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Date: 29.11.2010
From: neil

Subject: Arthritis or Ankylosing spondylitis?

I dont know where to start, i'm 30 years old and a father to 3 kids and i'm in so much pain lately it's getting unbearable. My dad has ankylosing spondylitis and i have the HLB-27 gene but when i was younger i was diagnosed with Reactive Arthritis and as the time went on the pain decreased. But it's now coming back regularly the main pain i get is:

Bad heel pain only on my right foot, which recently has made my right ankle swollen constantly and i have had the pain in the heel for years but it comes and goes usually.
Also my spine is hurting in the middle of my shoulder blades and at the bottom of my back.
My right hip has pain at times but that does still come and go.
NOW my colorbone has started playing me up in the last week or so.

I try and play football still but it's getting a struggle aswell as doing the day to day things such as getting up in the mornings it's getting me down now as when i go to the doctors he doesnt seem to beleive me, but there is defintaly something wrong... Any advice or if anyone has the same problems please share your thoughts? thanks Neil.
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Date: 29.11.2010
From: ScaryFeet

Subject: Re: Arthritis or Ankylosing spondylitis?

Hi Neil
You need to go back to your GP and ask for blood tests then a referal to the relevant specialist once the results are back.
I have RA, diagnosed 2 years ago after spending ages thinking my knees were bad because I've spent too many years on the back of motorbikes, my ankles and feet were because I was running, my wrists and hands because I use a computer....and on and on the excuses went until my hair was falling out and I was in such pain in my hands and knees and feet - my GP was great and got to the bottom if it and now I am under the care of a fantastic team of RA Consultant and Nurse Specialist.

One of the first things I asked when diagnosed was could I keep running. They said yes, until such time my body said 'enough'. I did the London 10k in 2009 and thought I would never walk again, let alone run.....that was my last running session and it hurts me like hell as I felt so good and in control when out running, even though I wasn't exactly slim but I was bloody fit.

Football is a contact sport, no matter how hard you try and avoid knocks and bumps and this is going to be bad for your joints - once you see a specialist they can talk you through what is best to avoid.........

I think the mental side of things is out of balance with you because you are trying to carry on as normal whilst there is a good chance you are ill. If you at least get confirmation or what is wrong you can start to accept that its OK not to feel too good in the morning.......easier said than done.

I'm trying to decorate before Christmas - in the old days I'd be at it like a mad woman - these days I'm still a mad woman but can't do very much and rely on my husband to do the ladder work, the heavy sanding etc etc and it really does my head in. But I have RA and there is no getting away from it...........

Please make an appointment to see your GP and don't be fobbed off with some anti-inflamatories - the sooner you get proper treatment the better - especially when you have 3 kids to look after as well as yourself, you owe it to them............

I'm here if I can help anymore.......
Off to attempt to paint a door-frame!
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Date: 29.11.2010
From: neil

Subject: Re: Arthritis or Ankylosing spondylitis?

Thanks Lisa.

I've had a blood test and x-ray done recently but the results have come back normal, it cant do i keep telling myself as i am feeling like an old man at times the pain is unbearable but my GP just doesnt seem to beleive me when i mention the pain i'm feeling. I just dont know where to turn, it's ruining my life at the moment...!!

But i'm trying to keep on the best way i can.
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Date: 03.12.2010
From: cathy

Subject: Re: Arthritis or Ankylosing spondylitis?

Hi Neil, I take it your not on any medication? I have Anklosing Spondylitis and have similar symptons to you. I have the gene and my Grandad had the same disease. You need to go back to your GP and they need to take you seriously. I had an MRI scan of my pelvis which clarified the AS but i also test positive for RA? So i am not sure which disease i have or if i have both. I know its hard to carry on as normal but you must try. If the pain is really bad i go for a massage once a month and it really helps the tension, pain and for me to relax. Good luck
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Date: 07.12.2010
From: Neil

Subject: Re: Arthritis or Ankylosing spondylitis?

Update: I went back the doctors and he is referring me back to the hospital, I'm just disapointed that i have to go back on tablets that will blow me up i spent a year or so in my early twenties losing the weight which i have done and kept to a steady weight but i'd rather blow up than be in this pain i'm feeling right now.

I'm currently on Etoricoxib but my ankle has swollen up and my general pain is awful espically in the mornings.

I have re-active arthritis and i had a scan on my back the other week just got the results it's showing as fine so AS hasnt taken over as yet so that's good news but i cant handle the pain i'm suffering i find it hard to get out of bed in the mornings for work, the cold weather is affecting probably everyone on this site.
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Date: 19.12.2010
From: Sandie

Subject: Re: Arthritis or Ankylosing spondylitis?

Hi Neil, just read your posts. My dad had AS for over 50 years, also different types of arthritis. My twin brother has Crohns disease, which is in the same family as AS. I have been having problems for nearly 3 years and only 4 months ago was diagnosed with Psoriatic (psoriasis) Arthritis. This is also in same family of diseases and the consultant said it has come down through our dad. My symptoms sound very similar to yours, and the blood tests for RA kept coming back negative, so they watched and waited to see how it would progress (yay for me) and eventually I asked for a second opinion and they did slightly different tests and hey presto they said it was PA. I have never had psoriasis till now, and even now it is quite mild, but my dad had it mildly also and my daughter was diagnosed 2 years ago with it, she was 28 then. So do a bit more digging with your family history and see what you find. Somewhere in there, there might be more clues.
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