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Date: 16.03.2010
From: monica

Subject: DLA tips

Hi All

Hope this tip helps when claiming dla. Will post others


For the majority of people, whether you have a physical or mental
health condition, your best chance of getting an award of DLA may be
via the cooking test.

So it's really worth putting a lot of thought and effort into giving
detailed evidence about any problems you have with cooking at
question 48 on the form.

What the law says is that if, because of your disability or health
condition, you can’t prepare a cooked main meal for yourself then this
by itself entitles you to the lower rate of the care component of DLA.

If you have a mental health condition, problems might include:

Being too tired or depressed to motivate yourself to cook.
Being unable to make decisions about what to cook and giving up
Forgetting what you are doing and leaving things to boil dry.
Getting too confused to be able to plan the timing of cooking different
ingredients so that they are ready together.
Having to do things over and over again so that cooking a meal takes
a very long time indeed.

If you have a physical health condition, you might have problems with
things like:

Peeling and chopping vegetables.
Handling pans of hot liquid.
Seeing to read labels.
Opening cans.
Turning taps on and off.
Standing up at the cooker.

You need to give as much information as you can about your
difficulties. If something is painful for you, where is the pain, what sort
of pain, how long does it last, how intense is it? If you cannot do it
safely, what are the dangers, have you ever had an accident or come
close to having one?

It.s also really worth considering what aids or adaptations the decision
maker might suggest which, in their view, would mean you would be
able to prepare a main meal and so would not be entitled to an award.
Challenging these suggestions in the claim pack before even
been made could save you having to go all the way to a tribunal to get
the award youre entitled to.

For example, decision makers often argue that if you cannot safely drain
vegetables because you have arthritis in your hands and you are
liable to drop a hot pan, then you should use a slotted spoon (a
serving spoon with holes in it to allow water to drain away). If you
would have any trouble with doing this, then its important that you say
so in your claim pack. For example, because your arthritis you may
not have sufficient grip strength or movement in your wrist to use a
slotted spoon.

Our guides forewarn you of possible aids and adaptations relating not
just to the cooking test, but to other activities also.
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Date: 16.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: DLA tips

MONICA ...U R AMAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZING!!!! thanks for your time and your knowledge in sharing all that info.....that info will help many many A HUGE THANKYOU AGAIN XXXX

how yu doing these days? Jill x
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Date: 16.03.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: DLA tips

Thank u Monica! This is VERY useful. Applying for DLA scares me. I've recieved it at a certain level for 6yrs due to another health condition. I had to re apply a couple of years ago. My situation had got worse so detailed this on the forms but my award was cut so had to appeal. Got original level back again. Since arthritis has struck things have got alot worse for me but i'm sacred to inform them of this because of what happened last time.
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Date: 16.03.2010
From: monica

Subject: Re: DLA tips

Hi Jill

Thanks for asking about me, i am not to bad,having an mri next thursday because my right arm and hand are still playing up, they have found a weakness showing in the neck, so will see. Hope you are as well as can be. Hope the 3 dla tips are ok. you take care.

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Date: 17.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: DLA tips

Monica fingers crossed all goes well for u...regards DLA, I know some ppl that have it forever(no date of expiry on their claims) ive been revied every three years, Just wondered Y some get it forever, or dont perhaps have a New claim date in 3 condition is worsending s each year goes by, have lots of 'Degenration type illnesses, along with the Inflamatory, so How does one ask without looking like s sponger? 3 years comes around so fast, took me two weeks to fill it all out..... im waiting for my MRI Neck results, meant to ring them yest... so off to do that now, take care Monica Jill x
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Date: 17.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: DLA tips

Thats a good point Jill. I have no idea about the ways they decide on things. All seems a bit random personally! lol

My friend was declined DLA last time, we think because she was in hosp when she had to have her medical examination. Shes about to re-apply so I'll pass on all the tips youve put up Monica. Shes losing heart about it and I dont want her to give up!
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Date: 17.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: DLA tips

she must NOT give up, or Il NAGGGGGGGGGGGGG her lol...hey V, u off sick again today? how wa the tramodol last nite?
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Date: 17.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: DLA tips

Nah, Im actually at work at the mo lol I work on a different program so I can pop back and forth and check the forum during the day : ) Been working here long enough that I can usually hit target with time to spare.

Im still liking the tramadol. I havent felt unwell with it at all. Been in a really good mood and a lot less pain. I read yesterday that Tramadol has serotonin in it which would explain my good mood : ) Just hope I dont have to increase the dose any time soon.

How ya feeling today Jill?
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Date: 17.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: DLA tips

im ok...bored, can feel that Gall Ballllder, just sdo bored V, so u r lucky to get change of scenery...have a gr8 day, catch u laters, sone got his lessons xx
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