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Date: 16.06.2008
From: Alison

Subject: Rheumatoid Arthritis?

I am female and almost 31 years old. I am overweight but have lost 50lbs this year due to exercise and a change in diet.

Last summer I suffered with Meralgia Paresthesia which at the time I thought was brought on because of some excessive walking and standing on a holiday where I first experienced the problem. The pain and burning sensation lasted around 10 weeks and gradually improved, I now have no pain in the thigh affected I am just left with it being permanently numb.

Could this condition be related to having Rheumatoid Arthritis? For some time on and off Iāve been experiencing problems with my hands pins & needles cramp and generally pain in my wrists. I am aware itās not typical of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome because of the fingers involved. I saw my GP and have been referred to Orthopaedics where I am now waiting some Nerve Conduction Tests.

At the time I didnāt mention to my GP that Iād been extremely tired to the point all I want to do is sleep all day which is so unlike me. Some blood tests where done which showed I was slightly Anaemic at 11.2 g/dl, both my iron levels and vitamin B12 levels where normal.

I suppose you could say I am beginning to put two and two together to make five but I just have a general feeling of being unwell and I am never physical sick. I also experienced and have done for some time stiffness in the morning which comes and goes, I am currently experiencing it now and have been for about a week. Also when I seem to be tired like I am now I generally ache all over and experience pain in my right leg bone and occasionally pain in my hips. Feeling like I do makes me just want to do nothing, even walking the dog is a struggle.

I really donāt want to feel like I am wasting my GPās time by going back but I was thinking on asking for a blood test to be done to check for Rheumatoid Arthritis, would I be wrong to ask for something specific to be checked. I am 31 and have been a type two diabetic for three years. My diabetes is controlled and my last HABC1 came back at 6.5.

I would really appreciate some general advice.
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Date: 19.06.2008
From: jane rowan

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis?

yes you must go back to your doc and ask for a ESR test, this will measure the active RA factor, diagnosing that you gave RA is relativly simple, good luck, also RA is a debilitating condition, so experiencing lethargy and general malaise, and aching all over goes with the territory iam afraid. All the best sweetheart!!xxx
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Date: 23.06.2008
From: Tinacee1

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis?

I have been having very similar problems. The pain was mostly in my thumb joints and wrists but like yourself I am experiencing pains in other parts of my body. My left leg gives me some pain ( a nagging pain which makes me feel nauseous when it comes on suddenly and really bad neck and shoulder pain. Also easily tired. My GP has referred me to a rheumatologist and I have to go to see him on 1st July. My GP says it could be lupus or raynauds disease or mixed arthritis.
I hope you are feeling better today.
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Date: 28.07.2008
From: Jolie

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis?

I strongly recommend you take positive action in your own care and diagnosis. I have recently been diagnosed with RA; I have to pester my GP and Rheumatologist all the time and have changed consultants twice!! Had I not been proactive God knows when I would have started treatment. Its your life and you're entitled to look after it, never be afriad to ask. Good luck
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Date: 25.10.2008
From: Anthony

Subject: Re: Rheumatoid Arthritis?

I believe that people with arthritis should try and exercise as much as they can. I have 'Arthur' in my knees and hands and I try and get out walking. It is worse in the winter months. I've been using Elmore Oil which I rub on and it works for me. Google it if you want to read up more on it or email me if you wish. It stops the pain and is 100% natural. Arthritis is one of the most common diseases that we have and is the reason why 60% of people visit their GP. It is more widely happening in the UK than alot of other places. Is it something to do with our climate? or maybe or weather? Who knows but we must try and do what we can.

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