecoxib and take Zapain capsules for pain (30/500). As a result of the arthritis I was diagnosed with raynaud's syndrome earlier this year which also causes severe hand pain and take Amlodipine 5mg for that right now which seems to be doing a decent job (though the real test will be winter.) Realised I forgot to mention where I'm affected, well I suffer in both knees, ankles and right elbow and as previously mentioned in my hands now. Having severe flat feet only adds to the pressure on joints as you might expect.

Thankfully the condition is stable according to my rheumatologist which I'm grateful for, though I still get flare ups which can be agonising. At the moment I'm contemplating having my meds looked at again, especially the pain meds (having issues with the Zapain, chest pains and such)and have an appointment with my doc real soon.

Remember when I was first diagnosed, all the chats I had basically consisted off 'you'll probably grow out of it, don't worry' and unfortunately I haven't, I wished the doctors had taught me better on what to expect both physical and mentally. I realise I shouldn't be a moaner, I'm sure many of you on here are worse off with your conditions then I and I wish you nothing but a pain-free future, cause being pain free is wonderful.

Thanks again. :)
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Date: 11.09.2012
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

dont know much about Celecoxib , but they could add another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) like methotrexate

the new anti-tnt drugs can be realy effective & if you have not tried any I would ask about them , they can make huge differance to joints playing up , realy you want to protect your joints as much as you can because at some point they may find a cure & at that point the joint that are damage can not be repaired

dont be scared to make a fuss , realy the docs only see you for few minutes & they are happy to see you go & they have a lot of options to try you with
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Date: 11.09.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

Colin, I think Celecoxib is an NSAID, Methotrexate is a Dmard (disease modifying antirheumatic drug) :)

Joseph, it sounds very tough for you. It might be worth having the discussion about your treatment and longer term goals for yourself with your doc. i.e. are they considering moving you onto the next level of drugs etc. I don't know much about JRA and whether the treatment is the same for adult RA.

I find meditating helps a lot for me. NHS run mindfulness courses for people with chronic pain/illnesses. Might be worth seeing if you can get on one of those. Ask your GP. They help you stay focused in a positive way and have helped me stop worrying about the future in quite the same way. There is a lot of support out there if you can access it.
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Date: 11.09.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

Hi Jospeh, I am sorry to heat you have JRA, don't worry about moaning, that is what we are here for and i moan often enough, sometimes in helps lol. It is a worry having a long term health problem, i hope you get plenty of support from your family etc.

I think you should speak to your doctor or rheumatologist about your treatment, they have a lot more now than they had 10 years ago. Try not to think too far ahead, i make myself worse when i do that, relax as much as possible and try and enjoy life as much as you can. Hope you feel better soon x
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Date: 11.09.2012
From: Joseph

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

Thanks Colin, bsk and rhona.

Yeah Celecoxib is an NSAID, been on them for years now. Like I said I have an appointment with my rheumatologist at the beginning of October (was meant to go tomorrow but I'm starting a work related thing) so will be looking to discuss at length about options, think it's about time, that is unless he as another student with him (he seems to have two or three students every time I see him).

My rheum doc knows I've struggled to cope, I was sent to a specialised department they have at the hospital to speak with a psychotherapist who helped, though I struggled to be entirely open with her. I've done some meditation before, even self-hypnosis which helped though I stopped, have thought about starting to join one of those sorts of groups, though nerves always stopped me. Family are great, that's what makes my moaning feel more pathetic, have a lot to be thankful for I just struggle as so many of us do.

Again, thanks. Talking this through on here as helped. :)
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Date: 11.09.2012
From: Lynnr

Subject: Re: Does it get easier to cope?

Hi Joseph I also have ranyaurds along with the pa not nice as u say especially in winter
Hope things are a bit better and you can get your pain meds sorted out soon
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