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Date: 31.01.2010
From: jenny

Subject: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

My husband has been poorly for nearly 1 yr now, we live in spain,and have terrible trouble getting a diagnosis, he sufered with neck problems 18yrs ago, so everything has been put down to that, but he has had all sorts of tests done and is now finally under a rhuematologist, his symtoms are pains in his shoulders, swollen heavy white hands, waisting in his ams, general weight loss ,fatigue,pains in his bones, he is now taking cortesteriods and methotextrate.
But we are not convinced that this is arthritis, has anyone else had the same symtoms ?
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Date: 31.01.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

Hi Jenny, welcome to this amazing forum, hopefully we can support u both...u say that u saw a rhumatologist, did he say he cant give a diagnosis yet? it can take time for they rhumy to find out, Yes arthrtis can and does feel like that, if its any help, I have had neck problems(cervical spondylosis, posh word for discs dissapearing)we have 7 discs in the neck, 3 of mine have gone, causing me to have Crushing headaches, and was told recently by my shoulder surgeon that it cn cause shoulder pain too, seesm there is a nerve in the neck that runs down into the shoulders, swollen hands is also due to inflamation from arthritis, fatigue is due to arthritis also and from the methtrexate he takes(rhumatologist told me recently that lots of people suffer fatigue, or feel unwell taking that med)I have pain in joints all over body, as well as tendon and ligament pain, it doesnt just have to be in the joints, I have all over body pain.....from the symptomsu describe, sounds like Inflamtory Arthritis to me...I am NOT a doctor of course and can only go on personal experience....Others on here may agree that it is too....your Rhummy I doubt very much wld have given your Husband Methtrexate if it was something else.......
May I aks Y u r both Not convicned it is?also have u asked the rhumatologist if it could be something else?....steroids should help him very much, will give him back his appetite, and energy....pls keep us informed how he gets on...take care Jill UK
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Date: 31.01.2010
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

Hiya Jenny,
I also suffered very similar to your husband. It came on very sudden started with just a swollen wrist two years ago, then progressed to stiff shoulders, pain in the bones, weight loss,fatigue swollen knees which caused muscle wastage in my calves.
My blood tests also showed anemia and high inflamation, and I have been diagnosed with RA.
I have had a number of steroid injections and am taking sulfasalizine and methotrexate at the moment.
Hope this helps
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Date: 01.02.2010
From: Kirsty

Subject: Re: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

Hi Jenny,
When my RA started approx 3yrs ago the pain was in my shoulders and i found it hard to sleep as i always lie on my side in bed. It then progressed to other joints and seems to skip about whereever it likes. My hands are often swollen and sometimes get really cold because the circulation is compromised but at toher times they feel really hot due to the inflammation. RA is not just a disease of the joints because it affects your whole body system - i was very ill when i 1st had it I lost nearly 2 stone in 6 mo and im only 10stone normally!! i lost all my muscle tone from doing less and have adapted my lifestyle to cope with the fatigue I now try to go to bed at 9pm to ensure i have the energy to get through my physical job in the day.

I spent over a yr on steroids which did help the inflammation and eventually got put on methotrexate which really helped me i hope it helps your husband to - it took a while to work and i did struggle taking it orally as it made me feel so sick and i still didnt put any weight back on. after about 3mo the consultant changed me to injecting the methotrexate which i tolerated much ebtter and i am now much more setteled (although i also take infliximab another drug to). If my arthritis flares i lose wgt again even though i eat well it is to do with the disease upregulating your metabolism and the stress on your body i think. I hope this helps and your husband feels better soon. There are some great guys on here which is good as often guys arent very good about being open about this sort of thing - my dad had RA before me but was crap about talking about it and he didnt really have anyone to talk about when he first had it. SO keep it touch and hope this forum helps you guys
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Date: 02.02.2010
From: jenny

Subject: Re: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

Hi Guys,
Many thanks for all your advice, it sounds like everyone seems to have these symtoms, one thing I forgot to mention is that over christmas 2009, my hubby was taken into hospital , and also diagnosed with angina, and problems with some small valves on the left hand side of his heart , so is also on medication for that , has any one had any problems like that, as our spanish doctor has said that it can effect other organs in the body ?
Once again thanks for all your help, its nice to know that your not alone with this !
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Date: 02.02.2010
From: jill

Subject: Re: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

Hi Jenny, jillhere again, so sorry to hear that news about hubby also, last thing he needs, must admit, never heard that about it affecting the heart, bit of a shocker actually, havnt been told this at all, others on here may have.....Jenny we have another member who has recently had a hip operation and her name is Jenny(lovely name) is it possible so that there isnt confusion that maybe u cld add the initial of your surname when u post? if Ok, I will post to the other Jenny and tell her that too...hope that is ok with u, otherwise we think u r one and the same lol, cant have that can we, u deserve individual understanding like the rest....may I ask you waht they plan to do with your Husband regards his heart?...or is it just to take correct angina meds?....I have a condition callled Reiters disease, very rare, especially in women, have it chronically, and it affects all the soft tissues, eyes, discs etc, have it bad, and its left me with R.A. Inflam some chronic cases of reiters, its been known to cause heart issues, i try not to think about that, as i do have it chronically,mentioned this to my rhumatologist, and he said dont worrry about it etc, severly rare, and doesnt happen much, never the less, still worried me, but heart probb with arthritis, never heard of that....ssend get wells to your jill
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Date: 02.02.2010
From: jenny k

Subject: Re: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

Hi Jill,
Thanks for your message,
Not sure what they plan to do with his heart problem, he is due to go back and see the cardiologist in March, but at the moment they are treating him with yet more medication, but as I said our G.P here in spain said that arthritis does cause problems with other organs, and in the body, and I just wondered if it was any thing to do with imflammation .
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Date: 02.02.2010
From: Jill

Subject: Re: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

Hi Jenny, well I hope they help him, and sort it out as best they can, hard enough as it is.....Jenny think ya lucky living in a warm country, I always feel better when I go abroad, getting the sun into my joint helps me so much....did u move there from the UK? sorry, just being nosy as usual....x
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Date: 02.02.2010
From: jenny k

Subject: Re: Diagnosing Rhuematoid Arthritis

Hi Jill,
Yes we used to live in Devon, untill 7 yrs ago , when we decided to move to Spain, and the weather does make life a little easier, today we had clear blue sky and 15c, but sometimes it frustrating when you have health problems with the language barrier.
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