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Date: 03.09.2010
From: katknapp

Subject: various types of pain

well at the moment im not really sure what type of arthritis i have,the consultant has said he thinks i have imflamatory arthritis,but what i want to know is if anyone else is suffering what makes your pain worse and does it move around your body?..its supposedly nice and warm outside but theres a chill and as soon as i go outside my wrists and arms start throbbing and aching,sometimes i will say i have a flare up of sharp pain in my wrists then an hour later its in my legs,is this what everyone else has?ive never talked to anyone else that suffers this so its nice to be able to compare notes lol
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Date: 03.09.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: various types of pain

hi Kat, it all sounds very familiar to me! I have inflammatory arthritis too. Am not very well at moment and will post later but there are lots of threads about it - look for sero-negative inflammatory arthritis.
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Date: 04.09.2010
From: katknapp

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Hi Sally,hope you are ok,ive had a bad few days and today it feels like someones driven a bolt through both feet im finding it hard to walk,ive looked on the internet but and found a little information and i do tick most boxes apart from the swelling i even have the deformed toenails(gross i know!)but that could also be down to a lack of calcium vit D hence being put on the tablets for that,anyway hopefully you will be well enough to chat soonxx
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Date: 04.09.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Hi Kat, sorry I haven't got back to you before and sorry you are feeling bad. I pretty much get consistent pain in my ankles, knees and wrists & sometimes fingers and it does move around - have also had pain in my shoulder too. Some foods make it worse like rhubarb and strawberries. Too much walking/carrying stuff - anything physical makes it worse. I get very achey ankles and wrists - especially in the cold. Am much better when on steroids than not. The methotrexate helps a bit I think but I've got problems with it. What drugs do you take for it?
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Date: 05.09.2010
From: katknapp(cathy)

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Hi Sally,it really sounds the same as im going through,so far all i have been given is the steroid injection and all it seems to have done is ease the dreadful constant aching in my wrists and ankles,and for pain killing i have co-codomol,i did try tramodol but that made me feel high and i also tried diclefenac they were useless,my next visit to the consultant is in november so hopefully he will have something else for me to try,although im off to the doctors tomorrow to see if i can get some crutches as i cant walk at the moment,its strange for the past few years ive had this on and off the all of a sudden it seems to have accelerated and im in constant pain from 1 joint or other,xx
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Date: 05.09.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: various types of pain

hi Cathy, sounds as if you are pretty bad way at the moment. Don't wait until November to see your consultant if you are getting worse, ring him up and get either a telephone consultation or ask him to bring your appt forward. Am doing the same thing myself next week. I'm surprised they haven't started you on Dmards as they usually like too within three months. Perhaps you could ask your gp about that. You can't go round on crutches for next 2 months, that is ridiculous. I am pretty reliant on steroids but it's not ideal to be solely on them. Thinking about it, I only had steroids both oral and injection for six months. Now have injections as often as I can.

I got very suddenly bad with all my joints at once. Seems to be a common problem, there are signs but not enough for anything to be done earlier. That's what happened to me - had ankle pain, pain in toes, pain knees - just thought it was me getting older! Well, I AM getting older but not that quickly :)

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Date: 05.09.2010
From: Jake

Subject: Re: various types of pain

i had a terrible time on the dicoflenac and my dr has now given me Arcoxia and its miles better.
i have had no pain hardly for two days now, the Dicolenac was ripping my stomach to shreds i had such intense pain.
bit this is far better, its just the fatigue i need to beat now.
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Date: 06.09.2010
From: katknapp

Subject: Re: various types of pain

The dicoflenac just didnt help although my sister says it helps her,co-codomol upsets me, i feel as though im on planet zog!im off to the doctors in a minute to see what new goodies they can give me to try and get some crutches,
And i know what you mean Sally i thought it must just be aches and pains me getting older,its horrible im only 42!
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Date: 06.09.2010
From: katknapp

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Have just got back from doctors,and hes told me i have a inflamatory arthritis but because im only 42 im too young to have it?perhaps someone should tell my body that!!!Anyway the other option is that i have RA but i dont "tick" all the boxes,so i have now been given prednisolone 5mg and have read through some of these posts about wieght gain and puffy face while on them...oh deep joy as if i need to gain anymore!
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Date: 10.09.2010
From: TT

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Hi katknapp.I'm the same age as you and was told today by my GP that the pain I have in my right hand and now beginning in my left is arthritis. He didn't say what type other than it's not rheumatoid. I've been given Codeine Phosphate for the pain (I can't tolerate Ibuprofen and Paracetamol is little better).

I have to go back in a few weeks.
What happens now? Where do I go from here?
Will it spread and what about my work?

I'm absolutely fraught with worry!
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Date: 10.09.2010
From: katknapp

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Hi TT,
I know how you feel,im worried sick and dont seem to be getting anywhere,ive been off work 4 months now and i have'nt got much ssp left so im really not sure what to do,at the moment all i know is i have imflamatory arthritis,i feel like ive been left hanging,

ask your doctor about steroid injections because they do work for a lot of people
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Date: 11.09.2010
From: TT

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Thanks katknapp.
Just started taking my medication today and it's awful.I always struggle with painkillers.

I wish i could advise you but i'm only just starting on a similar road and don't know where it leads.
Any minor twinge in my arms or shoulders is magnified a thousand times because of what's happening and i'm convincing myself it's spreading.It came on so suddenly and and worsened so quickly that i fear the worst.

I hope you can get things sorted out soon.
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Date: 11.09.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: various types of pain

hi Cathy, I've had inflammatory arthritis for over a year now and am still not on the right meds. It can be extremely hard to treat, very hard to get the right drugs or right combination of drugs. My consultant held back as he hoped it would disappear. I have times when I can do things and times when I can't do very much.

It is very frustrating and the best advice I can offer is to take one day at a time, scale down your expectations and recognise that you may not be able to do things as before for some time. I know that sounds bleak but it has helped me come to terms with this illness. I don't believe I will ever get back to my 'old' self. That is hard for me to come to terms with but realising that has helped me recognise that I have to build a different sort of life for myself. It is early days for you, TT and me. Try and be patient - very hard I know!
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Date: 13.09.2010
From: TT

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Thanks Sally.

I just feel the doctors aren't appreciating how worried I am about this while their "wait and see how things go" attitude is incredibly frustrating as I have more aches and pains by the day.I always believed there was early medical intervention for things like this.

The first finger on my right hand is begging to look slightly puffed up so perhaps the sight of it might spur my GP on to find out exactly which type of arthritis I have and the appropriate treatment.

Good luck to you Sally,I'll try and be patient as you advised.
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Date: 14.09.2010
From: katknapp

Subject: Re: various types of pain

Well ive been taking the steroid tablets and today im in a lot of pain in my legs, i have actually had a few mornings where i have woken up feeling ok but it soon wears off,
TT i have the same problem im feeling every day theres a new pain and i almost feel like im imagining it(does that sound silly?)i only have about two months sick leave left now after that i really dont know what to do im worried sick as we cannot afford to go without my wage,and even if they do sort out medication and i go back to work what if i have a bad few days and have to take time off agian my employers will not put up with that on a regular basis,theres no one who you can ask about these things is there?
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