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Date: 27.10.2008
From: Trina

Subject: People trying to sell stuff on this site

I would like to know from users of this site how they feel about people leaving multiple messages - latest example Anthony - trying to sell a particular product? I have left Anthony's messages on for now just to illustrate my point. People keep doing this even though the text at the top of the message board says "Please remember that this is a space for people with arthritis to make contact with other people in the same situation. It is not a place to sell stuff or to promote any particular product or service. We will remove messages that we feel are not appropriate for this message board."

I know that some of these products may help some people but I get sick and tired of people with arthritis being a target for sales people.

When I was first diagnosed with RA I spent hundreds of pounds on these 'natural' products delaying getting proper medication. I had every pill, potion, diet and treatment going, always believing the testimonials and thinking I could be helped without putting all the chemicals into my body. I finally had to give in and agree to take the medication as I couldn't walk or look after myself properly. My arthritis is now under control and I have good mobility and a good quality of life.

My point is this - Inflammatory arthritis is a very serious condition and if it is not treated early to get the levels of inflammation under control it will result in permanent joint damage which will cause disability. Serious permanent damage can occur within 6 months if you have agressive rheumatoid arthritis. I delayed my treatment by at least two years because I completely took to the 'natural' products was scared silly by all the stuff they said to me about the dangers of using conventional medicine. I now have significant joint damage throughout my body. I know if I had gone straight onto medication as I was encouraged to do by my rhumatologist I would be in better shape now.

I think people who try to sell these 'cures' often bunch all arthritis into one group (as Anthony does) and doesn't understand the difference between a bit of arthritis in one joint due to a sports injury and a full blown auto-immune disease like rheumatoid arthritis. They are not the same thing at all and need to be treated very differently.

Anyway, what do other people think? Am I being too sensitive? Do you want me to allow these kind of message to stay on the board?
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Date: 27.10.2008
From: nikki

Subject: Re: People trying to sell stuff on this site

While Anthony sounds like a nice person, I found that as he was the only person that replied to my post, i took on board all he had to say. Then after reading that he had pretty much replied the same to everyone, i felt cheated for want of a better word. While i believe that it may work, it wasn't really what i was asking.

I personally would rather not have them, however wouldnt stop using the site if they were here if others didnt mind.

I just always feel if the product was that good it wouldnt need sales people
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Date: 27.10.2008
From: Anthony

Subject: Re: People trying to sell stuff on this site

Hello Nikki and Trina,

I take your point about selling but I disagree about the word 'using'. I myself suffer from Arthritis of my right knee and also my hands. I have been in pain and as I do not like taking tablets was always on the look out for something herbal. I found it and wanted to pass it on to others. Sure I will make some money in that process, but do not the doctors and other 'specialists' do the same when treating us? Do the suppliers of all the latest drugs not do the same? Do the people who run adverts on the tv for pain relief do the same? I know you will say that they do not come on this board and 'ply their wares', but they do something more than that, and that is mass market. People believe things they see on the TV but can not get a refund when they feel 'dupped'. We do give a refund so no one is out of pocket if they do not feel better. If you asked people that suffer from any pain no matter what it is, if you had to pay a little money to feel better, would you do it? I know I would, and I did which is why I am able to talk about it.

Nikki, I would never want you to feel cheated, and I did respond to you personally. I meant everything I said and if I offended you I apologise to you. Sometimes people do need to be told about things, if not we'd all still think the world was flat and the sun sank into the sea at night! Sufferers can make up their own minds about a product or book or website, I'm not trying to 'pull the wool over' anybodies eyes and take money from them. The product helped me and many of my family and friends. All I want to do is help people to have a better quality of life. My arthritis is mild compared to most, but I know the pain I was in before I started with this oil and I know what I am like now after using it.

I will now just input my thoughts into this site without the mention of any product. If this web site is for people to find comfort in their pain then maybe talking about it will help many to be happy in themselves, but I would have thought helping sufferers would mean passing on useful information to others. If any of you two would like to try the oil for frre, then drop me an email and I'll send it out to you. You can then try it yourself and get back to the forum or keep it to yourself. I am prepared to let you see the benefits I am feeling everyday. I will leave it at that for now and wish you all the best.

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Date: 28.10.2008
From: Jackie D

Subject: Re: People trying to sell stuff on this site

"Please remember that this is a space for people with arthritis to make contact with other people in the same situation. It is not a place to sell stuff or to promote any particular product or service. We will remove messages that we feel are not appropriate for this message board."

Your message is very clear Trina and personally I think posts that are 'selling something' should be removed.

I come to this site for support & knowledge from others who live with this awful disease Arthritis, albeit in its many forms.
I want to know how others manage their day to day lives with it. Anything that helps me & others from their own personal experiences.

If I want to buy a product, I would go elsewhere.

Also if these 'wonder' products are so beneficial (& there are so many of them about to choose from) then why arent they prescribed.... exactly!
Each to their own, but please keep this site for what it was intended.

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Date: 28.10.2008
From: Anthony

Subject: Re: People trying to sell stuff on this site

Jackie D I take your point. They would be prescribed, but like Guinness was and indeed marajuana is, it is only given to a few because it is known for its benefits. I think enough has been said on this and I take the views of fellow sufferers. No more advertising and I'll try and help through encouragement.

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Date: 29.10.2008
From: Nik

Subject: Re: People trying to sell stuff on this site

Anthony, I'm not easily offended. Thanks for your reply, and I do appreciate that you feel the need to help others as you have been helped.
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Date: 07.03.2009
From: Jill east sussex

Subject: Re: People trying to sell stuff on this site

Hi I agree with you totally, I think those type of messages should be removed, they are sales people, looking out for them selves and NOT for the likes of us
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