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Date: 24.08.2010
From: Kirstine

Subject: Problems with consultant...

Or lack of!
I saw my consultant in march where i was told i had rhumatoid arthritis and was put onto mtx. With the understanding id see him in 3-4 months, i am still yet to see him! Ive got loads of new symptoms and worsening symptoms, my gp thinks there is more going on than RA so has written letters asking for advice with no reply!
Im now at the point im so damn frusterated im close to giving up!
Any advice at all would be fantastic!
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Date: 25.08.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: Problems with consultant...

My Rheumy dept are crap to! When my apts are due and don't come up my GP calls and says how I really need to be seen and then as If by magic I get seen. Been under the hosp a year and no further forward. I'm gonna give them till Christmas then If still no further forward gonna get refered to another hospital. Maybe that's something you could consider. It's easy enough to research on the internet and it's you're Right to be seen anywhere! Keep us posted on your progress hun! Go well! X
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Date: 27.08.2010
From: Kirstine

Subject: Re: Problems with consultant...

I saw my rummy yesterday and he gave me a propper examination this time and then went through scan results ect. He decided that my bloods are now stable, my scans showed no swelling or damage which he said is good. But because im still in a lot of pain in numerous places despite there being no swelling or damage he has given me a definete diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Ive got early RA so im continuing with the mtx injections and other meds to keep that all under control, but for the fibromyalgia im being referd to he pain clinic, physio ect.
Im very happy ive got some answers from him for once. :)
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Date: 27.08.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: Problems with consultant...

Hi Kristine, If ever u dont hear from a consultant again, always RING his secretary, they often put u in on a clinic, they shld always fit u in, sometimes letters or referals go missing, never leave it to chance, aleays chase up your own appointments, learnt this thru experience, hope that info helps for the future if that happens again x
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Date: 07.09.2010
From: jo rose

Subject: Re: Problems with consultant...

Hi Kirstine. Sorry to hear about the problems youre having - I`m in a similar boat! I thought this was just a problem at my hospital (The Freeman, Newcastle). I`ve had problems getting appointments to see my rheumy from the start. A letter and fax from my GP requesting an appointment was brought forward (given an appointment for 8 months later when my rheumy wanted to see me in 6 weeks) "disappeared" and a phone call from my GP was not recorded. These errors caused a four and a half month delay in me starting on mtx.....My consultants secretary is very abrupt and has told me in the past that she doesnt deal with appointments, even though my consultant told me to phone her. She recently told my husband that she had left a message on my mobile concerning an appointment - I havent got a mobile and havent had one for 6 years.......and was only diagnosed with PA nine months ago. I eventually became so frustrated that I went onto the hospitals website and left negative feedback, ie. "I wouldnt recommend this hospital" I was contacted by the rheumatology dept`s manager within 24 hours and was immediately given an appointment 48 hours later.I dont like complaining, but when your health is at stake its necessary. My arthritis is still active and is not responding to mtx which I started five months ago. When I saw the rheumy two weeks ago she explained that one of her colleagues was off sick and that due to understaffing she could not guarantee when my next appointment would be. I jokingly said "well if I dont see you before christmas - merry christmas". When I went to the appointment desk, the first available appointment was the end of January 2011 ! Luckily, the specialist rheumy nurse is more accessible and tbh has given me a much more thourough examination and seems to have more time to engage with me and answer my questions. My advice would be,as Jill says, to contact your rheumys secretary in the first instance, but if you get no joy, phone the Dept. and ask to speak to the directorate manager. Dont give up Kirstine - your health is worth fighting for. I have considered changing hospitals, but am usng that strategy as a last resort as I think it may be a case of "better the devil you know!" Good luck with getting your appointment brought forward and keep us posted.
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Date: 07.09.2010
From: jo rose

Subject: Re: Problems with consultant...

Hey Kirstine, I`ve just re-read your second post and realise that youve already been to see your rheumy. Sorry *blush* - I blame the fatigue for not being able to concentrate and getting things muddled! Glad that youve got some answers at last and have been referred to other specialists for help :-) Take care.
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Date: 16.09.2010
From: Talloulah

Subject: Re: Problems with consultant...

well reading this, i think its disgraceful. i live in the isle of man, and thought it was just our dept that was crap. I dont expect to see the consultant everytime, but at the moment my condition is so unstable it warrants it. Mine said he would see me in August, then didnt turn up, instead rang my GP and told him im unstable because i dont take my drugs!!! The rest of the team are pretty rubbish too, including the 'nurse specialist' who always says she'll ring me back and then never does. so im left bedridden at times on high doses of steroids. B'ah! Maybe i should make a complaint too?!
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Date: 16.09.2010
From: Doreen

Subject: Re: Problems with consultant...

HI Kirstine I had bother at first one person said
Fibromyalgia another said rubbish (got the feeling she doesn't believe in fibro., any how been decided its RA. I have no problem with appointments or if I need anything I'v just to phone my RH nurse and he'll deal with it.
I have a been given a choice of two drugs to try next time I see her one is Methotreate who has tried this and how did it affect them
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Date: 16.09.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: Problems with consultant...

doreen, answered your other post but just wanted to say that the side effects weren't nearly as bad as I thought they would be.
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