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Date: 06.10.2011
From: hellokitty

Subject: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

I am currently being investigated for arthritis but am having to wait weeks to see a rhuematologist. Is frustrating as the symptoms for fibromyalgia overlap those of arthritis. I don't have the tender points of fibro-do you always get these?
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Date: 06.10.2011
From: Lee

Subject: Re: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

I was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthitis about 18 months ago but wasnt happy with the diagnose and treatement, so I went elsewhere and saw a different Rhuematologist about 7 months ago.

He diagnosed me with Fibro as I had 12-14 of the points and he started me on Fibro meds which some have worked and some havent. You need a lot of the points to be even considered for Fibro if you have none then they wont look at it.

Fibro/M.E and some Arthritis all overlap but for Fibro you need the points
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Date: 07.10.2011
From: hellokitty

Subject: Re: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

Hi Lee.

Sorry you have Fibro. How do you get on with it, does it drain you of energy and make you feel unwell?

Most of my pain and stiffness is in my neck, back and lower back and at the moment also in my feet, ankles and heels. I have wonderered whether it could be spondylitis.

Anyone feel free to comment as I would like lots of experiences of fibro, spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis please. I don't have psoriasis but got excema on my wrists at the moment.
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Date: 07.10.2011
From: Lee

Subject: Re: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

Basically the Fibro crosses with alot of other Central Nervous system issue so it's very hard to say its one thing or another.

My CNS issues are the Fibro but extreme tiredness and muscle wastage/weakness. I have also had major stomach issues (IBS)

One specialist still thinks some of it is PA and one doesnt but as they all overlap its hard to treat/diagnose.

I have major problems with my neck and have tried Diazepam and Acupuncture. Just had an MRI on my neck last night to see if there is any damage
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Date: 07.10.2011
From: Sue

Subject: Re: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

Hi Hello Kitty,

I have spondylitis and fm. Diagnosed firstly with FM, but Rheumatologist always knew there was something else going on, so after tests, bloods, xrays etc and 3yrs later I have spondylitis too. I had pain in all the areas you mention and still do, just started Methotrexate and waiting to see if I get relief of symptoms, 3 months or so to work. I can tell the difference between the FM pain from the arthritic pain, strange, but I can.

They don't know if I have PA or AS but treatment the same. But I have developed a skin patch on my elbow since diagnosis and told to keep an eye on it and report any more that may occur. I also have entheospathy and the sites for that are very close to the tender points of FM too. Hope that helps and good luck with your investigations.
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Date: 07.10.2011
From: hellokitty

Subject: Re: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

Thanks for the replies.

Sue what are the differences with your arthritic/fibro pains?
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Date: 07.10.2011
From: hellokitty

Subject: Re: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

If you don't mind me asking Sue, what is your age?
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Date: 07.10.2011
From: Sue

Subject: Re: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

Hi HelloKitty,

I just know by the muscle ache, tender to touch. Whereas other areas are a different kind of ache, more into the bone and inflammatory and coincides with the stiffness in these areas. FM seems to be a more, how can I say... overall ache on the surface. Don't really know now when explaining it, but this is only my personal description for me. I'm a lovely, nifty fifty. LOL Meant to say I don't have psoriasis but told that can come later in psoriatic arthritis. Seen doc today and she has given me cream for the skin patch i have at my elbow, so says if it helps then she'll refer me to dermatology to determine if it's mild psoriasis hoping to get an accurate diagnosis of PA or's like a jigsaw putting the tiny pieces together.
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Date: 07.10.2011
From: hellokitty

Subject: Re: Do you always get tender points with Fibromyalgia?

I don't have any tender points, it feels like it's coming from the bones.
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