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Date: 04.11.2011
From: Beth

Subject: depression

i am feeling very depressed. It has gradually crept up on me,& I am quite worried now. I feel like I can't switch off from thinking about RA, there is always a reminder when something hurts.I feel very scared about the future of the RA & I don't know how to have a life with it.I haven't always felt this bad & have been very positive up until now. The symptoms have been 'low grade' & I have been able to treat it with painkillers/antiinflams,diet& other therapies,my consultant has been ok with this. Things got a bit worse at the end of the summer & I had a steroid injection & started sulphalazine. the drug didn't agree with me & now they want me to try methotrexate. I am so scared of the drugs,& what the long term side effects will be. I know that if you don't treat ra then it can have bad effects but I feel that all these drugs damage you as well. It is so frightening,I have a young daughter & a lovely husband & I know that if all this hadn't happened I would be happy. I don't know how to cope at the moment.I think the tablets making me sick was the last straw on top of the ra. I asked my G.P about counselling but there are no resources unless you pay. I am on an antidepressant. I had hoped to start work, but I don't know where to start.I'm sorry that this is such a bleak topic. Can anyone help me with how to cope. Thanks
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Date: 04.11.2011
From: davina

Subject: Re: depression

hi beth i know what you mean i've been changing from meds to meds for 2yrs now and have a small 2 yr old which uses all my energy. its like you can't switch of from the ra and its reminder every time i move.

i know the drugs are scary but i look at it with the thought that if i don't take these meds i'll be ill and probably disabled for the rest of my live. (even though no med as helped my disablility yet).

i so hope you come out of this hole you feel you are in and look to something positive and get the meds that suit you very quickly. take care. xx
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Date: 04.11.2011
From: b

Subject: Re: depression

Hi Beth, I know what you mean too. I've been trying different meds for 2 years and am about to switch again. I'm doing an NHS Mindfulness course right now and am finding it very helpful in lots of ways. It is meditation primarily plus a bit of CBT. Or there is something called 'expert patient.' Both short term courses to help with stressful situations like this. Maybe you have something like this in your area your GP could refer you to.

My strategy at the moment is to stay in the present as much as possible as I have exactly the same worries as you. However, I have decided to go back on the drugs as the long term damage would be more debilitating but to back it up with really good diet and exercise (when I can.)

It's a really hard illness but you are not alone. xx
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Date: 04.11.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: depression

Hi Beth, sorry you are feeling down at this present time but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Try to focus on the positives your young daughter and your lovely husband. I don't have RA but OA and my pain gets me down so I do relate to what you are saying. Try not to focus so much on the future as a negative as by reading the other posts on here the road is long but eventually you will be found the meds that suit you better. In this day and age it is a disgrace that there is no counselling for you. Speak to your rhuemy team and see if they can put you in touch with any one. Some hospitals have other patients who are happy to chat to people with the same health issues as themselves. I hope you feel better soon sending you a big hug X
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Date: 09.11.2011
From: beth

Subject: Re: depression

thankyou to marlene and the others for your posts. Its so great to know there are people out there who understand. I will try pursuing some of the things suggested.x
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Date: 16.11.2011
From: Kim

Subject: Re: depression

I hope you have started to feel better?I have had ra for several years now and have been on so many different types of medication. I too have worries about side effects as my ra was triggered by an injection so am very sceptical but you have to weigh up the pros and cons. I try to live each day as it comes and if im having a bad day I just tell myself tomorrow will be better. Nobody knows what the future holds so just concentrate on now and what you can do rather than what you cant do.x
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