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Date: 25.05.2010
From: Teresa

Subject: Psoriatic Arthritis

I was wondering how many of you guys on here have PA? And if you dont mind me asking how many/what joints are affected?
There is so much different info on the web, ranging from people that have just one finger affected right through to almost all joints affected.
I have several finger joints on each hand, both wrists, elbows, right hip, lower back and two toes! Oh and achilles tendon. And in the past my jaw, but thats not been painful for about 9 months now. All of these dont happen at the same time (thank goodness).
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Date: 25.05.2010
From: Lynn B

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi Teresa I have PA, 4 fingers on each hand both wrists elbows, lower back, neck and left shoulder both feet ankles and 2 toes achilles tendon both knees and it also affects the tendons and ligaments. As you say they dont usualy kick of at the same time, at the moment my shoulder is bad i have had a cortisone injection in the shoulder this morning so cant wait for that to kick in.TC x
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Date: 25.05.2010
From: louloubelle

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi Teresa

I have PA (or as the rheumy refers to it "large joint symetrical anthropy") - I think there are different varients of the same condition. Mine tends to affect the large joints and if one joint flares up the other joint on the opposite side of the body does (i.e. both knees at once).

I was diagnosed aged 9 which is apparantly quite uncommon. I have PA in both knees, both ankles, both feet (but not the toes), both hips (although they got incinerated 8 and 9 years ago and I have nice shiny titanium and ceramic ones - again, apparantly quite uncommon for PA sufferers to require replacement surgery, particular as I was only 21 and 22), both shoulders, both elbows, both wrists, both hands and more recently both thunbs and, all on it's little ownsome lonesome, my right little finger. The bones in my hands and feet have started to fuse together slightly - there's kinda all these little flat bones that make up a bit of a jigsaw that haven't a lot of space left between them any more.

Quite a few of my ligaments are affected too which seems so frustrating when the joint is fine but the ligament is playing up - it really doesn't seem fair when it does that!

Most of my joints became affected during my mid to late teen years and I recall being in excrutiating pain when a joint is first affected. I was learning to drive when my ankles went and it stopped me having lessons for about 8 months before it settled enough for me to start again.

I had some cortisone injections 11 days ago into my wrists, one knee and one ankle. The wrists are holding out but the ankle and knee are beginning to get a bit painful again - might have to see if I can get a top up but I'm not sure how often you can have them. I usually take enbrel which alleviates my symptoms so that the pain and discomfort is, at most, 2 or 3 out of 10 rather than the usual 7 or 8 (or more) out of 10 but can't take them at the mo as expecting a baby. Looking forward to baby arriving, not only so that I can meet him or her but so that I can get back on the wonder drugs.

I'll stop rambling on now...

take care guys.

Lou x
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Date: 26.05.2010
From: connor

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis

Have had psoriasis on and off for the past 36 years. Not really bad, but enough to occasion odd periods of time off work. It shows up on my hands as pustular psoriasis, (yuck sounds horrible.) Also to both elbows and knees.

In January 09 I tripped up and went down heavily onto a concrete floor which I did not think much of at the time. However the following morning both thumb and wrist joints were badly swollen along with my left knee and lower back.

Apparently trauma, such as and accident, can cause the onset of PA for someone already suffering from Psoriasis.

Since then I have not been able to work, of all things I am a motor vehicle engineer so hands are quite important for that job.

Recently I've been developing pain in my left Achilles Tendon and I'm told this is related to the PA. Currently on Methotrexate & Folic Acid so am waiting to see if things improve.

The pain and discomfort is not nice of course, but I find the lack of energy and fatique to be the most difficult aspect of this illness.
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Date: 26.05.2010
From: debbie burt

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi, I was diagnosed in 2002 with pa, It started for me with ridges and pits in my fingernails,got referred to a dermatologist who said it was psoriasis and i would almopst certainly get pa, which i did about six months later.
My feet all over are the main problem area for me,very inflamed swollen and incredibly painful at times.Also base of one thumb very tender to the touch.
Am currently waiting to see rheumy again as after some very intense pain, had blood tests and is showing some ra factor. Seeing him june 6th june, till then am only on lodine which is not really touching the pain at all.
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Date: 15.02.2011
From: George Ashford

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi Louloubelle,

I work for a market research company that specialises in the medical device field. We are looking for RA sufferers that inject Enbrel and either live in the London area or are willing and able to travel to London to take part in an interview. The interview will relate to a new device to help RA sufferers administer their drugs. We will pay £200 to cover expenses and the interview would last approx 90 minutes.

Would you be interested? Please do get in touch if you would like to know more -

Best regards,
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Date: 16.02.2011
From: Jon Wright

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis

Hi, I have PA (28, male). I'm on Enbrel and been on it for about 2 months - I've noticed some good improvements but i've just had a flare up yday (first one scine I started). I'm hoping it'll just go away and I get get back on track (fingers crossed). I got it in my left foot (mainly in the toes), left shoulder and neck. I hope it doesnt develop eleswhere. The worse part for me (at the moment) is the fatigue.
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Date: 16.02.2011
From: sandra

Subject: Re: Psoriatic Arthritis

hi i have pa i also suffer with extreme tiredness,i have just started on mtx 4 weeks ago,no improvement yet.ive got it in my right shoulder wrists 3 swollen fingers knuckles on my left hand my worst pain and swelling is in my feet and ankles,i went to physio on mon she said it had effect my achilles tendon and i have plantar factis,
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