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Date: 21.12.2011
From: Taff7996

Subject: New sufferer

I'm 46 year old man, who's an ex soldier. I now work as a forklift engineer, lots of bending, kneeling on cold floors and lifting

After years of suffering with knee pains I have just been told by my specialist that I have OA. He told me that if I was 10 years older that he would be looking into giving me a replacement knee and its too bad for micro fracture
But as I'm so young for a knee replacement is out,
I walk with a limp and find getting around painful, it is really making me depressed

I'm starting to get a sharp stabbing pain in the heal of my foot on my good leg

So what can I do, please help
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Date: 22.12.2011
From: Sidney

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hello, there
sorry to hear abt your pain.. May I ask you : did you injured your knee (what you remember?)
so, now are you taking some painkiller every day
For your pain in the heel, I had once or twice. This is what I did :at the end of the day, make a bucket of warm water with a pinch of salt & soak the feet into that water. If I go to bed straight after that, I can sleep well.
I hope you can sleep every night. You have to deal with the situation... feel positive... you are a solder.. you can deal with it
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Date: 22.12.2011
From: Anne Kenyon

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff, I am also new here, your statement sounds very much like mine, except for the fact I am a good 10 yrs older and female, I am still too young for knee replacement, or so they say. I have it in both my knees and several other places as well ( read my moaning post 'is this arthritis'
I found in the early stages hot showers, pain relief such as an anti inflammatories and maybe some sort of rub in gel helped a lot... none of that does now, but it may do for you. I have also recently been told about a gel called 'slack pangpon gel, you can also get it in patch form, which supposedly gives quite a bit of relief, I havent yet tried it, but it comes with good reference from a cousin of mine.
I think you will have to be forceful with the medical profession, use your Military Training and go in there ready for action, tell them what you are suffering, and also what you would like them to do for you... it seems its the only way, especially when one has a problem that is not visable to others..... thanks to this forum I am begining to realise I have been fobbed off for too long.... good luck...
p.s. yes it does make one depressed, when the mind is willing and the body doesnt respond... hang in there
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Date: 22.12.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff, firstly I take my hat off to you. The sharp stabbing pain in your foot could be caused by the extra pressure. The trouble is when we have one place that hurts another will suffer i.e your good foot is saying this is not right.
I had a limp caused by sciatica from a slipped disc and OA in the spine after surgery the limp went away and my hip pain stopped. They call it referred pain. I have OA in many joints so I feel for you.
I hope you have good pain killers. They do try to put off surgery as long as they can but they have to give you all the help they can to get you through the day and night.
Have you been offered a walking aid (walking stick) maybe you could try one to help. Maybe a bit of physio.
Wether you are an ex soldier or not the pain is just the same, grin and bear it why should you?
Ihope this forum is of use to you if only for a few words of support. You Take Care.
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Date: 26.12.2011
From: Taff7996

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Thanks everyone for your help. I know it's going to be a long road.
As for medication, I was on co-coda mol , but all it did was to make me depressed. I need something stronger
I'm going in on the 25th for an arthroscopy, the specialist to mention micro fracture, but until he see,s the amount of damage, it might be too much :-(
As for being an army vet, men are nortoriouse for not going to search medical help and army vet,s are even worse :-)
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Date: 26.12.2011
From: chan

Subject: Re: New sufferer

You have the privilege to be an internet savvy. So do some research on the medications being administered to you. See how it works and then decide where its leading to.

See if its just for suppressing the symptoms or a cure.
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Date: 27.12.2011
From: paula

Subject: Re: New sufferer

In regards to you being an ex solider, is there any way that a military hospital could help with physio? If you get a pension of some kind to do because of military service, it might be worth looking into. Look into it. After you you have given a lot of service, hopefully they can help u now. Lots of luck
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Date: 27.12.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: New sufferer

I would just like to say unfortunately there is no cure for OA. We do have to take pain meds there is no choice on bad days. Don't go buying any natural remedies until you have had all your tests. I agree with you men are adverse to medical help.(LOL) I hope you are sorted soon keep us posted!!! Take Care.
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Date: 27.12.2011
From: Taff7996

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Paula, I already get a army disablement pension, they have given me an assessment of 30% disability.
I like every one else would happily give it up to be healthy

When I was awarded my ADP they told me that I would get treatment at military hospitals as a veteran for my injurys I received whilst serving, but the government have closed most of them down.
I mentioned this to my doctor and he told me it was an lie, spun by the government.
I would either have to go private or go on the NHS waiting list
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Date: 27.12.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Why should you go private!!!! Just keep knocking on his door until he sends you to a rhumy team. Nothing makes me more mad than for people to be told to go private. Keep your chin up and I hope you get sorted soon.
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Date: 28.12.2011
From: Taff7996

