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Date: 22.07.2011
From: Doug

Subject: Ozone Therapy

I am very interested in Ozone Therapy and Rheumatoid Arthritis and would very much like to read anything (e.g. articles, in-vitro studies, etc) that addresses whether IV Ozone thearpy is a pro stimulant of the immune system (e.g. upregulates TNF-a, IL-1) - which is really bad for a person with RA, but good for killing bacteria and some sug...gest treating the HIV virus. There is not a lot out there but from what I have read Ozone therapy does stimulate white blood cell production and the cascading effect of an immune response in releasing pro-inflamatory cytokines - lke TNF-a. I did read an exerpt from a book by Velio Bocci where he suggests low does Ozone therapy actually progresses the disease where as high dose has an anti-inflamatory effect. I am open to all potential therapies but do not want to regress back to "Snake Oil" cure testimonials without SOME scientific evidence - especially if there is a potentail to worsen the condition. Thank you very much.
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