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Date: 06.06.2011
From: nicky

Subject: Panther please answer this

hi.whats the website called where u found this lady? i wanna check out some reviews but couldnt find much about her or this thing.find only some cmo tablets or cream available in usa but nothin else. many many thx.i think you could help me a lot with this
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Date: 07.06.2011
From: Panther

Subject: Re: Panther please answer this

It was from the forum of a site "what doctors don't tell you". They need some registration before you can view their contents.
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Date: 07.06.2011
From: nicky

Subject: Re: Panther please answer this

thank you so much.hope i can find something interesting and helpful.
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Date: 07.06.2011
From: Panther

Subject: Re: Panther please answer this

Welcome Nicky
Actually i google a lot to search about the disease and their treatment plan. I not only search about the alternative but also about the conventional treatment. I have some findings of my own, hope this one is useful for everyone.

1). None of the Pharma companies (be it allopath or alternative) invest billions for the welfare of the society. They invest their billions to convert them into trillions.

2). Most of the research reports..... none of the Pharma companies will sponsor them to highlight the benefit of their competitor. They highlight or suppress the information to suite their sales needs.

3). Allopath is not the only form of treatment. there are many others recognized by WHO and different government bodies and they have their own significance in curing the diseases.

4). Most of the painkillers (NSAIDs) instead of curing the effected organs just block the pain signals from reaching the brain. They are not meant for repair. So, its absurd to think that just using some painkillers will cure you. You can google for the mechanism of action of all the medicines/molecules on the internet.

5). When someone says that he/she doesn't know the reason for a problem (the reason for auto immune problems still unknown) then god knows what the treatment they will be providing.

6). Healthcare is a business and not a religion, so we have the right to know the treatment plan and if it doesn't suit our needs then there should not be any hesitation in visiting some other healthcare establishment which suits you.

You disease is not a punishment by god that you have to live with this pain for ever.

Hope this help you.
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Date: 07.06.2011
From: Panther

Subject: Re: Panther please answer this

And again if healthcare is a business and there are so many salesman active on this forum, then why don't you strike a deal with them. Just put a board, I will try this for 20 - 30 days, if my condition improves, then only i will pay. Now see how many sales people will turn up to you.
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Date: 08.06.2011
From: Lee

Subject: Re: Panther please answer this

I think thats the thing it is a business and the longer companies dont find a cure for this disease or that sadly on a humanity level companies are happy as it makes them money through research or charities etc.

It might just be me being scepical but IF someone found that all magical of pill to cure one of the big diseases would it be announced??

Im not saying companies want people to suffer but it would cause a lot of companies to fold, disband and lose millions and millions of pounds through no research or charities...

Hope i havent over stepped the mark with that thought and idea as thats all it is based on how much money these companies generate through diseases and possible treatments
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Date: 09.06.2011
From: Panther

Subject: Re: Panther please answer this

Lee you are right. They will mop up all their resources to stop that pill from coming into the market.
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Date: 10.08.2011
From: Dr. Sangita

Subject: Re: Panther please answer this

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