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Been to see Doc, she has put me on tramadol

And has given me a copy of the specialists report

I have severe patellofemoral arthritis
Full thickness articula cartilage loss over the lateral trochlear

Only now when I see it in writing am I frightened :-(
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Date: 28.12.2011
From: willis

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Tramadol? do as marlene says and just keep going back, google OA and the severe PA to put your mind at rest that help can be given. so doc knows you have OA and now given you more info and they gave you Tramadol - go back and keep demanding to see rhuemy specialist Taff don't listen to them. x
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Date: 28.12.2011
From: paula

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff, I used to work for the MOD, medically retired, depends on the area you live, but there are ways around it to get you the help, check out the British Legion they are more on the ball, you deserve all the help you can get, don;t give up, warm wishes
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Date: 28.12.2011
From: paula

Subject: Re: New sufferer

If you have another GP in the practice see if you can see them and ask for an appointment to see a rhumy consultant, you need more speiclaist help and surely the GP should get it from them too, as to give you the best help and treatment possible. Hang in there, warm wishes
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Date: 28.12.2011
From: Taff7996

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Thanks everyone,
just filled in my war disability review forms, hopefully the will up my disability from 30%
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Date: 28.12.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Good Luck you deserve it!!!!!!
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Date: 30.12.2011
From: willis

Subject: Re: New sufferer

good news, good luck. :)
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Date: 05.01.2012
From: Taff7996

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Been back to GP and asked about Rhuemy and OT. She said that as I have OA that they wouldn't be able to help!

I also asked her what my prognosis was, she just took a deep breath in and sighed. I then asked her what my chances of keeping my knee until I'm 55, again not she sighed and said that as she is not a specialist she couldn't say

I'm going to see specialist on the 13th, I will ask him the same questions and hopefully get a better answers :-(
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Date: 05.01.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff, sorry your gp didn't seem to be much help. Hopefully you should get better help froom your specialist.
OA is unpredictable so it would be hard to make a prognosis, but sighing isn't much good. I prefer the cards on the table myself. At least then you can get on with it.
Best of luck on the 13th. Take Care and keep your chin up.
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Date: 26.01.2012
From: Andeena

