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Date: 13.02.2012
From: Lesley-Ann

Subject: Split-Level Shower?


I was wondering if anyone knew what a split-level shower is? Most people I have spoken to seem to think it is simply a walk-in shower. You know open door, walk in, sit down on seat and shower. The type you see on TV all the time.

I am confused as when I heard the term from the Occupational Therapist who came to my home on Thursday I assumed it was a fancy word(s) for walk in shower cabinet.

The OT says that due to the degeneration of my condition as I am unable to use the over the bath shower I currently have anymore due to the fact my lower limbs/back/hips have become so badly affected by my RA that I now need a split-level shower installed.

She said while she knew this what I need now that unfortunately they don't put them into upstairs bathrooms.

Her alternatives were: a bigger bath seat than the one I currently have, no use b/c I can't get into the bath to use the shower so a bigger seat wouldn't help any. She agreed with that. The other two options she could see were, either I move house (as we waited and fought for years to get this house not likely) or apply for planning permission from the council (it's a council house) and see if they would allow me to install one.

I've been searching online since and can find no info on split-level showers, I can find split level homes/house and level showers but no such thing as a split-level shower. So I don't know where to go next to be honest. I'm at a loss, so if anyone know what exactly a split-level shower is and how it differs from a walk-in shower which the OT dept. has put in numerous houses in our area I would love to know.

Thanks in advance.
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Date: 13.02.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Split-Level Shower?

Hi Lesley-¦Ann, I think they might be showers that are similar to a wet room but have half level glass doors which open and close with a rubber seal on the bottom which stops the water flooding the rest of the bathroom. So like a wet room with low doors.

I think they are partly designed so someone can assist you in the shower without getting soaking wet and you are not trapped in a shower cubicle. My mother had something that was very spacious with room for a chair. Maybe the reason they won't put them upstairs is because possible leaks, I guess that is what the planning permission is for, to make sure they are done properly.
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Date: 13.02.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: Split-Level Shower?

Hi Lesley-ann, a spilt level shower is I believe a wetroom. You should contact your social services to see if they could assist with a shower for you.They should work with your council.
I know a lot of people don't like being involved with social services but they will help if they can.
My Father-in-law is a proud owner of a stena cair lift, thanks to his council and social services costing him nothing.
It is well worth a try!!!! Good Luck. (he also lives in a council house)
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Date: 13.02.2012
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Split-Level Shower?

Hi Marlene, I think that's right about wet room, it's just not completely open. Isn't OT social services? At least that's where mine came from lol!
Hope you ok?
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Date: 13.02.2012
From: rhona

Subject: Re: Split-Level Shower?

Hi Lesley-Ann, i have a walk in shower, i had to remove the bath to get it installed as we didn't have room for both, i don't know if that would be an option for you. x
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Date: 16.02.2012
From: Lesley-Ann

Subject: Re: Split-Level Shower?

Thanks for the replies. It was the OT which came in last Thursday and said I needed a split-level shower now, I currently have a basic over the bath shower with the bath seat that's like a board over the bath-tub itself. I can't use this any more hence why the OT was referred by the hospital to come out again.

I'm going to ask the OT at the hospital who sent in the referral to the OT from the council to see what exactly is the difference. She thought I needed to have the bath removed and a walk in shower to replace it.

She knew that my bath was upstairs and saw no problem with putting in walk in shower. I hadn't heard of split-level shower before and a web search found split-level houses and flat, level showers but no split-level showers!

So hopefully she will be able to figure out a middle ground. I'll just have to fall back on the whole planning permission route if all else fails.
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