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Date: 23.12.2009
From: bsk

Subject: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth

Hello Jill and everyone, haven't posted for a while as been busy with hospital appts and xmas stuff, prob like you all! I've finally got a proper diagnoisis of sero negative inflammatory arth. Am due to start mtx in Jan. Thought I was doing well cutting down the steroids but have had a big flare up over past few days so had to go up again (grrr!)
Am walking slower than my 83 year old dad! Any tips re: taking mtx gratefully received, though I notice there is a thread further down that I will have a look at.

How are you all coping in this abysmal weather?
Hope you all have a very happy Christmas!
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Date: 23.12.2009
From: Verity

Subject: Re: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth

Hi Sally, at least theyve given you a diagnosis I suppose although i bet its an awful lot to deal with. Ive had RA since I was 6 (am now 24) so don't really have memories without it. I never had the shock of being told straight out. How are you feeling about it?
Ive been on and off MTX for the last 10 years and didnt suffer any side effects till recently after I was increased to 25mg. I get sickness and an upset tummy, I get really tired and have broken out in spots from it too. Unfortunately I find the most help for sickness is sweet foods (Not great for my waistline!). I think the best thing really is to make sure you drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep (extra if you have to!). Make sure youre fully charged : )
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Date: 23.12.2009
From: bsk

Subject: Re: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth

hi Verity, thanks for the tips, will bear them in mind. I've been through a multitude of feelings, was hospitalised end of August as I couldn't move. They hoped it was viral and treated me conservatively, mainly with steroids, injections and tablets. Very sadly, my mum died unexpectedly of septicaemia shortly after I came out of hospital so it's been a long and tough 6 months. How I feel emotionally mostly depends on how I am feeling physically though am going to try and address that as that means seesawing moods. It's so difficult to seperate out what is Mum, what is arthritis and what is steroids talking when I get upset. A bit of everything really. I can't imagine that I may have this illness for the rest of my life, that is the difficult bit for me. Sorry for long and rambling answer but sometimes it helps to say all this. You are so young to have such an illness. How do you cope with it?
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Date: 24.12.2009
From: Verity

Subject: Re: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth

I can't really think about when I get to 50 and further, to be honest it frightens me because Ive had really fast deterioration over the last 10 years so god knows whats in stall! I just think about now and deal with each day as it comes. Some days I feel emotionally stronger than others and never know how im gonna be until after ive got up in the morn.
Im really sorry to hear about your mum. That must be horrendous. Have you thought about speaking to a counsellor to try and 'organise' your emotions a bit? Ive seen many but one in particular really helped me. Its definately worth a try.
My emotions also vary depending on how Im feeling physically. Its very difficult to keep a smile on your face when youre in so much pain. My saving grace is my boyfriend, Tom. He's very good at ignoring me if I get nasty and angry because he knows its not him im being angry at. Its myself. But then after I calm down I get a hug and a cup of tea. What support do you have with regards family and friends? I find being around people that understand (or at least try to understand) make it easier to deal with the pain as you can just go with it and be yourself without worrying about what people think.
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Date: 24.12.2009
From: bsk

Subject: Re: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth

hi Verity, Hopefully by the time you get to 50 they will have advanced treatments to help you. You are lucky, too, to have a supportive boyfriend. I'm ok about my mum,just sad on some days now, especially this time of year, though sometimes it really hits me but nothing out of the ordinary I think. I agree that counselling can help and would certainly consider it if things get out of hand. I've got a lot of support, my friends are amazing and have been fantastic over the past few months and we are close in my family. But not the same as having a partner to support you obviously. The great thing about being 50 is you care less what people think and organise yourself to suit yourself! Some consolation!
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Date: 24.12.2009
From: lucy29

Subject: Re: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth


Sorry to hear about your flare up....its horrible when they come but it happens to the best of us hun!!!

I ahte this weather it does me no son loves it though so it kinda cheers me up seeing him enjoy it so much.....just wish i could get out there and enjoy it with him.

Hope 2010 is better for you and you get some kinda relief from the treatment its just a case of trail and error.

Take Care

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Date: 24.12.2009
From: bsk

Subject: Re: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth

Thank you lucy. I hope 2010 is better too, and good for you too. Enjoy Christmas
Sally x
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Date: 24.12.2009
From: jill

Subject: Re: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth

Sally Hio sweetie, so sorry to hear that...the good thing is tho, now they know what they r treating, so good u had your diagnosis....I have Inflamatory artha too.... treatment is same as for R.A. and also sadly as u have found out, the pain is the same as R.A. O.A. P.A....the most common is R.A. and people seem to know that type of Arthritis, but the other types Ive mentioned are at painful as R.A., lots people dont reconise that...... At lest U know I havd same as U, and if I can be of any help, ask ok..... glad u r going on MTX, will help u lots, so look forward to the new year, STAY POSITIVE, AND IF YA NOT, i WANNA KNOW Y lol.... anyway, here for u ok, we all are....take care Love Jill xxxxx
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Date: 24.12.2009
From: bsk

Subject: Re: methotrexate in new year/sero negative inflammatory arth

Thank you hon! It means so much to have your support. So you've got the same as me, well, I know where to come to for advice then lol. Some people have said Inflam Arth not as bad as RA by my rhuem nurse said not nec true. Some people with RA aren't bad at all, some v bad. So it's down to the individual I guess, everyone's different. So sore these days am actually looking forward to mtx lol. Getting dinner ready for 8 people tonight and it's hard work on the joints but I am managing, which is the main thing. Have a great Christmas! love Sally xxxx
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