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff ( and all other fellow-sufferers!),hope you're feeling a bit better? I've just discovered this forum and am so pleased that I did!I am 53 and have had stiffness and pains in my knees for the last four years or so.My Mum was the same age when she started with the same symptoms in both knees and over the years her knees got worse and worse, she could not walk towards the end and was in constant pain and finally had both knees replaced when she was 70.I always dreaded that I may have inherited her Osteoarthritis, so from age 30 I made keeping fit my 'religion'(aerobics,lots of walking and cycling,Yoga and some weightbearing excercises), determined to keep my joints as healthy and flexible as possible and maybe avoid my Mum's fate.It doesn't seem to have paid off. My right knee especially has been getting more painful over the last 6 months and sitting down, getting up and doing stairs especially was becoming more and more painful.I had to cut back on some of my aerobics, invested in a mini trampoline instead and managed to carry on with the Yoga and stretching excercises and cycling. Every now and then I started getting bad pains in my fingers too but didnt think too much of it.Then,8 weeks ago, as part ob my job ( I am a custody /detention officer) the anual Officer Safety Training came around again and this time we had to do a 'bleep-test'. I was so proud of myself as I managed to get up to quite a high level and did better than some of my colleagues who are 20 odd years younger than me. Two days later my right knee however went from bad to worse and was becoming more and more painful,giving way on me occasionally and generally feeling 'wobbly' and unstable. I carried on working ( long shifts, mostly on my feet and lots of walking and standing )telling myself I was just a bit sore after the training and hoped it would get better again in time. But it just got worse and two weeks after the training, I got out of bed one mnorning, my knee just gave way and I was in such pain it made me cry out loud. To cut a long story short: I have since seen an orthopaedic consultant and Xrays confirmed that there is a lot of wear and tear on my right knee and cartalidge damage and he said yes, it's very likely I've inherited my Mum's conditon and that I probably have Osteoarthritis.I am convinced that the extreme running about during the bleep test did a lot of damage to my right knee, pushed it 'over the edge' so to speak.My hips were Xrayed also and that was all ok, I was told. I was advised to adjust and change my lifestyle, listen to my body and stop and rest when it hurts and accept the inevitable... "Osteoarthritis doesn't get better with time." I am due to have an Arthroscopy on my right knee in 2 weeks time, was told this would give a clearer picture of whats going on inside my knee joint and that perhaps some repairs can be done at the same time.Since seeing this consultant 3 weeks ago, my right hip has also started to hurt and my left knee is getting more painful and unstable by the day.By now I can't walk more than 50 yards,and that's at a snails pace and now with the aid of a cane, ( which I hate!!!)only taking very small steps and even then, after more than 2 minutes of walking I am in agony,the pain is so bad it makes me feel nauseous. My left knee is almost as painful now when I'm walking and sometimes I get that same 'crumbling' feeling inside , as in my right knee and my right hip is getting more painful too.The shooting pains in my fingers, mostly my right hand, are becoming more frequent too,and they are mostly in the evenings.I can't sleep at night, tossing and turning for hours trying to get comfy, with these deep pains in my legs, like my body is being stretched or something, have to keep moving my legs about, shooting pains in my knees and pain in my hip when I get up and move about... I feel like I'm going insane!! Been off work for 5 weeks now and getting more and more fed up and depressed. Anyway... I have read lots of the posts here and so many of you are much much worse off and I hate moaning and feeling sorry for myself. Just wondered - Taff how did the Arthroscopy go? Was it successful, has it made a difference? Will I ever be able to walk without a cane again? Work have told me they'll put me in another department when I'm ready to come back, so not too worried about that. But what about my mobility? I miss not being active,I feel like I've aged 30 years in the last 5 weeks... everytime I have to go out, just walking from the car across the carpark to the shop entrance wears me out, I am constantly tired during the day as I'm not sleeping much at night... you all know whats it's like. But this is all so new to me, my whole life has changed in the space of 5 weeks.. what is going on? I had bloodtests done last week and they checked for R A but everything is fine and checked out normal. I know it's O A and I just hope that the OP on my right knee will enable me to walk and excercise again as before.. but I think I'm probably hoping for too much there...
Taff or anyone... any advice, words of comfort or hope? My kids are all grown up and don't really understand what I'm going through and what this sudden immobility has done to me...After all, Mum's always been there for them,baby sitting duties on my days off etc etc... so fit and active, surely this is just a little setback.So I don't think they're too worried or are taking this very seriously at the moment. Kids!... My boyfriend helps me where he can and has been my rock but he gets frustrated and feels helpless when I'm in pain... He hired a wheelchair over the Christmas break and pushed me about, so we could do something together and I could get some fresh air, we used to walk for miles together... it was soo depressing being in a wheelchair, I hated it!Sorry to have such a long moan, (but it felt good to vent !) and I know people on this forum will understand... Any comments and replies would be greatly appreciated. I feel very isolated and lonely and quite desperate and am not coping with this very well at all.. Thanks for reading everyone. xx
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Date: 26.01.2012
From: Taff7996

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Andeena, had Op yesterday, the did micro fractures on the tochlea grove
Yes it is as painful as it sounds, too early to know if there will be any improvement but it couldn't make it any worse:-(
Have to wear a full leg brace for a least 8 week

The specialist hopes that micro fractures will delay TKR for another 10 years but I have my doubts

Just applied for a blue badge, notified the veterans association that my condition has deteriated and applied for a motorbilty supplement to my war pension
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Date: 26.01.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff, glad to hear you have had your op and I hope this will help you. Your Blue Badge shouldn't be a problem and I do hope you get your motorbility supplement.
Take Care
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Date: 27.01.2012
From: Paula

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Andeena,
My heart went out to you when i read your post. It is frustrating and it is real hard to get your head around an illness that can be so disabling so quickly. Your kids will have to come to terms with the fact that you may not be able to do the things you used to do even if you so want to, and will have to start asking for others to help out with the kids when you can't even when you so want to. You are not a failure for saying no, you may have to at times, and take care of yourself. You can always rant here, there is always someone who understands the isolation and the lonliness of this. I am sending you warm thoughts and a hug. Here to read and reply when you need, when you get your feelings off here it helps you cope at home with those who just don't get it and think you can carry on regardless. Beleive me I am going thorugh that one big time, as I have just been diagnosed with RA; HANG IN THERE, take care xxx
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Date: 27.01.2012
From: Paula

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff,
Thinking of you as you recover from your op, good luck with the blue badge and the mobility supplement, take it easy, xx
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Date: 27.01.2012
From: Andeena

