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Date: 26.08.2010
From: Shirley

Subject: Can you work with RA?

Hi, I'm fairly new and into my 6th week of MTX so am off sick from work at the mo. My family seem to think its unlikely I'll be able to work again with RA. Just wondered what you think and has anyone out there managed to keep their job?
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Date: 26.08.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: Can you work with RA?

Hi Shirley, it depends on how you respond to treatment I guess. Everyone is different and there are lots of people with RA who work. I think there is quite a lot that employers have to do under the Disability Discrimination Act to make it possible for you to remain working. Perhaps you should check it out. Do you have a union? They might be able to help.
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Date: 26.08.2010
From: gary

Subject: Re: Can you work with RA?

hi shirley
ive had r/a for a year now and im still working. ive only had 2 weeks off work and find it easier if i keep going rather than do nothing at all.i do struggle most days but i suppose it depends how bad you are . once the mtx kicks in i hope you will feel a lot better ( could take up to 3 months ).
stay positive and dont over do things.
take care
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Date: 27.08.2010
From: Shirley

Subject: Re: Can you work with RA?

Thanks guys, I've been signed off for another four weeks and I must say not worrying about how I'm gonna cope with work has been a great relief. I just hope I get my DLA approved so I can pay the bills next month!
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Date: 27.08.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: Can you work with RA?

Hi guys, like sally said, does depend on how bad we r with regards work, also if u get the Meds fast emough, then damage is a lot less, than someone(like me) that didnt get MTX or Enbrel for years, back in my 20s they told me it was called NON progressive arthritis....years on, Senron Neg R.A. Infla atha...I sadly had to give up work, due to the chronic pain, and also the severe fatigue, altho im now on the correct meds, the disease became advanced by then, and ive had 7 corrective surgery ops to date(DO NOT be worried by this) as I say, we r all different, Ive also got Reiters disease(rare) have a defective Gebe HLA b27 POS, which has predisposed me to having this condition, However, I still remain positive, and try and keep upbeat, as many in here will tell u(use to come in daily months back) anyway, the earlier the treatment the better, IF u can carry on workijng Please do that, as it does give u something to get up for, and better to be mobile than not, lots of companies allow for this disability as Sally said, So good luck with working, and like Gary said, Dont over do things, your body will tell u when its had enuff.... tc let us all know how u get on

BTW I now take MTX Injections, so much better on the stomach xx
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Date: 27.08.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: Can you work with RA?

Glad you've been signed off for another few weeks. Best to take one step at a time (though I never take my own advice ha!ha!)
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