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Date: 20.05.2012
From: Deborah

Subject: flare-up

Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know that I am suffering from the worse flare-up that I have had for a long time.Might get the doc out later to see if he can give me something.

Forgot how painful this disease can be at it's worse.suppose I will have to consider some form of bio-logic did not want to go down this path.

Oh well looking out of the bedroom window for another week great.

That's what i hate about this disease you can't plan anything or do anything because the next thing is you get a flare-up.

Sorry for banging on but it just get's to the point were you just don't want to go on sometimes.
Hope everyone else is well at the moment have to go as the pain is really bad. Deborah xx
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Date: 20.05.2012
From: Kim

Subject: Re: flare-up

Hi Deborah
Sorry to hear you are having a bad flare. I hope you managed to get a doctor out and get something to help you? It is awful this horrible disease, people who dont have it really dont understand how it affects you and how you have good days and bad days and not being able to plan is a nightmare. Im having real probelms with the anti tnf treatments as they just seem to give me one infection after another and if you have infection you cant take your next dose!
Let yourself have a bad day today and hopefully tomorrow will be slightly easier for you, thats the only way I can get through it when I have a bad flare. Are you on steroids for your ra? I do hope you have someone at home who is looking after you? Can they get you some books to read if you are stuck in bed?
I remember the last time I was in such agony it took three people to get me to a and e and they gave me a massive steroid injection which really helped!
I do hope you get some pain relief soon xx
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Date: 21.05.2012
From: Chris

Subject: Re: flare-up

Bless you Deborah, my thoughts are with you.
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Date: 21.05.2012
From: Deborah

Subject: Re: flare-up

Hello kim and chris.
Thankyou so much for your replys it is really nice to be able to talk to people who really understand what you are going through.

Chris it is so kind of you to think of me at this time thankyou.

Kim I contacted the out of hours doc he wanted me to go down to a and e but I just could not stick the pain as we live 8 miles from our nearest a and e and eventually got him to give me a script over the phone which my husband had to get at the hospital as asda could not accept a fax as it was such a letal drug or so they said.

so what a day when I got my tablets I just brought them all up again so just had to stick the pain and today it has eased as long as i stay in bed.I felt like I got shot with an arrow and tonite feel a bit easier but feel as if I was put throught a spin cycle or one of those old fashioned wringers.

The pain is in my collar bone and going out to my back across my chest and up the side of my neck on the right side and also in the right side of my head so could not lie on my head last night so I had a lovely night.

Feel a bit easier tonite but kim I will know the next time just to go to a and e and get them to give me a steriod jab.I don't think the doc's know how to deal with the disease because they keep asking me what do I want them to give me.

I am ok my husband is here god help him he looks so drained and worried but has been so good to me maybe when our famlies see us in such pain it must really frighten them we don't think because we are so used to pain.

Kim I am on 25mg of mtx I have been saying for a while that it is not much good but better than nothing.

Kim sorry to hear that your anti tnf treatments have been giving you so much trouble that sounds really dreadful it must be hard to cope with I do hope that the rhummy team can get something for you.

Thankyou you both again for listening to my rant and hope everyone is ok Deborah xx
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Date: 23.05.2012
From: Yasmin

Subject: Re: flare-up

Hi Deborah,

I pray your flare-up has calmed know they say 'God tests those whome he loves the most'...In my worst times this sentiment has either given me strength or made me laugh but always carried me through...because in the end you realise God would not put you through so much without a reason...he has no need to...through these experiences we are shown the strength of our own spirit...our compassion, empathy and unconditional love are given a good going over and we become a light for others who are struggling in life...just knowing sometimes that theres a purpose for our growth in itself, helps to endure...much love and strength...x
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Date: 24.05.2012
From: suze

Subject: Re: flare-up

hi deborah

i too take 25mg mtx and 10mg luphludamide and now i inject myself with 400mg of cimzia which is a new bio logic / anti tnf drug. im 40years old and still have nasty flare ups. i was terrified when i first started my injections but i have to say it not to bad, there is a criteria which you have to meet in order for the rhumy to prescribe.
i hope your feeling better soon take care x
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Date: 24.05.2012
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: flare-up

Hi Deborah

I am on 25mg mtx as well , experiance on anti-tnf are bit mixed , had to come off enbrel but it does work & at moment not sure when will try another , but you should could make big differance for you

Biologics. The story so far... booklet by the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society , do search on google or pick up copy at hospital , very informative
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Date: 28.05.2012
From: Deborah

Subject: Re: flare-up

Hi Yasmin and colin w,
Hope you are both well.
Yasmin thankyou for your kind words how right you are but at times it is hard to remember this
and you just wonder why do I have to suffer so much but then there are a lot of people out there who suffer a heck of a lot more than I ever have and when you do experience a lot of pain it makes you realise what other people do go through but thankyou I really appreciate your kind words.

Colin w,
Thankyou for you for taking the time to let me know your experience with the anti tnfs and will read the leaflet.

Just to let you all know that I am a lot better.
Regards Deborah x
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