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Date: 19.02.2011
From: kazzie

Subject: water question lol

does anyones medication make them suffer from water infections its driving me mad
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Date: 20.02.2011
From: dolly

Subject: Re: water question lol

hi kazzie just me again. one thing i learned about the self injection meds [enbrel humira and remicade] u have 2 drink alot of water. i was on remicade first and was taken off bcause of bladder or kidney infections and the same 4 enbrel but learned later it was cause i didnt drink much "water". decaf coffee or t, and unsweetened fruit juices r considered as "water". my doc said if i drink any liquid with caffeine 2 drink the same amount of water following whatever i drink. hot chocolate , iced t, pop all have just as much caffeine as regular coffee. there r some pops that have more caffeine than coffee. chocolate bars also have caffeine. wen i start feeling pressure on my bladder even after i go, i will drink 2 big glasses of water right away 1 rite after the other, and most times the pressure will go away. water is so crucial and very important 2 RA patients bcause wen you dont drink enough water you will dehydrate quickly then the muscles seize up then the joints will also seize from no movement in the muscles. make water very important 2 u and keep caffeine intake to a minimum and start replacing some of your liquids with water. i've had an infection in my kidneys 2 where it got in2 my blood stream and come pretty close to not leaving the hospital. take care kazzie. will talk soon
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Date: 20.02.2011
From: cookie

Subject: Re: water question lol

Hi hon i know its an oldie but its a goodie a couple of glasses of cranberry juice will help it alters the urines acidity and makes it a less inviting place for urine to settle and thrive. One of the neuro wards where i work have all of their catheterised patients on 500 mls a day ( about 2.5 glasses) and their urinary infection rate is much lower than average but be carful if your on warfarin as it can effect your absorbtion xx
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Date: 21.02.2011
From: kazzie

Subject: Re: water question lol

hi thanks for this i dont actually like cranberry pure juice but i have bought the diluted cranberry and goin start drinkin this with a pint of water and am goin start drinkin more water ,i had asked the rhumy doctor about this and said it was unlikly my meds but its seems strange its only happenin since started on all this ,some days i feel like ive got cystitis constant .so will drink more thank you dolly and cookie
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Date: 21.02.2011
From: cookie

Subject: Re: water question lol

I dont understand how your rheumy doc says its unlikley to be your meds when they put us at increased risk of infection all it takes is for your bladder to have a few bacteria living init for what is termed colonisation. In certain situations ie because of our meds. Ilnness etc for these to overgrow to give you symptoms. The cranberry light is quite nice i cant bare the full strength cranberry either x
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Date: 21.02.2011
From: kazzie

Subject: Re: water question lol

thanks for that yeah i got light one its nice yeah i thought that but will heed the advice bout coffees ect as i dont drink milk only soya milk in tea so if were out (which isnt very often)have been havin black coffee or fizzy drinks so will have to get some bottles of water to take with me thanks
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Date: 21.02.2011
From: dolly

Subject: Re: water question lol

kazzie, these meds supress your immune system. its your immune system that "attacks" your joints. you take something that improves your immune system, then your immune system will attack which becomes a flare up. these meds keep your immune system low so it doesnt attack your bones, muscles and joints. RA is an auto immune disorder. these r things my rheumy told me. drink lots of water to get rid of whatever you consumed. hope you feel better soon. i also flare up when the weather changes quickly, say from a sunny day then the next day a rain storm, i get stiff and sore overnight.
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Date: 22.02.2011
From: kazzie

Subject: Re: water question lol

my rhumy has never told me to drink extra water or anything like that but am def goin tell again bout water problem thanks
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Date: 22.02.2011
From: dolly

Subject: Re: water question lol

kazz. coffee and reg. tea and hot chocolate and also pop or fizzy drinks will bother ur bladder because of caffeine. try 2 slowly switch 2 decaf coffee. wen u make a pot of coffee use some regular coffee and some decaf coffee. then start using more decaf coffee with very little regular coffee till u get used 2 it. maybe try some herb tea. there's a lot of different flavours out there. slowly change you fizzy drinks 2 water. slowly ween yourself and you will see a difference. caffeine works on your bladder like a diuretic. makes lots of water. going washroom all the time. cranberry juice has something in it that lines the lining of your bladder and stops bacteria from sticking to the wall of your bladder which can cause infection.
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