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Date: 17.05.2012
From: Gareth

Subject: Need Help and Advice

Hi All.

O.K i will start back when I was 17, I am now 33. I was involved as a passenger in a nasty car accident. I had a mass dislocation of my left hip.

I was sent for MRI scans privately and was subsequently told that I had a vascular necrosis with the chance of Osteoporosis. This was from two separate consultants.

Fast forward to now. I recently went to see a NHS consultant, as pain has been continually getting worse, even at rest. With often sharp continual pain where I have to stop and find somewhere to sit to take the weight off my leg. So the consultant sent me for a X-Ray to see what was going on. He then informed me that I didnt have either avascular necrosis nor osteoporosis?. I then said that well I had two sets of MRI scans done by consultant radiologists and they along with two separate consultant orthepedics both agreed that I did. His answer was well I know what I am doing and you haven't. I then asked him what was wrong with my hip then. Then from saying there was nothing wrong he said I had normal arthritis. I said what type of arthritis is normal. He said is just the normal type. He then strangely told me he wanted to bring me in to perform a steroid injection into my hip under theater conditions.

I am so confused. I am in pain every day. I can no longer do physical exercise, I can only walk about half a mile and even then the next day or later the same day my hip is in agony. I am at a loss.

Could the consultant be right its just "Normal Arthritis"?. I have now lost faith in the NHS as he treated me like nothing and wouldn't explain himself.

Do you think I should go for the injection, I am just so uneasy at the fact he was so dismissive of me, even though there is medical evidence of what I was originally diagnosed with.

Please help??????
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Date: 17.05.2012
From: Yasmin

Subject: Re: Need Help and Advice

Hi Gareth, it seems to me that the consultants you seen have for some reason just fobbed you off...there is a bloodtest that the G.p can do to find out what type of Arthritis you do have...Rheumatoid is easily picked up as its trademark is usually alot of swelling and teh blood tests can give an accurate diagnosis of that also...I have had problems in my right shoulder and neck for years, in the beginning I was told it was just Arthritis and given Movelat Gel t rub in...didn't help afew years down the line I was sent for heat treatment, that didn't help either...years passed in excruciating pain and changed G.P practice...New practice G.p mentioned that there was a blood test that could tell what type of Arthritis it is...long story short for some reason wasn't able to have that done at that time, went to a differnt G.p who said no there isn't such a test...In the end I begged another G.p to send me to a physio in the I can empathise with your situation...I am very confident that there is a test that they can perform in order to give a clear diagnosis but it must cost alot to do the G.P's aren't willing to do it...Try and ask your G.p see what he/she says...but in the mean time try swimming if you can manage to get in and out of the don't really need to swim as such but just moving your hip and legs supported by the water will hopefully take the edge off...simple stretches of your leg and hip that work to loosen the muscles should also help... What painkillers are you taking? Ask to be referred to a physio if they don't listen demand...Good luck!
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Date: 17.05.2012
From: GAreth

Subject: Re: Need Help and Advice

Hey Yasmin

Thank you for your reply. I am not a fan of meds in general so try and take as little as possible, but when I do I just take ibuprofen. Have been offered stronger painkillers, but I would rather know how bad its getting.

With regards to the swimming thing, yes I do this on a regular basis. I do ok with this although it does get to teh stage where I am swimming and the hip joint actually feels loose, although I know its not its unearving.

I wanted to get another MRI done but they just dismiss this and say they don't need to.

I am just sick of the NHS consultant's they are clearly on a budget and have to take the cheap option, which if I was 60 or 70 I probably wouldn't mind, but I am 33 and I know hip ops only last tops 20 years. This is why I want them to be more accurate. I will probably have to go private and pay for an MRI just for peace of mind.
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Date: 17.05.2012
From: Colin W

Subject: Re: Need Help and Advice

Hi Gareth

had this done twice in my ankle/keel , the reason they do it is because they use xray to guide where to put the injection , no pain for you & wont be knocked out for it , & good chance your hip will feel a lot better afterwards

with normal he is refering to osto arthritis , realy you got nothing to worry about , lost count how many steriod injections had done for RA , only two under xray

if you dont get on with ibuprofen , ask your GP if you can try another one , the newer ones are lot easier on the stomach & good enough reason to ask them change it

gl with the injection , sure it will help you , dont see need for a MRI scan but you could ask them to refer you to a Rheumatologist
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Date: 17.05.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Need Help and Advice

Hi Gareth, as far as I am concerned osteoarthritis if far from normal as a sufferer for more years than I care to remember,normal is not what I would call it.
This is a painful, miserable,depressing and far from normal thing to put up with.
I would like to assure you even at 60 being fobbed off is not good and I would certainly be bothered by it.(I am now 61yrs)
As Colin has assured you the injections can be of great help go for it I have had many over the years and find they do give relief.
You also have to remember that surgery is a last resort, I have had elbow and spinal surgery for OA and this is not taken lightly by your consultants and surgeon.
They do try to avoid surgery and try all they can with pain killers steroid injections.
Have you ever been offered Hydrotherapy if not ask your consultant I found this very helpful.
I was 35 yrs old when my OA started so I totally understand your frustration. Try to have a little faith in your Drs. I do hope all comes good for you.
Good Luck and Take Care
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Date: 23.05.2012
From: Yasmin

Subject: Re: Need Help and Advice

Hi Gareth,

Writing for the second time lost my post first time:)...I pray you are feeling alittle better...sorry for the late reply...

Gareth, I can feel your frustration my friend, I've been there, I've struggled for years for doctors to recognise I was in agony but alas in the end I had to rely upon myself to do what I could to sort my health out...Gareth, is there any way you could maybe change your G.p? it sounds like he has already made up his mind about you...the other option would be to get hold of your notes from the private consultants you saw and show your G.p the written proof of what the consultants found, this may change his attitude...but you really need to get this sorted...have you not asked to be sent to a physio, he can't deny you that...the physio won't give you any difficult excercises, but he may have to do some manipulation work which maybe be a little painful...I've been through 2 years of didn't help me, but it may just help your hip muscles become stronger...Give it a go...the other option is to try the hydrotherpy which Marlene has mentioned, it sounds as if it can calm your mind aswell as your pains down, I'm gonna get my dad referred...but keep moving as hard as it may seem otherwise your muscles will seize up or you will lose your muscle mass creating more problems in your my prayers my friend:)
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Date: 23.05.2012
From: Yasmin

Subject: Re: Need Help and Advice

P.s...Ibroprufen doesn't really work for everybody, plus I was told by a district nurse that it can damage your kidneys taken for too long...Codine is really good for pain but it has a side effect of giving people constipation...if it helps with the pain you can adjust your diet alittle for the side affects...hope it helps
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