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Date: 16.01.2010
From: sean

Subject: Could I have arthritis

Hi, I'm 18 years old and recently have been suffering from a lot of joint pain, up until very recently I've only noticed this pain in my hinge joints but starting to feel pain in my hip joints and noticing restricted movement in them, I have difficulty lifting my legs without help from my arms though I think this may be due to walking differently because of my knees, the main problems are my left knee, its locked twice in the last month, one time I stood up and went to go downstairs and it just wouldn't bend and I ended up falling, after a click back into place it was fine, and the other I stood out of bed and couldn't straighten it past a certain point and ended up having to lie on the ground and push it fully outright myself which resulted in a loud popping noise which was heard from my partner from across the room, my other knee is not bad but do feel discomfort in it at times, my other main problem is my arms, they get to a certain point then a fair amount of force is required to straighten them and when I do they make cracking noises, I can repeat this movement seconds after and the noise will be made again so I know itās not just fluid being forced from the joint, again my left arm seems to be worse off than my right, for this reason I tend not to extend my arms unless completely necessary and often sit with them folded which probably won't help matters, I get sharp pains in my wrists sometimes which after a few minutes travels up my arms then disappears, the only other problem I have is the Sacroiliac joint in my back, I experience a fair amount of discomfort in lower back area when doing things such as trying to tie my laces but this was easily worked around by using shoes with straps :) I get sharp paints in the joint when I straighten my back out and sometimes when doing smaller movements such as turning round to see something or trying to get something out my pocket, this pain travels up to my lower back then usually disappears after that, I've never had any medical problems before and itās hard to get a doctor to take you seriously when it comes to things like this at my age, its usually put down to me worrying about nothing or hormones but I do worry that if it is left it may get worse, I know if its not arthritis its definitely something there so does it sound like I have it? please reply to me by email if possible :) thanks x
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Date: 16.01.2010
From: val

Subject: Re: Could I have arthritis

can not help much as we all different there r lots of young people with it so doc should take u serious but u might have to keep going back ask for blood tests if one doc not listening try another keep going some one will help u need some one who can see u . if u wanr more info on arthritus try arthritis care it a good sight with loads of info there 200 types of arther?? good luck
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Date: 16.01.2010
From: kazza

Subject: Re: Could I have arthritis

I had pain in my lower back for years before I got diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis in my sacroiliac joint. they are treting me for Ankylosing spondilitis which is very common in young poeple especially males.
Maybe look into it.
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Date: 16.01.2010
From: Angela

Subject: Re: Could I have arthritis

I think I would go back to the gp and keep complaining, maybe then you might get your blood checked out. That can tell them a lot.
I have RA and it isn't anything like what you have, so hopefully you can count that one out.
Maybe what Kazza says is worth doing.
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Date: 17.01.2010
From: sean

Subject: Re: Could I have arthritis

cheers for the advice guys (: got an appointment at the GP on thursday so see how that goes =] thank you x
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