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Date: 10.06.2011
From: kazzie

Subject: new hip update

have got a preop date for 6th july and said it be done in the 6 weeks after that i have to come off enbrel 2 weeks before which is the scary part as cant move without it .silly me watched it bein done on you tube and now scared .has anyone had this done by sedation as i want to be knocked out fully .
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Date: 11.06.2011
From: Lee

Subject: Re: new hip update

My partners Grandad who is 80+ has had hip replacement and was ok with the proceedure but has had pain problems since which is down to his age and something didnt heal properly.

Dont watch the proceedure it will make everything seem a lot worse. I know that by googling all my meds recently and saw all the worse case scenarios..

They Will put you out and give you pre-med before which is like a beta blocker/sedative so it should calm your nerves etc and then operation been good.

Dont fret and dont google or watch anymore as it will just make you feel worse...just keep thinking its fine and will be ok
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Date: 11.06.2011
From: Lynn B

Subject: Re: new hip update

Kazzie you are going to be fine .Stop looking on you tube everyone is different, you will be sedated, you will cope without the enbrel, you know you will!! Just believe you are going to be so much better after this op. You are so going to look back on this thread and wonder why you got so worried. Chin up. Take care. xx
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Date: 11.06.2011
From: marlene

Subject: Re: new hip update

Kazzie my mum had a hip replacement last September at the age of 85 (she fell and broke hers). When she came out of her deep sleep the first thing she said was thank god for that my pain is so much beter. Kazzie remember each day after surgery you will feel better than the day before.Kazzie try to keep youself occupied with things you like you will out the other side before you know it. Take care and i wish you all the luck in the world (not that you will need it). X
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Date: 11.06.2011
From: louloubelle

Subject: Re: new hip update

Hey Kazzie

I had my hips replaced 10 years ago when I was 21 and I am still pain free. I was given a morphine epidural so that when I came round from the op I was numb from the waist down. I was a bit freaked out by having a needle in my spine so asked them to do it before they put me to sleep. However, I've since had a c-section and was given a spinal and they're absolutely fine. I had a couple of days post op where I had to lay on my back with a triangular cushion between my legs. Surprisingly I was not catheterised which meant I had to lift myself onto a bedpan which was quite an experience!! For those two days I was quite groggy but they do get you up and about as soon as possible and, yes, you are sore but the discomfort quickly improves and after about 3 months I felt like I could run a marathon (well, if it wasn't for the arther in the knees and ankles I could lol).

My sister watched a hip replacement being done when she was training to be a nurse and she said there was no wonder I was achey afterwards as the surgeon gets you into some weird and wonderful positions. She advised I didn't look at it being done until after I'd had my 2nd hip done. I'm not sure I want to see it being done still as I know in another 15-20 years I'll have to have them re-done and sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Honestly, considering what the operation involves, it's really not too bad and you will be so pleased that you had it done when you realise how much better you will feel. I believe it's one of the best things I've done and wouldn't hesitate in advising people that are doubtful to have it done.

All the best hun
Lou x
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