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Date: 28.03.2011
From: Katie

Subject: Arthritis: Difficulties when using a Kettle


I am a university design student going into my final year of university this year. I am looking into designing a kettle with a built in kettle tipper action but without the stigma that can be attached to existing assistive products. This all came about after staying with my grandmother and notice the difficulties she faced.

I wondered what people thoughts were on this project and any feelings you may have on current products to assist when making a hot drink using a kettle. Is there is anything in particular you feel you could benefit from in this product would be fantastic

Any feelings or complaints when using kettles would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
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Date: 28.03.2011
From: emma

Subject: Re: Arthritis: Difficulties when using a Kettle

hi katie all i can say is the kettle needs to be light before any water goes in it and a button top so you can press the button and the top opens.i find the the kettle hard to use when you try to hold it and pour into a cup because i have not got the strength in my hands. hope this helps a little. emma
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Date: 28.03.2011
From: Paula

Subject: Re: Arthritis: Difficulties when using a Kettle

At the moment I can manage a kettle as long as there isn't too much water in it. I do though have to grab a dishcloth, place it on side of the kettle (under the spout) and hold the kettle there for extra support. It may be a good idea to have some sort of heat resistant slip proof rubber on there so I wouldn't have to use the dishcloth. I dread the thought of having to have disabled friendly equipment in my kitchen on view for every visitor to see. I know the time will probably come that I will with how my wrist have been today. Paula
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Date: 28.03.2011
From: Gaynor

Subject: Re: Arthritis: Difficulties when using a Kettle

The heaviness is an issue as is having to grip it with one hand to pour. A modern funky looking RA friendly kettle would be grand - all the disability gizmos look so clunky and "obvious".
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Date: 28.03.2011
From: bsk

Subject: Re: Arthritis: Difficulties when using a Kettle

I have a very light kettle and still find it painful. I sometimes use a plastic jug to fill it - which is just as much a problem as pouring it for me.
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