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Date: 03.10.2011
From: Mary

Subject: How do you manage constant tiredness?

Hi everyone. I'm new here and just wanting to ask you how you cope with tiredness.
I started PGCE teacher training course this September and have always been feeling worn out even after sleeping 9 or 10 hours! My doc said it's from my RA although it's under control.
So what I'd like to hear is how you guys manage constant tiredness and also is somebody experiencing similar case like me (controled RA+fatigue)?
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Date: 03.10.2011
From: mads

Subject: Re: How do you manage constant tiredness?

Hi Mary
I am not RA controlled yet and find there is little i can do with the tiredness but go to bed early. I do work full-time, (not a physical job) but have managed to get one day working from home - helps greatly. Its early days in your course as well Mary, the fatigue could be exacerbated by the course. All the best
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Date: 03.10.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: How do you manage constant tiredness?

Hello Mary, nice to hear from you. It seeems the fatigue gets to all of us. As Mads said early to bed. If you have a Lunch Hour see if you can find somewhere to have 30mins sleep. This could help. Hope your course goes well. Take Care
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Date: 04.10.2011
From: Mary

Subject: Re: How do you manage constant tiredness?

Hi Mads and Marlene and thanks so much for your advice. Yes the course is really intense and my condition is getting worse but as you said I'll try to grab a sleep as much as I can.
Do you tell your friends/colleagues that you have RA or whatever form of arthritis?
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Date: 04.10.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: How do you manage constant tiredness?

I think honesty is the best policy, but only to the people you need to tell. If you want to keep it private it is your right. Sometimes its good to confide in maybe a tutor so the may be able to help out when you have a bad day or you are real tired. Maybe a good friend to share it with would also be good. This forum is a good listener also. I share with family close friends and all the guys on here. I wish you well and take care.
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Date: 05.10.2011
From: Caroline Jephcott

Subject: Re: How do you manage constant tiredness?

Oh it is awful isn't it!! I blogged yesterday that the pain is not really the difficulty with immune related arthritis, it is the exhaustion and the feeling burnt all over. We just (I say we as husband also has arthritis) have to accept that on those days we do minimum possible in order to recover and re fuel our bodies quickly, this is tricky as I am a Psychologist and he is a graphic artist and we are parents. I end up trying to put my dogs and baby's mind at rest whilst hubby is drawing using the ketchup on his plate! We find it difficult to veg but you really need to, it is no shame to do so when your body is crying for you to chill.

Another tactic is Tramdol, a pain killer that has the side effect of energy boost/high! Be-careful ,the come down of it can be tricky for some (not major though) and once you start Tramdol it is v difficult to come off because of the energy boost it gives. Tramdol was my only way of getting through uni.

If you take one day out and chill you recover quicker than if you push against the tiredness for a week and end up in a heap for a month! Read, listen to music (do you know music has been proven to release endorphin's that act as pain killers!) and eat well, it really does make you recharge in order to put your all in for the next day.

Also as a student are you aware you are entitled to a "Disabled Student Assessment"? I would so suggest you get an assessment ASAP.This would enable your faculty staff to be aware you need extra assignment time, may need a nice new laptop so you are not taking notes with painful hands, may need extra exam time. All these things might be very important in the long run in preventing exhaustion. You can even get a student note taker who will attend lectures, seminars on behalf of you when you are too ill to get in and need to rest, they will gather work for you and take notes etc. Even if you have had a DSA before with a undergrad degree, with every new course you take on you are entitled to a DSA.

I have to say above all be here, it is nice for me to hear others go through this exhaustion, it makes you feel less bonkers! :)

Keep going :)

Caroline Jephcott
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