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Date: 16.08.2011
From: kirst

Subject: being referd to a Neurologist...need to moan!

think that is the correct spelling :/
Anyway the reason for the referal is because ive got hand tremors whenever i go to do things, when im asleep or relaxed it goes away. Ive also been having migraines, speech problems (cant find the words for things), and a feeling of being stuch in glue at times.
Now the first time i had these symptoms i had blood tests which revealed RA, i then was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia because inflamation levels eased off but pain and other symptoms when ive been to the GP she is concerned as she thinks my symptoms could be liked with MS or other neurological condition.

Am happy its being looked into and not being automatically put down to fibromyalgia or RA. But what is anoying is that these symptoms arnt new to me and i feel let down by the rummy because to be honest he is a bit naff during appointments and i have no faith in him. Im just frusterated at having to wait for appointments to see yet another specialist. On a more positive note my sons think the tremor is hilarious at bed time because when i go to help them brush their teeth they get tooth paste all over their faces because i cant not shake lol (kids are 3y and almost 2) everything is funny and ok in childrens eyes, so they are keeping me sane.
moan over x
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Date: 16.08.2011
From: Sharon

Subject: Re: being referd to a Neurologist...need to moan!

Hi Kirst, I'm sorry to hear your having such a bad time at the minute. I have similar symptoms (speech problems where I can't find the words and hand tremors) but it was put down to RA and fibromalgia. At least you are now being assessed by someone who might be able to give you some answers and support. I say 'someone who might' because it seems like most consultants leave you frustrated and feeling as if your wasting their time when you have your 5 minute appointment. Mine does and I keep reiterating I work 8,9 and 10 hours shifts with this condition but he just replies he has seen worse than me!!!! I hope so as I am only 44 yr old. Sorry to lose it. Good luck with the assessment and let me know how you get on. At least your kids sound like they keep you busy and sane.
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Date: 16.08.2011
From: Lee

Subject: Re: being referd to a Neurologist...need to moan!

I've got tremors and Fibromyalgia and the specialist said its related but im unsure and bit concerned its something unrelated as it seems to get worse with stress.

Its not that noticable to people but I can feel myself wobbling and shaking within
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Date: 17.08.2011
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: being referd to a Neurologist...need to moan!

My Niece has something similar I think it's called benign tremors. Try not to worry kirst at least seeing a Neurologist will put your mind at rest. I've seen one [ I still don't know why ? ] I was referred through the Rheumie thankfully all was fine I'm sure you will be to.
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Date: 17.08.2011
From: Catherine

Subject: Re: being referd to a Neurologist...need to moan!

Hi Kirst and Kayjay, Sorry to hear of your tremors Kirst, hope they are sorted or at least diagnosed soon, sending lots of love for positive outcome. Kayjay, you say your niece has benign tremors, I hadn't heard of this until my daughter in law explained that is what she and her mother have. Didnt like to ask too many questions, can you fill me in a bit more please.
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Date: 17.08.2011
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: being referd to a Neurologist...need to moan!

All I know is that my Niece from being very small has shaking hands but only when she is concentrating on something - like drawing etc but otherwise her hands dont shake. It has not affected her life at all as she is in Uni studying child psychology and is a qualified Nursery Nurse. Thinking about it my Dad [ her Grandad ] did that as well. Could be hereditary ?
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Date: 18.08.2011
From: Catherine

Subject: Re: being referd to a Neurologist...need to moan!

Yeah I think it hereditary as her mum has it. Hers seems to be worse if she is tired or hungry. She has been tested for everything and nothing shows and she has no other problems. She really hates it. She is the most lovely girl in the world and I was just curious because she is always trying to find something to stop it. Thanks for your help.
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Date: 18.08.2011
From: marlene.

Subject: Re: being referd to a Neurologist...need to moan!

Hi everyone, sorry to hear you are all having the shakes, i also sake and i suffer with OA. I have often put it down to pain meds but i have had this for some time now. I was sent to a neurologist by my rhumy team before i had my back surgery i must say i was a bit thrown as i alreay had an orthopedic surgeon. After seeing the nuro guy he also took part in the surgery as nerves were compromised causing me more pain. I had the disc removed bone spurs shaved away what the nuro surgeon did exactly i dont know but it cured the terrible pains in my legs. So what i am trying to say is our nerves cans be affected with all the other stuff going on. So i just say two heads better than one !!! I am sending all you guys my best wishes and hope you all get good results soon. Take Care One and All X
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