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Date: 04.05.2011
From: Sue

Subject: Foods to avoid to ease arthritis

Has anyone noticed that their symptoms get worse after eating certain foods??

I've notice that if I eat any type of bread and crisps within minutes I feel the fatigue getting worse and I could nod off to sleep. My eyes sting even more and then the joints start to throb.

I've recently read the following;

Avoid foods from the nightshade family of foods such as tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines, peppers and I read somewhere else cheese too if you are prone to muscular, arthritic, joint or bone problems.

Arthritis suffers need to especially avoid the nightshades because they contain a substance called solanine, which interferes with the enzymes in the muscles, often causing pain and discomfort and aggravating joint problems.

If you really do love these foods, the best thing you can do is to roast, bake or cook these veggies first with a little miso soup. This process will neutralise the solanine compound.

I've been advised by a nutritionist friend to follow a celiac's diet as they are gluten free. I do it as much as I can but I do struggle being a veggie. I just need to get my hands on a good gluten free veggie book.

Oh, and drink nettle tea, that's meant to be fantastic for arthritis!!!
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Date: 05.05.2011
From: Maz

Subject: Re: Foods to avoid to ease arthritis

So true ....
we need to give up gluten, dairy, nightshades, sugar etc & yes it can be hard, but if staying clear of this stuff helps you as much as it helps me you will be very pleased !! The other things to watch out for are preservatives, they don't help either.
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Date: 08.05.2011
From: Mo B

Subject: Re: Foods to avoid to ease arthritis

I am not so sure you need to give up gluten (found in wheat, oats barley and rye)it is more wheat that seems to cause the problem with RA.

And you are right about the nightshade family (potatoes,tomatoes, aubergenes,tobacco too is a nightshade...)Many people get relief cutting back on these. The list goes on.. but it`s worth cutting out red meat and dairy (sesame seeds richest form of calcium and fish is good)to see if it helps.

Yes, nettle tea is excellent and so is fresh ginger tea with honey. I studied all this 30 years ago or more, for my mother, who was totally destroyed by RA and it broke my heart to see her house-bound (at 50) and in such pain.

My RA started 6 yrs ago, in later life, and I have been consulting a medical herbalist for four years. I am convinced, as she is, certain foods exacerbate the pain. She also recommends using lots of turmeric and cutting out acid fruits,and of course, as you say, Sue and Maz, additives.

My RA started in my hands wrists,feet and ankles, then spread to ribs and neck. Most of these symptoms have subsided, all except ankles which have got steadily worse, with my ESR creeping up to 75 (is this very high Lynne B?) and barely able to walk.

SO, seven weeks, ago I started on methotrexate, which I have been resisting for so long (now I feel I can write to you all!! Have been reading your forum for sev months, and I think you are all great and so supportive of each other).
It's a fairly low dose 7.5mg, but ESR is coming down fortnightly- now 39... and my feet and ankles are very much more flexible and relatively pain free (still need a stick outside). for more info about nightshades see website

Keep up the good work Maz, its difficult say what we `need' to give up cos we are all so different - but it's worth exploring these ideas.

But as I have discovered `natural' medicine by itself is not always enough
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