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Paula,many many thanks for your reply and kind words.Sounds like you know about the family-situation all too well yourself...It's one of the hardest things for me to come to terms with, not being able to say "yes, of course I will" everytime I am asked to babysit or help out in any other way.Sometimes I get the feeling they think Mum has turned into a bit of a drama-queen and making a mountain out of a molehill...I read your post re 'feeling hot all over'. Since all this started at the beginning of December, I have several episodes during the day, but mostly at night, where I suddenly feel myself getting hot, like a fever has suddenly come on, at night, when I have finally dropped off to sleep, I wake up two or three times in a hot sweat, or it happens while I'm just laying there, longing to sleep...Actually need to get up and get changed and cool off. I told my GP about this and because I had a cold and cough at the time ( but I have them about 4 times a year anyway and never suffered these 'hot flushes' with them before) he examined me and said I had a chest infection, hence the hot sweats.I've just finished a course of antibiotics but the cough and cold still persists and so do the hot flushes. I went through my menopause a year or two ago, so it's not those kind of hot flushes...Now here's the weird thing: when all this started with my right knee about six weeks ago, I remember at the time on three or four occasions feeling icy cold in bed at night, inspite of a very warm duvet. I mean, I felt like my body had been injected with ice and it was flowing through all my veins. I remember saying to my boyfriend at the time that I felt like all my bones had turned to ice, literally. It would take an hour or so before I felt my body had reached a normal temperature again and was actually quite scary. I told my GP about this and he said this would have been because it was the virus that led to my chest infection. Maybe he's right, I don't know? I havent had these cold episodes anymore but the hot sweats continue on a daily basis.These last few weeeks I have also noticed that all my joints are very noisy. When I rotate my shoulder, there's a cracking and popping sound, my ankles too and my wrists and occasionally I get pains there, but nothing like my knees, more of a discomfort. And my elbows feel stiffer somehow and also make noises when I move them. I never had any of these symptoms before.I feel as though, since my right knee got so much worse and I can't walk properly anymore and use a cane when I go out,all my other joints have 'come out in sympathy' and are 'playing up' and not moving smoothly anymore. I am not imagining it and don't think it's through inactivity ( one of my daughter's theories... "Mum, it's just because you're not very active anymore. You're seizing up." THANKS ) In any case, I don't sit around on my backside all day, I potter around, do my housework as much as possible, although my ironing hasnt been done since all this started,and I still grit my teeth and do some of my Yoga and stretching excercises every morning, allbeit greatly reduced.But I was advised to carry on with these. I so very much miss going out for walks and really have become a recluse lately. Work colleagues are all stearing clear, not a word from any of them since I have been off sick... so much for teamwork. Have any of you experienced this - like the people that bothered with you before, if you were off work for any other reason, flu or whatever, they would keep in touch, ask if you needed anything and wished you a speedy recovery, now they don't? Is it because they don't understand what this is about and won't know what to say... Possible I suppose.
As for medication Paula - I only have to take Paracethemols and the inner workings of my body, you know what I mean,either go on strike or work overtime... The course of antibiotics I have just taken sent me to the toilet at an alarming rate and I only take Ibuprofen when the pain gets too bad as I absolutely hate taking painkillers.But I know I may have to make them part of my everyday life soon. I take Glucosamine and Fish Oils and someone suggested Devils Claw recently. Does anyone know if this 'Devils Claw' works? Sounds a bit scary, lol. I haven't lost my sense of humour yet thankfully and intend to hang on to that come what may! Once again, thanks for your support Paula and warm wishes back to you.xx
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Date: 27.01.2012
From: Taff7996

Subject: Re: New sufferer

I feel for you Andeena,
I was just the same. Very active and kept my self fit.
Saying no is one of the hardest things to say to your family, I've always been the first to get "stuck in"
I don't know how I'm going to cope with work, there is a good chance that they will "let me go".
I'm only 46 and has worked continually since I was 16,
Since my knee started to play up I've had spates of depression and was even referred to the local adult mental Heath crisis team after I had suicidal tendencies.
The only contact I have from work is from HR, wanting to know when I will be returning to work.
As for working within a team, there is no I in team but there is ME
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Date: 27.01.2012
From: Andeena

