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Date: 01.11.2011
From: Kim

Subject: humira- does it work for everyone?

Hi im new on here and have so much to ask and comment on! Iv been on humira injections for several months now but im still in alot of pain and my inflammation levels have gone up again. Does anyone else use humira and did it work quickly for them?
Iv had ra for 8 years now and im only 33 and have two young children. It would be great to speak to people in a similair situation who understand what life is like!
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Date: 03.11.2011
From: davina

Subject: Re: humira- does it work for everyone?

hi kim i'm davina, 30 with a 2 yr old.
i have had ra for 2 yrs and found it so hard to look after a small child and run a house.

i have been on enbral since april and now going to be starting cimzia because the enbral has not helps very well at all. it has brought my bloods down but done nothing for my pain or inflammation.

i wish everyone was the same and the meds worked but it doesn't work that way and everyone is different and respond to meds differently.

i hope you see your rheumy soon and he will help you. xx
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Date: 03.11.2011
From: Kim

Subject: Re: humira- does it work for everyone?


Thanks for replying. Do you still get bad pain and imflammation even when your blood test results come down? Iv been on so much different medication, Im currently on high dose of prednisolone, humira, methotrexate and cocodamol so in a constant zombie like state! not great when you have a 3 and 5 year old to look after but they give me a reason to keep going.
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Date: 04.11.2011
From: davina

Subject: Re: humira- does it work for everyone?

hi kim yes they some how keep your energy up.
yes my bloods have gone down and nearly normalized but the pain is so strong and the inflammation is still very much there.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it seams as if your in the same boat as me.
how long you been on humira?
when are you seeing your rheumy next?

i'm also on enbrel, methotrexate, plaquenil, prednisolone, co-codamol and now on zomorth (morphine based pain killer, was on tramadol)
takecare. xx
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Date: 06.11.2011
From: Kevin

Subject: Re: humira- does it work for everyone?

Let me say first I do not have RA but my wife has for 13 years but never wants to get involved in these sites.

She went on to TNF's just over 1 year ago, the all day drip one but had to come off after 3 months as she had a reaction and after a 2 month break went on to Humira which she has now been on about 8 months.

She still suffers pain and flare ups but feels these are less than they were and here blood markers are very good. ( she also take sulfasalazine. Overall she feel her hands are far more supple.

The main issue is other knock on's from the everyday colds and sickness caught so easily to bursitis in the hip leading to a bakers cyst behind the knee meaning she is able to do very little and now lasting 4 months.

Overall my observation of her and others she talks to is that it does work and is far better than non TNF's but sometimes the side effects do make you question it's worth.
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Date: 16.11.2011
From: Kim

Subject: Re: humira- does it work for everyone?

Thanks for your comments. Iv been on humira since January this year, felt a small improvement initially but unfirtunately I have had a massive infection in my mouth which spread into my neck which took 8 lots of antibioitcs to clear up, so interesting to hear that other people are getting infections more easily!
Im going to persevere with the humira as feel its my last chance as I cant take NSAID's as have inflammation in my intestines (which they think may be due to taking a high dose of NSAID's or may be chrons!).
I took tramadol for a couple of weeks but it turned me into a complete zombie and i coudlnt function and also made me physically sick.So sticking to the co codamol.
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Date: 17.11.2011
From: Ricky

Subject: Re: humira- does it work for everyone?

Hi Kim,

I've 24 now and have had arthritis since I was 6.

I've gone through several drugs myself and the only really working combination is Methotrexate and Humira.

However, I've also had Humira and Enbrel but on their own and it was not good enough.

Up to 16 I was only on MTX, and it worked brilliantly until they took me off it, hoping I'd have outgrown the arthritis but it soon came back.

Due to the complications with MTX I didn't want to go back on it immediately so I was put on Enbrel. Enbrel worked brilliantly for around a year and then I felt injection by injection the affects were getting less and less until it became pretty much redundant.

They then swapped me to Humira and again, for a short time (this time less than a year) I felt some benefit but not much.

Eventually I was put back on to MTX with Humira and have since been fine, but my feels are it's the MTX that is helping me 90%, and the Humira 10%, I hope that's not always the case with other sufferers though.

I hope that helps a little.

Take care,
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Date: 17.11.2011
From: Kim

Subject: Re: humira- does it work for everyone?

Thanks Ricky
I am convinced that due to the nature of rheuamtoid arthritis any medication you are given works for a while then the ra fights back! I must say in terms of pain relief accupuncture and having osteopath treatment helped but cost so much money I had to stop.
Im persevering for another 3 months with humira then they are going to try something different.
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Date: 22.11.2011
From: cathy

Subject: Re: humira- does it work for everyone?

Hi Kim I have RA and AS. I was on Humira for 7 months and have recently come off it. I hated injecting myself and felt no relief from it and i now have another disease which i think is from taking Humira. I had months of infections also and decided enough was enough. Only carry on for as long as you can. I am told for some it is a miracle cure but not for everyone. As soon as i stopped taking it i felt better and i am waiting to start the next drug. The only thing that has been keeping me going is Reiki. Good luck
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