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Date: 23.02.2010
From: Amy

Subject: me again!

Hi, I posted a while back concerened that I may have rheumatiod arthritis........I have been to GP who is sending me for bloods but that is all for now.

On the one hand I want to discover that I do indeed have RA just so I know what is causing this pain, on the other I really dont!

I have a coupke of questions for those of you who have RA if you dont mind, can it be made worse by doing things? i mean, I scrubbed the sink this morning and now my wrists are really painful, it does seem to be most affected, although suffer with ain in my knees and toes too.

Also, I am a netballer and play regularly, twice a week. Now the pain doesn't seem to bear any correlation to having played, even the toughest matches.

Ok I'm rambling now, and I dont even know what i'm trying to say now! I guess, is RA something that can be 'flaired up' by using the joints?
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Date: 23.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: me again!

Hi Amy, I was told that in the early signs of arthritis gentle movement and exercise benefits you and stops them seizing but further on in the disease (which is where Im at now) you need to protect the joints as pressure on the fingers for example can speed up deformities.
I just had a visit from the occupational therapist and she gave me booklets on how to spread the weight of things over larger or bigger joints. Like opening doors with your hip and carrying plates on the flats of your arms rather than with your fingers (I found that I do these things anyway because the pain dictates what I can and can't do).

Im not entirely sure whats good and what isn't if its just started. It may also depend on the type of arthritis. How long have you been in pain and where?

Hopefully you'll get referred to a rheumatologist asap to get some answers.
Good luck with the blood results. let us know when ya find out : )

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Date: 23.02.2010
From: Amy

Subject: Re: me again!

thanks Verity,

I get pain in my wrists, which is at times unbearable, I also get it bad in my toes and often feel like the toe joint is 'stuck' if that makes sense. I also get stiff knees but not too much pain in them. my wrist have been bad for years, I had an op for carpal tunnel but I'm noe convinced that was never the problem!!!
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Date: 23.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: me again!

Hi Amy, that sounds pretty unpleasant. I get really bad stinging pains (best way to describe it really) in my wrists. They are both subluxed and I cant bend them back. What sort of pain do you get? Is it achey or more stinging and sore (I dont know what the difference makes, Im just curious!). Have your toes changed shape at all?

Admittedly it could be anything but it does sound odd that youd get pain in your wrists, toes and knees and it not be arthritis related.

Did the op on your wrist help at all?

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Date: 23.02.2010
From: Amy

Subject: Re: me again!

my wrists have a pretty constant ache most of the time, some days worse than others and sometimes, yes, a sting probably does describe it prety well, down one side usually but it can happen down either side.

My toes dont look like they have changed shape, but I can't point my big toes up and I do get a stinging in them.

I had the op when I was 17 and it messed me up I was due to do my a levels and go to uni and had the op have way through a level year so couldnt take them due to not being able to write! I am also a musician and was due to audition for music colleges but I had to have 6 months off playing and never got back to standard, I ended up being treated for depression and.....well it was just horrible. I did go on to pass 3 a levels the following year and get a degree....anyhow, I dont reall think the op made a difference, its all such a blur but I have still been wearing splints and supports since the op!
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Date: 24.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: me again!

Hi Amy, I can totally understand what you went through with having to give up stuff you loved because of illness. I started training to be an embalmer in 2004/2005 (i think, cant remember off hand). I absolutely loved it, there was nothing I would rather have done. I had to give it up because of my arthritis and not being able to be on my feet in the cold for that amount of time. I was totally gutted and it sent me into a bad depression with eating disorders etc. It was a very very negative time of my life, but after tons of hard work and perseverence Im a lot better now and have come to terms with many of my demons.

How old are you Amy? and what do you do for work nowadays (if ya dont mind me asking?). Fantastic that you managed to get the degree in the end! What instrument do you play? I used to play the cornet when I was younger but havent got the strength to hold it up now and my fingers are waaaay to painful! I should wear splints too but I find they just get in the way, do they help ya?

Take care

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Date: 25.02.2010
From: Amy

Subject: Re: me again!

I'm 29 Verity, I don't work at the moment, I'm a full time mum, I used to be a carer and I'm trying to find work again now my little girl is a bit older.

I don't play so much now but I am a trumpeter, also took exams in piano and oboe, can't play the piano now, its far too painful.

Unfortunately I only have a splint for my right hand, but it does help me, if only to remind me I have to take things easier before the pain reminds me, but my wrist does feel 'rested' when I have have been wearing it if that makes sense. I just get annoyed at people asking me 'what I've done!' I don't think it would bother me quite so much if I could give them an answer!!
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Date: 26.02.2010
From: Verity

Subject: Re: me again!

Its really sad if you have to give up stuff completely. There are ways round a lot of things but never the things you love the most! Bloody arthritis. It has a lot to answer for!
I know what you mean about people asking 'what youve done' Its soooo annoying! I cant move my neck very much and people aaaaalways ask me what Ive done! Then when you do tell them the problem they get all sympathetic and patronising. And theres the whole....'youre a bit young to have arthritis arent you?' I feel like turning round and just saying ' ...obviously not!'.

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