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Date: 13.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: corti injectiond

Hi gang

had to see a private surgeon as had accident, twit crashed into me, so as I had terrible whiplash, dizzyness for three 3 weeks, and flashbacks, it was his fault, admittled it etc, so had to see orth surgeon at another hosp, examination etc.....I happened to mention to him about recent rotten news about Tendon degeneration....he said to me" have u had 2 or 3 corti i jections in ya shoulders?" I said Yes, he replied" the injections can cause altho ive had injections in various parts of the body, I thought if u have too many cort injections that they can cause Bone probs, didnt know it can cause Tendon issues...just thought id mention it, cvos No one told me this at times of having the Jabs.....
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Date: 13.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

Hey Jill, are the cortisone injections the one they put directly in the joint capsules coz Ive had loads of those over the years?! Never heard of anything like that about them.
Its a bit worrying isn't it.
So do you think its to blame for your probs??
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Date: 13.03.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

it came up becos he was pushing and prodding my neck, and i was there about the whiplash, he wasnted to check it all out, he then pressed on my shoulders and I said pls be careful, and I told him my tendons r thin, and he then asked if I have had corti injections in the shoulders(had both shoulders operated on 3 years ago) anyway I said yes, and he said, that the injections can cause tendon problems....also I have a few under the knee cap, boy do they make ya scream, but was told can only have 4/6 injections per year, due to bone deteriorating, so I try and avoid the javs, unless im desparate...thats all i can tell u really....I will double check that out tho Verity, been getting a lot of conflicting info recently, also, U know Ive been WHINGING lately about Gastritis lately, Had an endoscopy, he told me today that Gastritis(inflamed lining of stomach) can be brought on by shock and stress of the car crash(first ive heard that too)! KJ will be interested in knowing that, cos shes been helping me with stuff......anyway, how r u coping Verity? have u thought any further about ya ops? how u will cope etc?
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Date: 13.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

I think youve had the worst luck of anyone Ive ever known, its all just so bloody painful too. Im ok with it all. I figured ill just face it when it happens coz there isn't anything I can do about it at the mo! lol

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Date: 13.03.2010
From: Sally

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

Jill, I hope you are claiming and put the gastritis in your claim.
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Date: 13.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

well they told me twice they were going to replace my hip, or mb do hip re hip surgeon is gr8(hasd Bursa removed, lovely ten inch scar) then went back in 6 months later, as pain was same, they found a significant tear in the Tissues close to the joint, and scraped away the Arthritis! thing is V, I still get Hip pain. at same time, back was in agony, sdo Hip surgeon said" refering U back to spine surgeon" saw him, had MRI, low and behold another blidddy disc gone in my back(above the previous spine op) Gutted! so now the Hips have been put on 'hold' until my spine is fused! dreading that, then spine surgeon put my Consent form on Hold, Until he sees my results of MRI on neck,I should have had Fusion by now, but all other issues of late are delaying spine op.....gotta have it soon tho Verity, cos when the discs in the spine disapear, the Vertabre closes want that,so next time I c spine surgeon I will know when op will be, he reckons Just a 3 month waiting list....but Y do my Hips still hurt, mainly the right one, Hip surgeon reckons that the pain is coming from my back!........Im not so sure, and I dont think my spine surgeon is either, not by the Look on his face! will have to see......there is a lot shite going on in my bod Verity, ive been unlucky, but others on here r as bad Arthritis wise, my prob is(due to the Reiters disease) it leaves me with seconddary problems!!
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Date: 15.03.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

Wow this has been an interesting read. I have corti injections in my fingernail beds every 6months and I have tendon problems in two of my fingers. Also due to depot steroid injections and oral steroids that can also give bone problems, I take Alendronic acid and Adcal D3 to protect my bones.
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Date: 15.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

Thats all a bit shit Jill, when do you see the doc for spine fusion? they should give you a date then shouldnt they? Theres nothing worse than having to wait for pain relief. Howcome your not lookin forward to the spine fusion, wont the pain be less? or are you stuck with even less movement?
Thats one thing ive been quite lucky with I think, I have back pain yeh but I dont think I have any damage to it, thank god.

Its a shame they cant do soul transplants and just give us all new bodies.

I think on my appt on fri im gonna ask rummy to look into the condition of my other joints because i havent had my knees xrayed since i was about 15 and thats where it all started. Plus now the steroid issue (had loads in my knees, every 6 weeks or so at one point).
My elbow needs replacing too but one step at a time hey! Im gonna end up like a bionic woman! lol
Hope youre ok today Jill, im off work today. Just feel really crap and unable to cope with it as well today : (

Abbie, doesnt injections in your nail bed absolutley wreck?!?! Sounds awful! Maybe you should speak to doc about injections issue??

