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Date: 09.10.2011
From: hellokitty

Subject: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

I feel so low but people don't understand how I'm feeling. I don't want to take anti-depressants. Does anyone know of any alternatives like something herbal. I can't take this any longer, I see a rhuematologist in December, such a long time. I'm desperate.
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Date: 09.10.2011
From: willis

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

hi hellokitty
I'd ask for a appt sooner than december especially if you are so down. depression is not nice and it sounds like you are getting lower each day. so get on that phone and ask to see someone or go to your gp and tell them how down you are about it all. not much help i realise but wouldn't take anything without checking with the medics first xxx
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Date: 09.10.2011
From: Dilizjo

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

Sorry to hear you are feeling very low and agree with Willis phone your GP and ask if they can help get your Rheummy appt brought forward and explain the reasons why. It may just help you to talk about the effect the situation is having on you.

Take care xx
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Date: 09.10.2011
From: Shiffy

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

sorry to hear your in pain hellokitty, have u tried boswellia and turmeric supplements any health food store should have a mixture to ease infammation, also dont eat white bread or milk or any cheese. they make inflammaion and pain worse.

take care
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Date: 09.10.2011
From: davina

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

hi sorry to hear your so low, please see your gp they maybe able to advice you more. i was the same before my diagnosis because you are in pain and can't do as much as you could, it does get better believe me. take care
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Date: 09.10.2011
From: Lorraine

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

Go to the GP i was the same last year could not get into see Rhummy i sat crying in the Doctors told them i can't cope and don't want anti -depressants just feel i have been forgotten about . the Doctor contacted the hospital and i got appointment the next week
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Date: 13.10.2011
From: mads

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

hope you have got to talk to someone by now Kitty and you are right it can feel that no one understands - for me pain is the thing that is making me feel so bad (i haven't even started to face the reality of living with rheumatiod arthritis) and whenever i get relief and that is usually through steroids i feel more on top of things and have the ability to not just exist but live a little.
when i got my diagnosis i was really disappointed to realise that convential medicine and herbal medicine are not compatible. Both my herbalist and rheumatologist said that i needed to choose my course of treatment - what i understand in very basic terms is that the conventional seeks to lower the immune system and herbal would increase and try to stabilise the immune system. Like the others say keep on at the gp, you are ill and you need help and try to get proper pain relief and after that make the decision on antidepressants etc.
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Date: 14.10.2011
From: Jon

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

Hi, my advice - dont be affraid of anti-depressants. You dont have to take them forever. Go see a GP and talk (talking helps greatly) - if you dont feel happy with that GP, see another. You deserve the correct treatment and help - You may want to consider councelling/CBT (although this can be expensive - but very effective). Also, keep in mind, you are not alone - there are so many of us feeling your pain and suffering, think about the positives, dont dwell on the negative - it isnt easy, but then what is? Chin up and battle on - there is alway light at the end of the tunnel, but you and you only get to choose what light that is. Good luck.
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Date: 14.10.2011
From: Gary

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

I know just how you feel,as do many others on this forum, i got really low and still do get low but the anti deppresants do help alot pain is very wearing and gets everybody down ,try them wot have you got to lose. they may make you feel a lot better and to cope with the bad days
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Date: 16.10.2011
From: Val

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

Reading all the replies is for me a positive thing to a very negative subject. My RA started in feb this year, I saw my Rheumy in May and through medication life is a lot better now. Not what it was but better than it was in Feb. I thought the depression was me not coping but now I realise, through reading these it is something to do with the RA. I get short periods of being very down but they do pass, so keep using the forum because it helps so much knowing you are not on your own. Push for an earlier appointment, my GP put me forward using Choose and Book. This means I am an NHS patient but I use the private suite of our local hospital. This meant I was seen earlier and I get free parking at the hosp!!! Bonus
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Date: 16.10.2011
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Depressed-feel a mess and want a diagnosis

Hi Kitty, if it's really bad, do what I didn't when I was severely ill and waiting for a rheumatology appointment, and that is take yourself off to Casualty.
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