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Date: 06.10.2011
From: Louise

Subject: Newbie needing advice

Hi There
I have been suffering from pain in my back, shoulder and neck for 5 years now which has recently gotten worse(spreading down my arms, back and sides) and more frequent/painful. The pain and stiffness have been making everyday things more difficult and so I visited my GP who diagnosed arthritis and prescribed anti inflams/paracetamol.

I have been swatting up on arthritis and have frequently come across the condition psoriatic arthritis. I also suffer from psoriasis and have noticed that my flair ups in that do coincide with my back, so i guess that must be the type i have?

I'm just looking to hear from ppl who are living with this condition, and looking for any advice or just your experiences. I guess I'm a bit scared at the prospect of having to live the rest of my life in pain and on medication. Does that sound dramatic. But also I have a 4 year old and 8 month old and am really struggling to find that energy.
Does anyone else find that during a flair up you feel ill, and then when it subsides you just feel absolutly rung out ???

Anyway, I'll stop rambling, but please feel free to ramble at me :o)

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Date: 06.10.2011
From: lynnr

Subject: Re: Newbie needing advice

hi louise i have PA ive had it since june laast year it started off in my shoulder and within a year i had it in every joint even my jaw, fingers swell and are very painful none of the pain meds touch the pain i take tramadol with paracetomol anti inflammotrys etc but still waiting on the correct DMARD (disease modifying anti rheumatic drug) which should slow the progress down everyone is affected different but this forum has helped me greatly it is amazing i had never heard of PA until i got it and there is loads of people on here have it i am 35 with 3 young kids so it is hard but you just have to try your best and plod on if there is anything you want to ask me feel free TC x
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Date: 08.10.2011
From: Louise

Subject: Re: Newbie needing advice

Hi lynn
Thank you for your post. Gosh it really sounds like you are living with alot of pain, i really hope you find the right type of drugs that help you to live your life relatively pain free. It's tough having to run around after small kids when your feeling absolutely rubbish and sore. It sounds like you have the right spirit, i reakon just getting on with things is perhaps one of the most important things. I think i must be lucky my middle lad has just started school, so when my baby sleeps i try to rest, although i feel blinkin lazy when i think i all the stuff i should be doing around the house when my hubbys slaving away at work. I feel pretty guilty at the minute because having just had a flair up i'm not taking my baby out as much as i should. However, the anti inflams seem to have really helped and i feel really lucky, after reading your experience, that they have.

I really hope that you don't have to suffer for much longer and the doctors can help find something that works for you xxx
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Date: 08.10.2011
From: moira

Subject: Re: Newbie needing advice

I was diagnosed with pa last year and have been on sulfasalazine since august,visiting nurse at hospital for blood tests fortnightly,uptil now I've been ok ,but am now suffering from shortness of breath,after looking up pa on web it says it can be part of the condition,I didn't know that and was just wondering if any of you on here also have this symptom thanks in advance
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