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Date: 10.07.2008
From: Duncan Weir

Subject: Would anyone be willing to help

Hello all
I have been reading this thread and was wondering if I could ask some of you for a little help in something that I would like to do.

My name is Duncan Weir and I am an EFT practitioner I have my own business helping people get over negative emotions one group of these negative emotions that I deal with is pain management.

What I would like to ask is for 3 to 4 people to allow me to help them to try to ease their pain; I want to do this because I truly believe that the technique can be affectively used over phone and email.
I donāt want payment for this, but I want to see if I can get this distance way of working with people to work and if so it can then be taught to many more people than just the ones within my reach and location.

It is drug free and the technique is safe and it is administrated by yourselves, to do the technique only takes about 90 seconds

If I get people that want to try this, this is how it will work:

It will be done mostly over email, you will be taught how to use the technique and I will send you all the literature you will require to know how to use this technique on yourself I say yourself because to me this is a very important part of EFT is that it gives you your power back.

I will ask you a few questions about you and how and when your condition started, it can be done over the phone or again over email, the questions will not be intrusive or involve you telling me lots of information about yourself you tell me how you want to do this, itās all about you.

Then and only when you are ready I would like to give you a phone call say of about 30mins during this time I will tell you what to do and say while we work on your pain, I will call you so donāt worry.

For my part I will take some notes as we go along in our work together and you are welcome to have a copy at any time.

If you want to find out about me to see if I am who I say I am then you can go to this site
And you will see that I have passed the relevant qualification in Meridian energy Technique.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and I will answer you as best I can.
You can email me at

I look forward to working with you
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