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff, thanks for your replies.I hope you're coping ok after your OP and with wearing a full legbrace. That can't be very nice to say the least!Since learning from your post about micro fractures, I have looked it up and am a bit more informed now ( information is knowledge and knowledge is power, as they say!) It does sound as though it might work, let's hope so, fingers crossed for you! I have worked since the youngest of my three kids started school,23 years ago. Firstly as a carer for the Elderly and Physically disabled, with lots of lifting etc and that probably didn't do my 'doomed' knees any favours... and in more recent years for 'The Thin Blue Line' but as a Civilian,a job which also requires me to be physically fit and active, which I always prided myself on being.It's so frustrating, isn't it - suddenly to be at home and feel redundant and useless with an uncertain future. And the icing on the cake is to feel totally forgotten about by the people I used to call my 'team-mates'. Like you Taff, the only calls from work I get are from Occ Health ( to check on my progress) or from Management ( to get an idea when I will be back at work) I have a feeling this may not be for a while yet, following my OP on the 9th Feb, and then it will be like starting a new job because I will be moved to another department where I don't have to be on my feet all day and in confrontational situations with the 'less desirable element of Society' and where it won't matter so much if I'm not physically fit but have to hobble about with a cane. But I am grateful ( and hopeful) that at least it looks as though I will still be able to work. I can't even contemplate the thought of being 'written off' just yet - I am only 53!!! And even then, until recently I always felt like I was still in my Thirties anyway. But no more. Life's a bitch... I am trying to count my blessings and be grateful that I still have way more mobility than some Arthritis sufferes,even if it causes me pain and I walk like a 90 year old biddie,LOL - but some days it really isn't easy to stay positive and look on the bright side and I so know what you mean about being depressed! It gets to you, doesn't it, feeling like half the person you used to be. And not being able to do the things you used to enjoy and the thought that you may never again be able to do those things is truly depressing and puts you in a dark place in your head, I know... Keep your spirits up Taff, rest up and here's hoping that beneath that legbrace your knee is healing well and getting better and will soon work WITH you for many more years yet. Take care.
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Date: 28.01.2012
From: Taff7996

Subject: Re: New sufferer

My wife asked me to my pain and discomfort, I found it quite hard to explaine.
This is how I tried to explain
I've had aches constantly for years, like growing pains and then there's the constant grinding and popping.
Accasionally the pops are accompanied with a sharp stabbing pain which is 7/10 on my pain meter and I think I have a high threshold. I don't have anaesthetic for tooth fillings!

Apart from limping I look perfectly fit and normal. People just don't trust you when you say you have a problem and give the impression that your playing on it

I would give up everything to be well again, as would any sufferer
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Date: 28.01.2012
From: marlene

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Hi Taff, I agree with you 100% when you look well people do look at you in a way you just know they don't believe. I am at a point where I don't care what they think. They can walk in my shoes for a day and tell me how it feels.

I wouldn't wish my pain on any one!!

You take care, hope your feeling better.
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Date: 06.02.2014
From: Eddie Quigley

Subject: Re: New sufferer of OA

Hi all ,
I suffer from OA and I'm an ex soldier I've been told by the veterans agency that my OA of both knees is not atributable to service , and that I won't get an award because there was no record from my MO on any of my medical docs .I have been fighting the veterans agency on the matter of my OA since 2006 and they keep coming back with the same answer,
Can anyone advise me on how I can prove that this condition was caused by my army service , I have explained to the board of doctors at my appeal that while in the army I carried heavy burgans while on patrol , march and shoot competitions ,running with weight etc , but they still say that 12 years service didn't cause this problem in my knees
Has anyone had a problem like this
Cheers Ed age 42
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Date: 07.02.2014
From: bsk

Subject: Re: New sufferer

Have you gone to Citizen's Advice or got a solicitor to represent you. It's impossible to do this type of thing on your own, in my opinion.
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Date: 14.04.2016
From: Pat

Subject: Re: New sufferer

I had a knee arthroscopy two months ago and unfortunately it didn't wok so a TKR is on the cards. I get so down when I can't walk like I used to do.I am in my seventies though so I am grateful that mobility as such is only just becoming a big problem. I have arthritis in my other knee also my lower back and neck.
Last week I was so fed up that I researched electric fold up bikes, one that had smallish wheels and also throttle only.Then....I spent the children's inheritance and bought one.
I love it, I am mobile again without crutches, mobility scooter or wheelchair.
I definitely recommend one for getting around if you are able to bend your knees.I can bend my knees but cannot walk without severe pain. I feel as if I have a lifeline.
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Date: 25.04.2016
From: Adam

Subject: Re: New sufferer

I've been taking incapsulated a variety of 30 different fruits, vegetables and berries for the past 8 months and my arthritis is hardly an issue anymore. This is because of all the nutrients and berries reduce inflammation. Hope this helps everyone.
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Date: 19.03.2018
From: Vicki967

Subject: Re: New sufferer


Did you ever get sorted?
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