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Date: 27.02.2012
From: John51

Subject: Some advice about managing arthritis please.

I started to get pains in my legs, knee, hip, skin and muscles about two years ago. This has been diagnosed as Osteoarthritis or wear and tear, arthritis. I have had lots of tests, x-rays and scans but there does not seem to be anything else wrong.
During this time I have been in almost constant pain. Itās better when Iām doing things or exercising and worse when Iām sitting or lying down for long periods.
The pain I get is in the left knee and right hip sights of old injuries form a long time ago. I also get a lot of pain and discomfort in the skin around my left knee and on my right thigh. This is sometimes like the feeling of a skin allergy both painful and irritating. The muscles have become weaker.
This can be so bad that I have a lot of problems with some trousers. Sounds funny but my trousers hurt me! Too tight is obviously no good but also too loose causes the skin irritation to get worse. I have had some success with loose trousers worn over long johns and running shorts under very baggy shorts.
Lying in bed and sleeping involves lots of cushions and pillows in different places.
So unfortunately the best the medical profession can come up with is lots of pain killers. I donāt want to be taking high doses of pain killers for the rest of my life just to get by on a day to day basis.
Iāve tried to look at diets but find the advice confusing. I have thought of acupuncture but not tried it yet.
I would be grateful for some advice form people who may have similar problems.
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Date: 27.02.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Some advice about managing arthritis please.

Hi John, like you I suffer with OA. I also have constant pain and the misfortune of having surgery. The surgery helped somewhat.
It seems apart from pain killers there isn't much for us. Steroid injections to joints are helpful but they only advise three to any one joint. I have had oral steroids for the swelling.
Have you been offered Hydro Therapy, I found this very good, but only six sessions given in any one year.
I also find gentle back and shoulder massaging is relaxing, but not a cheap hobby so that is an occassional luxury.
I have tried lots of fad diets and lotions and potions but nothing helped so I just don't waste my money any more.
The sleeping thing is a problem for me also like you getting comfortable is a nightmare.
I hope you find something that helps you in the meantime take care and chin up.
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Date: 28.02.2012
From: John51

Subject: Re: Some advice about managing arthritis please.

Thanks for that marlene is hydrotherapy not just swimming? That should not be to pricy!
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Date: 28.02.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Some advice about managing arthritis please.

Hi John, hydrotherapy is exercising the stiff and painful joints under warm water. It allows the exercise to be done with little to no pain at all. When the joints free off the muscles also tend to be less painful. You should be able to do this under the NHS.
There is no swimminmg in the hydro pool and all excercise is done with the guidance of the Physios.
Swimming is also good, buut the cold water is no good for our friend Arthur. Take Care
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