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Date: 31.03.2011
From: Mads

Subject: ra? maybe

hello i would just like to share my story with you, it certainly appears similar to many users - i have painful joints, inflamation, difficulty movement - had high inflamatory reading so GP referred me to consultant loads more blood tests, high rheumatoid factor but then heard nothing and had no follow up appointment so went back to gp for more painkillers - codeine and diclofenic - she is v. good but doesnt want to keep me on diclo.. for much longer and was cross as she thought that the consultant should be prescribing me so sent me back where i am now waiting for another appointment. I am assuming i have ra but noone has actually said you have rheumatoid arthritis they just read back my test results and i am usually so intent on trying to get some treatment that i don't ask anyone to spell it out. i have had these symptons for about 3/4 years though the last year has been the worst, particularly the mornings and very much hands and feet and knees, at times i feel like giving up - Xrays don't show any damage although they do show a bit of osteoarthritis in neck and spinte but this is so debilitating, i have two young kids, work full-time and am 43. could it be something else?
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Date: 31.03.2011
From: Gaynor

Subject: Re: ra? maybe

Hi Mads. I feel for you. It's horrible to be messed around by medical people. I'm not that experienced in RA - having only been struggling with it for a couple of years. But .. from what I know, a high inflammatory reading with the symptoms you have, sounds exactly like RA. One thing that I have had to learn is to be more assertive with doctors. If I were you, I would actually ring up the specialist's receptionist and ask why you have not been given a follow up appointment. Explain that you work fulltime and that this is causing you extreme distress. Good luck.
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Date: 31.03.2011
From: KayJay

Subject: Re: ra? maybe

Hi mads. I have a high Rheumatoid Factor but do not have RA. It took the Rhuemies about 18 months to come to the conclusion I have Osteoarthritis [ all over ] and Fibromyaglia, this was after they mis diagnosed me with Inflammatory Arthritis and had taken IA meds for about 10 months !! . You must insist that you see the Rhuematologist again because if it is RA you have then they should be prescribing you something for it.

I think another blood test is more conclusive for RA think its anti CCP or something ? Hope someone else can confirm thias and hope you get the treatment you need ;0)
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Date: 01.04.2011
From: Maz

Subject: Re: ra? maybe

This is the link to read up on the 'anti-CCP' test & what it is.

The results of being tested for RF used to be one of the benchmarks used by rheumatologists determine if someone may have RA, however like KayJay, there are & were a lot of people who tested RF-pos & yet they do not actually have RA!!

Rheumatologists use a lot of tools in order to diagnose a patient. The tests may include ESR, CRP, RF, anti-CCP or any combination of any of these together with other symptoms you may have/described, these all become tools for our specialists to hopefully correctly diagnose a patient. The thing to keep in mind is that medicine is not an exact science.

I sincerely hope you get not only a proper correct diagnosis but some help to alleviate your pain.

It would be in your own best interest to ask what they believe you have !!
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Date: 01.04.2011
From: mads

Subject: Re: ra? maybe

thank you all so much, you were very helpful i will look up the anticcp tests thank you for the link
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