Take care

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Date: 15.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

Hi Verity...last june of 2009 had MRI as my Hip surgeon began to think the hip pain was coming from spine(already had spine op in 2003(dynesys its called, screws in spine to support the place where the discs have gone, anyway, then saw him for results, was shocked to see that yet another(3rd) disc has gone(above where the op is) so he told me to go away and have a think about whether I have Fusion(he prefered that for me) or DSynesys, which I had 2003, had appt to talk to him and get on waiting list, sing consent form etc for Fusion, I decided to have that instead, but its a larger op that previously, appt was in sept, was bout the time us gals in the forum was talking about bad memeory loss, mine got so bad, i was truly forgetting appts to dentist, got told off, same as hosp, and forgot my Important appointment with my siurgeon to get on list and tell him what I had decided!...but forgot to go LOLOL wasnt feeling well at the time, and his sec said lets make it for Jan just gone, was happy with that, in meant time went to my GP due to forgetting convos etc, and he sent me for CT brain scan...I knew it wls come back clear(hes thoroughm but as my Dad died from brain tumour, he wanted to be sure, becoz my memeory was diabolical(ask Val LOLOl), would forget halfway thru a convo waht I was saying, kept repearting myself, and I got in a right state over it, hense the Brain scan, came back Perfect, In Nov had an appt with shoulder surgeon and that was when he gave me the rotten news that m y neck is painful due to Tendon degenration in shoulders(tendons r very thin, plus neck is bad anyway as 3 discs in neck have also gone), then went to see gortjus spine surgeon to talk about my options for spine and what I had decided, but the shouldeer surgeon wrote to my spine surgeon about tendons etc etc, and gorjus spine surgeon said U nedd to have MRI on neck, have that done and then we will talk about the Spine, made sense(waiting game again for Blidddy MRI on Neck, had that done 2 weeks ago, rang spine surgeons sec, and she said he is still waiting for N eck MRI results....sdo at this point, waiting to see him re Neck(as he thought I mite have Trapped nerves, aned to also sign consent form.

So as U see Verity, my life in terms of waiting times, seeing docs, surgeons and the like, is NEVER straightforward for me! lol.... Im scared and defffo Not looking forwad to the spine op for many reasons....heres a few LOL....becos i had major spine surgery 2003, I went thru Hell recovering, bedcos I have Reiters Disease that attacks the soft tissues(discs etc) I dont recover in the soft tissue dept very well, takes longer than others to recover, that was Y gorjus Spine surg told me to go away and seriously think about that type of op I want....either the same as b4(whick worked well, but took me a year to recover from) or Fusion, which Operation wise, is a bigger op for the surgeon and will be major in terms of recovery for me, Re the dreaded Reiters Disease....thats Y im scared, after 1st spine op, still using crutches after 6 months, and around about 8 months I began to get better, but was approx a year b4 I felt the benefit of the op!

I reminded gorjus Spine surg about the Reiters and he said, then I will leave it up to u, Dynesys will be best in terms of recovery, but that took ages anyway, but as an Ortho surg he reckons the Fusion wld be better for me, so Im trusting in him that I have that, and might as well get the fusion over and done with, even if it takes longer to get over...... Usually I cant wait to get ops sorted, becos we get almost instant pain relief, but with the spine, its major, like the Hips, but becos I know my body well, I do feel very scared that I will be like a frigging baby, fella doing everything......for a longgggggggggggg time! I hate being a burden, and once I get on the list, my surg said it will only be 3 months to wait for the op.....its a huge burden for me V, and also on top of that, My gp has agreed that my Gall Bladder shld be removed, so im waiting to see him about that too.....everything always seems to pile up on me all at once, my fellla will be taking on a lot, and will have to take lot time off work, cos my kids get driven to skool, live in the sticks all honesty V, hes thinking of giving up his job and going on rotten benefits(never done that, accept for DLA) so that he can look after me........the actual pain relief of that spine op, wont be there for a long long time, as its the after surgery recovery pain that remains with me for ages!....also gotta come off the MTX and Injections for at least month either side of op, but I am on better painkillers(opiates) and I wasnt on them during 1st Op, so mb im worrry for a loada nuffffing!

I agree with u about soul Transplants, LOLOL U do crack me up....regards ya elbow, been told they r hard to do, what o they need to do to yours....sorrry for a long post.....but U did ask! lolololol xx
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Date: 15.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

God, It didnt even occur to me that degeneration of your ligaments and things will affect how you heal too. I can see why youre worried coz Im worried about my rehab and I should heal at normal speed!

So youve decided on the fusion (whenever it eventually happens!). Neither of them sound particularly better than the other, what a choice! Youre fella sounds great and really helpful, I bet you worry way to much. Every relationship is gonna have its hard times when you have to cope with these types of illnesses. I think as long as you talk all the time about how you feel then its definately do-able! Me and Tom get stuck in ruts when we dont talk, so I think he resents me so I back off and then he thinks I dont want him near me so he backs off. its ded hard.

I cant believe you need your gall bladder removed as well. Thats just plain unfair. Know what you mean about the benefits. Tom only works part time coz he has to do everything in the house. Were just lucky that I can still work!

My elbow, well, its been rubbish for years. Ive got about 20-25% movement (thats my guess not docs!) Cant straighten it, cant bend it fully. Its a bit useless to be honest. Ive got bone spurs that have formed on the joint so it literally cannot move. Its not painful unless I have a flare up but I believe the deformation in my right hand has speeded up because I dont use that arm very much. Also, Ive recently noticed that my left boob is now bigger than my right coz I dont use my right arm much! Flamin eck! My rhummy told me years ago that they could do it if I wanted but the thought of that then terrified me. Ill ask her again after ive got the hip stage sorted I think.

