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Date: 10.04.2008
From: maste

Subject: What could this be? Please HELP....

On Jan 1, 2007 all of a sudden I started feeling very sick - I had fatigue, nausea, anorexia, insomnia and extreme shortness of breath (there was no wheezing, and my oxygen saturation levels were always 100%). I would aslo get these strange attacks in my chest where all of a sudden all the ribs muscles would go into a spasm and it would be hard to breath. After about a week of this I developed costochondritis. After two months of having costochondritis, the inflammation spread to every single other joint in my body (including the sacroiliac, jaw, neck, the ribs joints, achille's tendons, and my spine was affected in 3 places). None of my joints ever had any swelling, however the stiffness in my hands was so bad that I could barely hold a glass. The pain was unbearable and seemed like it wasn't only in my joints, but all around them too.

I've seen two rheumatologists who cannot give me a diagnosis. I've been tested for lyme disease, rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP, ANA, ENA, HLA-b27 - it was all negative. Even my sedimentation rate never went over 16. Only my CRP was elevated - 24 at some point.

I have not been able to work for the past year or do anything else really. It is only in the last two months that the systemic symptoms went away, however the pain stilll remains. It's not in the joints anymore but in the fibrous tissues surrounding them.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Should I expect this to ever go away? What could this be?
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