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Date: 20.07.2010
From: Kirstine

Subject: Depression

Just wondering if Anyone had become depressed becuse of arthritis. Im 23 have RA, two children aged 2 and 9months. I find that my moods are all over the place. One day im feeling ok, just a bit weak and achey but manage wih he kids and household tasks with no problem (as long as i dont over do it). Other days specily when im flareing up i can find myself bursting into tears and feeling useless and i knkw this is all magnified because it effects what i can do with my children so greatly. Some days i cant unscrew bottles or even pull the small tabs on nappies to change them. When that happens i get so upset, i feel useless as a mother.
I have a lovel hubby who takes care of everything when im very bad but hes recently had an operation which means he cant lift anything for 8 weeks which means im doing everything! Im scared stiff im going to flare up badly as i just dont know how i would cope.
Do you think i may be depressed?
Any advice/words of wisdom would be fab x
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Date: 20.07.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: Depression

I'm 33 and I've suffered depression and other mental health probs since my teens and have spent alot of time in psychiatric hospitals. My depression lifted properly for the first time and has stayed lifted since about May last year. I was diagnosed with PA last August and I often feel the way you describe but because I know what true depression is like and even though I can feel really bad sometimes, I know it is just the Arthritis talking. I hope this has been of some help to you! Go well X
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Date: 20.07.2010
From: Rose

Subject: Re: Depression

I am 63 and have had RA for a few years and Crohns Disease since my early thirties. I know how you feel - I had a really bad day yesterday, couldnt do anything for myself and ended up feeling useless to all and good for nothing. It is the Arthritis talking, I agree with Abbie. You do have good days then bad days and the bad days all you want to do is go to bed. But hang in there, Im sure you will get wonderful support form everyone on this forum, so many supportive people. If you are concerned though I would mention your worries to your GP or Nurse so they can reassure you. You are doing a wonderful job though I reckon - you have two very small children, still babies and that in itself is a full time job not to mention everything else you will be trying to do. Please dont think you are a useless Mother, I am sure you are quite the oppisite, but it makes it hard to see clearly when we are in so much pain that we cant help ourselves. Maybe you need to take some time for yourself, even if its only a cup of tea with your Hubby whilst he is recovering from an operation. My goodness I think you have a lot on your plate so be kind to yourself. I hope you feel better soon, Take care Rose :) {{{{{hugs 2 U}}}}}
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Date: 20.07.2010
From: JILL

Subject: Re: Depression

Any long term Illness causes depression...goes with the territory, sadly....However, we must count our selves Lucky that we Dont have a Life threatening disease...Remember that, and U will get thru your day with a happier uplifted feeling....instead of depression!....Im a SURVIVOR of Depression!! Been thru utmost hell....with barely any help from the docs ikn the past, I beat this by myself! Took a different outlook on life, and that im not Worse than I am......
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Date: 23.07.2010
From: sandra lowe

Subject: Re: Depression

hi kirstine, Dont be hard on yourself theirs many people out there feel they arnt coping and dont have all day pain!! I had RA at 21 and a baby of 8months and went on to have 2 more children and suffered with nappies, bathing, peeling potatoes, holding the iron, couldnt lift the children etc, and through those times felt very low and other times had the will power to get through it, so just take one day at a time and enjoy your children and watch them grow and come to help you as they see you stuggling, mine are now 32, 29, and 24 i also have a grandson who i enjoy seeing him grow, ( he has just started saying nanny) keep in touch and we can help you through those dark days (((( big hug)))
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Date: 23.07.2010
From: Shirley

Subject: Re: Depression

Hi, I too have Crohns and am awaiting results of RA test which I'm certain will be positive. I asked my GP if there was a link between the 2 and he said no - do you know of anyone else with both conditions? Have read Infliximab treats both conditions and wondered how you're managing?
Rgds shirley
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Date: 24.07.2010
From: Rose

Subject: Re: Depression

Hi Shirley, I have both Crohns Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis. My Crohns was diagnosed over 30 years ago. I was also diagnosed with Rheumatoid Artheritis approx 6 years ago but the Doctors are fairly certain I would have had it longer. Both these diseases are AutoImmune diseases and it is documented that if you develop one autoimmune disease there is a fair chance you will develop another. I asked my GP the same question as you in that were the two related and he also said No he didnt think so. However I am being managed by a Professor of Rheumatology and he also was noncommital but said that they couldnt dismiss the possibility. From what I have read you dont develop RA because of Crohns but It is not unknown if it happens. I am taking prednisone, methotrexate, lots of meds for the Crohns and other lovelies for both. However I am on Humira injections for the RA (Adalimumab) This is one of the bio chemical drugs (like Infliximab - I was considered for this) and its self administered every two weeks. I was given this because it has a great success rate with Crohns Disease and is in fact one of the drugs they use for Crohns when all else fails.I wouldnt be put off by your GP saying that there is no connection with these diseases, I truly believe that there is just not enough research being done into this particular phenonomon.If your test results come back positive or even negative and you are not happy with that I would strongly suggest you get an appointment with a good Rheumatologist and for preference one that also specialises in pain management. Mine does and it is a God send. I hope this helps your enquiry and If you have any other questions feel free to post your questions again and I will be more than happy to help in any way i can. Go well and good luck Rose :)
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