When are you gonna add me on facebook lady!

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Date: 15.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

lol meant to do that last night but forgot ya surname but think ive rememberd it...begins with J(surname) so that in a garfs the Gall Bladder lots of people have them and dont know it, but now they have found mine, I feel that becos of the bad luck ive had, I feel or almost know, tht its the stones will move and that can be dangerous, and I aint goona wait till it begins to travel into other ducts, so gotta convince the surgeon(yet another one) that it needs to go, plus my GP agrees that it shld go!...c what heppens..... yea ya elbow souns blidddy awful, and i can understand that becos U dont use it, the muscles in our breast area weaken,U r entitled on the NHS to have that sorted,OOOh mb thas y mine hiot my belly button when i take my bra off....LOLOL ya think I could make a case otta my conditon?? hehahea, I wld defffo get it done, after having 6 kids, well the booobs dont like it..... U have had it well tough V, and ya right about talking, its the only way, Mic knows my fears, but he says dont worry until it happens......Ive done the backing offf bit, and then mic does the same, so been there too, nitemare isnt it.....So lady, take a page otta ya own book lol and Talk to him, he sounds great too....mics just officially filled out forms as my Official carer, each year they give a grant of £350(lol not a lot) but itsd for them to spend how they want, camping equipment, weekend break, anything, asd long asd u keep the receipts...dont think thery wld approve it u bought a 32 inch TV for example, having said that tho, s its for them in terms of respite, u may well be able to buy stuff like that!....just a qwik qwessy, if they operate on ya arm, will it be str8 again,?
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Date: 15.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

Im not too sure to be honest, Ive never relaly looked into having it replaced so would be learning from scratch. I would have thought it would be straight though? Not sure why theyd do it if it wasnt straight. Will have to find out : )

I reckon if i was in your situation with your GB then id prob want it all sorted so theres no risk of them travelling. (by the way my surname is Johnston. See what I did there? Just slipped it in! hahaha no one will ever know!) Coz that can be really painful cant it? I really hope you get it and they dont make you wait any flamin longer for some relief.

Toms an absolute star and I love him to bits, he has his moments (i think he gets frustrated too) but hes so patient with me and willing to do anything, no matter how undignified i feel. Sometimes if Im bad I just end up being dressed like some sort of doll, just have to sit there and let him help (which I hate!) but i couldnt cope without him.
We do struggle when it comes to sex and intimacy coz when im in pain or exhausted (which is a lot of the time) I just dont want anyone near me in case they knock me or something. I can't bear sex a lot of the time and coz it hurts me so much i have no desire to even try. I have to really push myself to do it coz I think he feels a little unloved sometimes. I hate it too, I used to have a very high sex drive and now theres just...........NOTHING! lol I miss it! Apparently MTX can cause lack of sex drive and irritability which is me all over at the mo lol

Tom applied for the carers thingy recently but hed done a lot of overtime just before xmas so they think he earns too much (he works 14 hrs a week). Weve talked about him giving up work but I wanna leave that as a very last resort because of my own guilt if anything. If he's happy to that Jill (and you sound like it'd make a big difference for you ) then don't worry about the whole benefit thing. I think Ive finally come round to the idea and its been such a relief. I always wanted to provide for myself and even OH but its just not practical for me personally. Im sure youve payed plenty of taxes so you deserve everything you can get. Have you looked into Working Tax credit. Weve just started gettin it and its made a big difference : )
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Date: 15.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

V, when the OT came round, she asked Mic if he wanted to be an official carer, didn5t mean much to him, he did it, and found out about the repite £350, lol so a bonus, thing is Mic is contracted to work 21 hours a week, fri, sat, sun....he can get extra if he wants, depends how bad I am....but hes still an official carer, he doesnt get the Benefit type carers benefit, that some get, but we wlds if he gave up work,...Verity, tried to find u on FB, but so many, need to wittle it down, what areas r u in? im Jill Drake(hair tied back like a pratt, wearing a purple top, in portugla lol) im in East sussex
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Date: 15.03.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

lol found ya! Thats sounds cool. So if Tom aplied he could be recognised as a carer and get a bonus but coz he works too much not get the actual monthly benefit? Hmmm will look into that....
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Date: 15.03.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

for sure.... ring the OT and say about Tom being reccomended for the carers grant thingy, he will be given a Cares (P) number.... goes well on the DLA claim as well....they get that yearly too
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Date: 16.03.2010
From: Abbie

Subject: Re: corti injectiond

Hi Verity! Yeah the injections in my nail beds are awful. They put 4 local injections in each finger which is absolutly painful and ur fingers swell up before your eyes then out come LONG needles which are the corti and u have 2 per finger in in the top and down. I can never watch that bit. My apt is usually early afternoon and my fingers don't come fully back to life till the next day. It's a bugger trying to have 2 fag lol X
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