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Date: 17.08.2011
From: Claire

Subject: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi, I was diagnosed with PA a couple days ago. I'm 27 and the doctor wants me to start Methotrexate. After reading about it I don't think I am going to go ahead with it. Is there anything I can try to help myself. I can deal with the aches and pains but the flaking scabby scalp is driving me crazy!! I am so self conscious! After trying Dovonex Solution, Cocois Ointment, Alphosyl Shampoo, Oilatum Scalp Intensive Shampoo, now the only thing that makes me feel better although it sounds a bit extreme is removing all the scabs in the shower with a comb, washing my hair with T-gel Theraputic Shampoo and the Head and Shoulders Itchy burns but feels so good afterwards!! Is there anyone that can help me come up with something a bit less barbaric! Any information would be much appreciated!! Thank you. :-(
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Date: 17.08.2011
From: Lynn B

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi Claire, I also have PA and have had psoriasis since I was 13 months old, I have been on every medication ,cream, oils sun lamp, coal tar, paste steroid cream you name it I have had it. I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis 3 yrs ago after being in pain for years. Like you and a lot of other guys on here I was pretty reluctant to go on mtx with it being toxic and the different side affects.Well I finaly gave in 18 months ago and got up to 15mg a week after a while the side affects were dragging me down. My rheummy put me on mtx injections after a month the difference was noticeable I didnt swell as much the flares were less, But the biggest change was the disapearance of the psoriasis.....Not only was it slowing the disease down but it was actualy clearing my psoriasis up after 54 yrs. Now I know thats just me not everyone can tolerate it and it doesnt help everyone but I thought I would just let you know about my experience. sorry to prattle on so long good luck. take care x
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Date: 18.08.2011
From: Catherine

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

My daughter has psoriasis and as yet no Pa . She has a lot of success with what is called Puva treatment in Australia. It is ultra violet rays, however it is done at the consultants surgery and it is like a big tanning bed not just a lamp. She has it through her hair also and has a special mixture made up which is very successful. If you think it would help I could find out what is in it for you.
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Date: 19.08.2011
From: louloubelle

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi Claire

I was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was 7 and PA when I was 9. I have a severe case of both which resulted in me having hip replacement surgery 10 years ago when I was 22. I have tried everything over the years and the most successful was anti-tnf. I went from 70% covered in psoriasis, including the scalp, to not having a single lesion within a few months. It kept the PA under control as well. Please consider the DMARD drugs as it helps prevent the condition worsening as much as dealing with the here and now. I'm surprised the doc wants to put you straight onto mtx, perhaps you could ask about sulfasalazine, it has fewer side affects and is commonly given to PA sufferers before trying the more serious stuff! Unfortunately, it didn't work for me but it may for you, it's certainly worth trying.

I'm like you, the psoriasis drives you insane!!! I've had to come off medications since falling pregnant 20 months ago and having subsequent health problems and I am now about 80-90% covered in psoriasis (except on my face, thank goodness). I started back on anti-tnf on wednesday so know it won't be long until it's all better. In the meantime I am having pUVA treatment.

Like Catherine says, pUVA is a sunbed treatment where you soak in a bath with this solution in it so that your skin takes up the light more effectively. I have to make a 50 mile round trip to the hospital as I live in the middle of nowhere in deepest, darkest Lincolnshire but it is totally worth it, especially as I'll have an amazing tan in place of the horrible scabs.

I also only seem to get relieve from the psoriasis on my scalp by pulling all of the scabs off! May I recommend a metal nit comb!!! They are amazing at offering relief and help comb out the fine dandruff like bits that get trapped in the hair! People keep telling me not to pick or scratch but, to be honest, it makes no difference leaving it alone other than driving you to complete distraction!

Will you let us know how you get on if you do go back to your docs? And if you need any more advice we'll all be happy to help if we can.

Take care
Lou x
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Date: 19.08.2011
From: lynn r

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

hi claire i too have PA and like you was not looking forward to mxt but ive finnally gave in 3 weeks ago and tried it with a starting dose of 10mg (4 tabs per week) but i have tried 2 othere dmards drugs first * hydrocloruquine and sulphsalazine had side effects with them so mxt has not been as bad as i imagined as yet but have had a few scares had extra blood work done but all in all been ok i am only 35 and used to enjoy a wine or 2 here and there but i do miss that as my rhuemy says bout 6 units a week is more than enough i know it isnt for everyone but you could give it a try and if you dont like it or it doesnt agree with you then you could stop taking it. there is so much too think off with this diesease i hope this helps a little x
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Date: 25.08.2011
From: Mark

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

For my scalp I was put on a short course if this acid cream. Sialic acid I think it's called. Stripped the skin clean and now I maintain with Elocon cream. Makes the hair greasy but totally worth it. Otherwise I'm on sulfasalazine for the aches and works well and does decrease the severity of my psoriasis.
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Date: 04.09.2011
From: Claire

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

Thank you everyone for your help. As of yet still not taken the Mxt. I think I am going to try everything else first like Acupuncture, Homeopathic treatments etc. I did almost give in last week when the pain was really bad, but along with family members not wanting me to start it and just the fear of catching everyone else's germs as I am a taxi driver, I didn't do it. Everything seems to be happening to scare me off taking it. My Auntie passed away last week and she was convinced that the mxt was the worst thing she ever did because it made her so ill. She was taking it for another illness. So, other family members have begged me not to go on it. My mind is still not made up, to be honest it's still in a bit of a whirl. I still keep hoping it may just go away!! :-). I will have to take the mxt at the last resort but, I've got to try everything else first.
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Date: 05.09.2011
From: lynnr

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

hi clare im so sorry u seem to be having a right bad time of it i was on the mxt for 5 weeks there and have just been stopped as i had recurring sore throats and on frid was woken by choking on blood as i ws having a nose bleed in my sleep it was scary stuff i can honestly say from my experience that mxt is the worst drug to date it has made me ill sleepy withdrawn i am off it for now i am awaiting a call from my rhumy nurse i am hoping she does not put meback on it on frid i know everyone is different so you might feel great im surprised they havnt offered you the others first mxt was my 3rd DMARD i hope you find something that helps you take care x
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Date: 08.09.2011
From: Claire

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

Thank you Lynn, poor you, you sound like you're having a rough time of it yourself! Can you let me know what else they suggest for you or if they want to put you back on the Mxt. I hope they find something better for you, I've been in bad pain for the last few days but thankfully today it's eased up a bit and I can walk slightly more normally! Hope to hear from you soon. Take care. x
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Date: 08.09.2011
From: lynn r

Subject: Re: Just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis

hi claire yeah i will let you know im hoping for an earlier app because mines is not till nov so hears hoping xx glad ur feeling a little better
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