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Date: 19.05.2011
From: Alex

Subject: 27yo with hip OA

I had a bad fall around 4 years ago and fractured my spine and neck of femur, resulting in osteoarthritis in my hip. It is driving me INSANE. I do the exercises, eat sensibly etc, but the fact that I did this through my own stupidity, in combination with really simple things like not being able to run and the fear of things deteriorating (as all the texts say they will) is eating away at me. I read amazing stories of how people cope with much bigger problems, but I am not that strong.
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Date: 21.05.2011
From: Lucy

Subject: Re: 27yo with hip OA

Dear Alex I had a knee injury when I was 12 and repeated dislocations until i had a stabilisation operation in my early twenties. As I got older I got really into cycling and recently bought my dream bike for cycle touring. Now at 37 I have just been diagnosed with OA, this week actually. I totally sypathise with you. I am devastated and intially went through all the worst case senarios and thought my life was over.
The fear of things deteriorating is what is eating me up too, I keep crying then I pick myself up and carry on researching.

I have spent 3 years going through therapy to deal with depression and finally felt I was getting on with life, no more depression, emotionally stronger but this is a blow. I am fearful because I am not that strong either and it is very difficult for other people without the disease to understand the fear. I dont know if my writing this will help but I thought you may find comfort with someone who can sympathise with the emotional fallout.
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Date: 21.05.2011
From: Gaynor

Subject: Re: 27yo with hip OA

Hey Alex. Here's the thing ... you just don't know how strong you are until you are in the situation. There are probably people looking at you and thinking that they don't get how you are able to carry on. But, you are still here. Some days are hard. Some days you will find that you have to live 15 minutes to 15 minutes ... but you will get through. You've got to let yourself off the hook. So you had a fall. Well, you didn't set out to fracture yourself and give yourself long term problems. So please stop beating yourself up. If you had a friend that was going through what you are now, you would be gentle with them. You would be encouraging and loving. So ... be a friend to yourself. Be kind to your body. The first step is accepting that your body is different now. I hope you find your way in this honey. You can do it. You just have to find your pace and your place. Big (gentle) hug to you.
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